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Your beard.



Shave it!

But seriously, does anyone have parts of their beard that look funny or differ from the norm. I can't grow a soul patch for the life of me. The soulpatch hair all comes in blond!



My soul patch is pretty light colored too. When it gets longer it finally darkens up, but it looks blond when it's first growing out.

Also I grow very little neck hair. It's pretty nice since I don't really have to shave, but considering how think and dark my beard is one would expect a lot of neck hair.




If I'm stressed at work, I absentmindedly start to tug hairs out of my bears 1 by 1. People around me know when it's a bad time to bother me if they see a bald patch.




I can't grow the parts between the mustache and chin hair, or the soulpatch and chin hair. My goatee is disjointed and messy as a result so I try again every couple months just to see if it's getting any less patchy. Right now, it's closer and fuller than it was at Hallowe'en, so yay.



I can't grow the parts between the mustache and chin hair, or the soulpatch and chin hair. My goatee is disjointed and messy as a result so I try again every couple months just to see if it's getting any less patchy. Right now, it's closer and fuller than it was at Hallowe'en, so yay.

I always think that a goatee looks badass if you have just a mustache and the chin, but alas, my mouth isn't really all that wide so the mustache looks really goofy on my face unless I do a fu manchu.




I can't grow the parts between the mustache and chin hair, or the soulpatch and chin hair. My goatee is disjointed and messy as a result so I try again every couple months just to see if it's getting any less patchy. Right now, it's closer and fuller than it was at Hallowe'en, so yay.

I always think that a goatee looks badass if you have just a mustache and the chin, but alas, my mouth isn't really all that wide so the mustache looks really goofy on my face unless I do a fu manchu.[/QUOTE]

The problem is that my facial hair is so patchy that without a proper shape it just looks... accidental.

Here's a pic of me at Hallowe'en for reference. (I'm the Luigi dude in case you don't recognize me :))


Fun Size

Fun Size

I've been able to grow a full beard since high school, but it grows thin on the cheeks, so I can't grow the manly-man, Grizzly Addams type beard. I get more of a Hans Gruber, which isn't bad, but means that just not shaving and going stubbly for a week ends badly.




Mine's starting to go salt-and-pepper, which is disturbing. Especially since my beard tends to be more red than my hair elsewhere, so it's more like salt-pepper-and-paprika.




Heh, our May contest should be a Halforums Beard-off. I wouldn't win but it would still be neat.




My facial hair comes in to patchy for a full beard so I went with a goatee for two reasons. I like it and secondly I look really young without it.




My beard is red, but the hair on my head is brown. I get asked if I dye my beard. Who dyes their beard??


Rob King

Rob King

My neck grows out like a motherfucker. My cheeks don't. My 'stache also doesn't connect to my chin that well, so I make up for it by letting the mustache grow long ... which gets annoying.

I have a love/hate relationship with my facial hair.

See my bald cheeks there? I will never grow a Billy Mays-esque, übermanly full beard. :(




I can't grow facial hair to save my life. I get mean stubble even by the end of the day, but no real beard. I have the Joe Dirt problem. My facial hair seems to naturally grow into redneck shapes. Plus, I have serious neckbeard, so if I don't trim constantly, it looks like any beard I do have is trying to take over my body.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

There are bald spots around where the cheek would get to the chin, so I couldn't do a full beard.




I miss my monster goatee. I can grow a full mountain man beard if I want, but due to work I can't. I do, however, usually have sideburns down to the base of my jaw. My beard is the same color as my hair (dark brown), but the goatee part on my chin will usually have a bit of deep red in it, which is kinda weird.




I can grow a full beard in a couple of weeks, which is mainly why I have a beard now... too lazy to shave.

My beard is weird, though, in that if you look closely, there's a whole rainbow of colors in it. There's black, blonde, red, brown, even red and white. It's madness.




My neck grows out like a motherfucker. My cheeks don't. My 'stache also doesn't connect to my chin that well, so I make up for it by letting the mustache grow long ... which gets annoying.

I have a love/hate relationship with my facial hair.

See my bald cheeks there? I will never grow a Billy Mays-esque, übermanly full beard. :(
The similarities keep piling up... I have a similar problem with my facial hair. I can grow it really, really thick and long along and under my chin, but where sideburns would form I only have frilly, barely-visible hair. Also, I started getting moustache hair only about three years back, and still I can't get it to grow right under my nose. At the corners of my mouth it grows like weed, but right under my nose... almost nothing. Almost like a reverse Hi... Charlie Chaplin.

Not to mention the fact that I'm blond but my beard grows rusty red.




Funny this thread started today. This year (the third year I've 'gone beard' during Winter), I decided to stop shaving and 'let it go' on the first day of Winter. Today being the first day of Spring, I decided it was time to take it off. The different thing this year was that I just let it go untouched (except for trimming to keep tips out of my mouth and ears). It actually got a lot longer than I expected. An interesting experiment, don't know if I'll repeat it.





I had a beard and a mustache, but I shaved it when I found out my wife was pregnant. I want to kiss my daughter with a clean face.




I have a goatee nowadays, and, like others here, my moustache and beard don't quite connect...But only on the left. On the right, they grow together nicely. :confused:
Also, my whole beard grows with a strong right slant. Even my moustache. If I grow out my beard a bit, it completely points to the right...Meaning I can't get anything symmetrical going. It's odd.
And, also, black hair on top (well, shaved), brownish beard with red and blonde streaks.




