Your beard.

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I can barely grow a mustache, but everything else is thick as hell. Which sucks, since the only facial hair I'm allowed to grow is a mustache. We had a mustache off here, some of the fuckers can go waxy giant comical mustachio'd in like a week, whereas I can barely get the whispy 14 year old stache out.
I can barely grow a mustache, but everything else is thick as hell. Which sucks, since the only facial hair I'm allowed to grow is a mustache. We had a mustache off here, some of the fuckers can go waxy giant comical mustachio'd in like a week, whereas I can barely get the whispy 14 year old stache out.
That's tragic. I always pictured you with a mustache.

I'm seriously considering shaving off the beard and leaving the 'stache, just for a week or something. I was going to do it back in November, but I was doing supervised access contracts with Child Youth and Family Services, and it helps not to look like a pedophile in that job.
If I don't shave in 4 days and if I happen to go to an airport in the United States, I will be asked to follow them to a private room and then proceed to experience a cavity search by a burly woman called "Katie".


Philosopher B.

My beard is epic. You just can't see it because the hairs grow in transparent. :ninja:
I got a really nice beard going right now.It is in its 3 week. Once I get my Webcam rolling after I installed Windows 7,I'll snap a pic of it.
I used to stay completely shaven when I had long hair. But since cutting off almost three feet of hair 6 years ago I seem to keep myself at a constant state of scruff. My goatee is always fully grown in but every few days I'll shave everything but my chin. I have a habit of stroking my chin when in thought and I've found that if I shave it then my mind is completely useless and I can't get any work done.
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