Your Necromancer has a problem

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Yeah but that just means you won't be hung over when your loved ones show up.
oh? but I will be.

dead yet?[/QUOTE]

Almost my dear. It was an option I considered.

A lot has happened to me over this last week. I'm breaking my forum silence now because I feel I have to. I wanted to break it before with Crones drawing thread, I really would like one of my own. But I digress. That's not what this thread is about.

Firstly. Allow me to first say this:

This is not a pity thread!

It's also not a joke.

This is a thread I must make to come to terms with certain things in my life. Mainly that, I am an alcoholic.

I am not going to go into details about how this realization has been forced upon me but I will make this thread because as I have recently learned the first step, after admitting you have a problem, is coming clean and being open with the people in your life. And you people are in my life. Admittedly I'm not a big part of yours but I do consider our little community a big part of mine.

Anyhow, as all is said and done, I have to make this thread. I thank you for taking the time to read it. You may now go about your day.

Also, in before get a blog and LOLZ you can't handle your liquor!!!HAHAHA!!

by the way, I can handle my liquor fine. mine, yours, theirs, all of the above. So much so that my life has begun to revolve around it. Hence the problem.

If you'll excuse me now, I'll be on my way to my first AA meeting.
Way to go man. Glad you are getting the help you need. No pity here, just admiration that you are taking the steps that you must.


Good luck.

Also, I'll totally draw you. PM a pic, and I'll bump shego's outta the queue


Staff member
I wish you all the luck in the world. We've had alcoholics in the family, and it's a long and hard road. I am sure you can overcome it. You'll be in my thoughts, TN. :hug:


Good luck mate. You can always enjoy your liquor. The moderation is the hard part. I'm glad you are working toward that.
Good luck and in a weird way, I offer my congrats, as it isn't easy to say these things. I've never been there myself but I've family and family friends who have gone through it. If their experience is any indication, it's a challenging process.

I hope it works out for you.


Good luck mate. You can always enjoy your liquor. The moderation is the hard part. I'm glad you are working toward that.
In order to recover alcoholics can't have alcohol at all. They aren't working towards moderation they work towards complete abstinence from alcohol. It's really an all or nothing kind of thing.


Staff member
I have my doubts about the effectiveness of AA... Blame Penn and Teller for that.

But my doubts about you, Necromancer? None whatsoever. It takes guts to admit that you have a problem, and I wish you all the best in your efforts to get rid of or control said problem. If we can do anything to keep you sober, let us know.


Staff member
My father is an alcoholic (well, he doesn't drink much any more, but that's mostly because the asbestos poisoning means he can't breath very well and he had to give up quite a few vices).

Dude, if anyone gives you shit about this I'll kick them in the nuts. It took a lot of balls to come forward and talk about it. I'm damned glad that you reached the conclusion before something truly bad happened.

Stay strong and we'll be your support group as you need it.


I have my doubts about the effectiveness of AA... Blame Penn and Teller for that.

But my doubts about you, Necromancer? None whatsoever. It takes guts to admit that you have a problem, and I wish you all the best in your efforts to get rid of or control said problem. If we can do anything to keep you sober, let us know.
AA is an excellent program. Penn and Teller can eat my ass.


Good for you dude.

If you're ever in town, give me a ring and we'll shoot the shit and have a beer....oh shi....


Staff member
I have my doubts about the effectiveness of AA... Blame Penn and Teller for that.

But my doubts about you, Necromancer? None whatsoever. It takes guts to admit that you have a problem, and I wish you all the best in your efforts to get rid of or control said problem. If we can do anything to keep you sober, let us know.
AA is an excellent program. Penn and Teller can eat my ass.[/QUOTE]

If I start calling things bullshit do I get the same offer? :unibrow:


Alcohol was destroying my father. When he admitted to having a problem, the whole family was behind him. He hasnt touched the stuff in about ten years and he is much better for it. The support was what he needed and he got it.

If you need to talk it out and get some support, I am sure myself and judging from the responses, many people here would be more then willing to lend a shoulder and an ear.


I have my doubts about the effectiveness of AA... Blame Penn and Teller for that.