My beard is named Kerri.




It actually got a lot longer than I expected. An interesting experiment, don't know if I'll repeat it.





A beard...no, i don't have one, i married her because i love women... and their vaginas... i just like to tap my foot when i'm in a public bathroom... it was all a misunderstanding.




And breasts too right? They're like....bags of sand.


Wasabi Poptart

Try as I may, I just cannot grow a beard or mustache or facial hair of any sort. It kind of puts a damper on my dream job with the circus.




A beard...no, i don't have one, i married her because i love women... and their vaginas... i just like to tap my foot when i'm in a public bathroom... it was all a misunderstanding.
I don't know what this means, and I think that it's best that I don't get it.




A beard...no, i don't have one, i married her because i love women... and their vaginas... i just like to tap my foot when i'm in a public bathroom... it was all a misunderstanding.
I don't know what this means, and I think that it's best that I don't get it.[/QUOTE]

Google Larry Craig... and search beard on urban dictionary.



For many years I had the problem of moustache not meeting chin growth, giving my facial hair an almost painted on feel, as though they were two separate elements pasted on with elmer's glue.
Now it comes in and colour has almost gone.
After a while with a full beard I now have what is called a circle beard or 'moutee' apparently' (thank you wikipedia!). The beard made me look older which was sweet, but now the circle beard makes me look younger which is awesomer.




Circle beard.. so kinda like Stevie Wonder?

That beard has always looked like he's just finished rimming someone very unclean to me... :paranoid:




Circle beard.. so kinda like Stevie Wonder?

That beard has always looked like he's just finished rimming someone very unclean to me... :paranoid:

Nah, he just loves him some jello puddin. No spoon needed.




On the left side, the thickness is....just barely acceptable but it's under my jawline just a little bit. On my right side, it's on my jawline but it's got a horrible think/patchy area. The 'stache doesn't connect. I've been thinking about shaving the sides and just keeping the mustache and chin shit. Everyone I ask though tells me to either keep it or grow it out, even though I try explaining that this is it, it IS grown out.

I think I just need to shave it all through. I was going to a few weeks ago but my roommate who had a full mountain man beard shaved his like the day before I was going to, so I figured I would wait a little bit before I did anything to mine.




Mine is full and thick and very red, only odd thing is that I have white hair highly concentrated on my chin so it looks like I have giant tusks protruding upwards.




A beard...no, i don't have one, i married her because i love women... and their vaginas... i just like to tap my foot when i'm in a public bathroom... it was all a misunderstanding.
I don't know what this means, and I think that it's best that I don't get it.[/QUOTE]

Google Larry Craig... and search beard on urban dictionary.[/QUOTE]

It's in the normal dictionary, too. I just checked.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Positing in here so I can come back here wgenb I'm norn drunki!




View attachment 414
Why yes. The carpet DOES match the drapes.

I have this red hair that grows from my chin once in a while. When I pluck it, it can grow back in as little as a month (to the length I am able to pluck), but sometimes it waits a few months before deciding to grow.

As far as armpit hair goes, I never wear sleeveless shirts so I sometimes forget to shave. I try to do it every time I wash my hair (every other day) but sometimes I completely forget! About a month ago I was getting dressed and looked in the mirror when I was taking off my sleeping shirt. DIZZAM. I must have not shaved all winter! But it was really soft :3




Frankie Williamson

I can barely grow a mustache, but everything else is thick as hell. Which sucks, since the only facial hair I'm allowed to grow is a mustache. We had a mustache off here, some of the fuckers can go waxy giant comical mustachio'd in like a week, whereas I can barely get the whispy 14 year old stache out.



re: Vytamindi: :Leyla::bolt:


Rob King

Rob King

I can barely grow a mustache, but everything else is thick as hell. Which sucks, since the only facial hair I'm allowed to grow is a mustache. We had a mustache off here, some of the fuckers can go waxy giant comical mustachio'd in like a week, whereas I can barely get the whispy 14 year old stache out.
That's tragic. I always pictured you with a mustache.

I'm seriously considering shaving off the beard and leaving the 'stache, just for a week or something. I was going to do it back in November, but I was doing supervised access contracts with Child Youth and Family Services, and it helps not to look like a pedophile in that job.




If I don't shave in 4 days and if I happen to go to an airport in the United States, I will be asked to follow them to a private room and then proceed to experience a cavity search by a burly woman called "Katie".





I was wondering why your frequent flyer miles had increased so much lately...


Philosopher B.

My beard is epic. You just can't see it because the hairs grow in transparent. :ninja:




then it'd be white, like a polar bear


Philosopher B.

Hush up, you.




I got a really nice beard going right now.It is in its 3 week. Once I get my Webcam rolling after I installed Windows 7,I'll snap a pic of it.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I used to stay completely shaven when I had long hair. But since cutting off almost three feet of hair 6 years ago I seem to keep myself at a constant state of scruff. My goatee is always fully grown in but every few days I'll shave everything but my chin. I have a habit of stroking my chin when in thought and I've found that if I shave it then my mind is completely useless and I can't get any work done.