But my doubts about you, Necromancer? None whatsoever. It takes guts to admit that you have a problem, and I wish you all the best in your efforts to get rid of or control said problem. If we can do anything to keep you sober, let us know.
AA is an excellent program. Penn and Teller can eat my ass.[/QUOTE]

If I start calling things bullshit do I get the same offer? :unibrow:[/QUOTE]

I have to admit I've never seen how somebody becomes an alcoholic. I've had fun while drunk, I've enjoyed the feeling of being completely wasted. But even then it seemed really stupid not something I would wrap my life around.

Course seeing my dad drinking himself to oblivion and finding the bottles when the housekeeper fell off the wagon hard made the entire thing make even less sense.

I'm glad your getting help Nec just remember to stay on the program because no matter how much not drinking sucks falling off the wagon isn't the answer.
I don't know if this is appropiate, but congrats for taking this first, hard steps. I think that [Fail] is seriously misplaced.

Best of luck to you in this.


I have my doubts about the effectiveness of AA... Blame Penn and Teller for that.

But my doubts about you, Necromancer? None whatsoever. It takes guts to admit that you have a problem, and I wish you all the best in your efforts to get rid of or control said problem. If we can do anything to keep you sober, let us know.
AA is an excellent program. Penn and Teller can eat my ass.[/QUOTE]

If I start calling things bullshit do I get the same offer? :unibrow:[/QUOTE]

I always suspected.

On topic. If you can afford it actually going to rehab would help and while it's great to have friends and family to support you, having the support of an AA group is invaluable.


Good luck mate. You can always enjoy your liquor. The moderation is the hard part. I'm glad you are working toward that.
In order to recover alcoholics can't have alcohol at all. They aren't working towards moderation they work towards complete abstinence from alcohol. It's really an all or nothing kind of thing.[/QUOTE]

ah. I don't have any alcoholic (thank goodness) in my family. We are mostly workaholic.

Well Necro, admitting is a first step. I'll have your back on this :) good luck mate.


Good luck mate. You can always enjoy your liquor. The moderation is the hard part. I'm glad you are working toward that.
In order to recover alcoholics can't have alcohol at all. They aren't working towards moderation they work towards complete abstinence from alcohol. It's really an all or nothing kind of thing.[/QUOTE]

ah. I don't have any alcoholic (thank goodness) in my family. We are mostly workaholic.

Well Necro, admitting is a first step. I'll have your back on this :) good luck mate.[/QUOTE]

The therapy for workaholics involves lots of heroine.


Glad you're getting the help you need. Take care of yourself, ok?


I suggest getting a hobby and getting off the internet. Internet leads to boredom. Boredom leads to drinking.

I found you a snazzy sig file:

Kudos man, it takes guts to take this first step. No one should be giving you shit about it. I agree with Dave, they'd deserve a kick in the nuts. In fact, I'll kick them in the face while they're writhing on the ground from Dave's nutkick.
I wish you the best. Be firm in your resolve.

If you fall off the wagon, get back on and start your count over again.
This. I have a history of addiction in my family - alchoholic grandfather, mother who looked like she was heading that way (and who just... can't... quite quit smoking. Every time she tries (for over 20 years, off and on).), and I've seen how it can affect people.

You're taking the first step. Keep stepping after that. And if you stumble, or fall even, just know that the path is still before you, waiting for you to take another step.

Cheesy metaphor? Maybe, but true nonetheless.


Go at your own pace.
AA is good for some, better for the more religious. It did not work for me, but I do recommend you go and see if it works for you.
Finding and understanding the trigger(s) to cause you to drink is the most important step that worked for me.
Good luck, dude. I've known more than a few people who got really wrapped up in alcohol is real bad way, but they've all mostly managed to pull out of the tail spin they were in.

You can do it!
Godspeed, TN. I totally understand the desire and even need to post this here. It shocks me sometimes how important this forum has become to me, even.

I hope you have support structures in real life, though, too. We like you, and some of us might even be what you would call friends, but very little that we can do from here will help you on your recovery. I'm sure this disappoints nobody more than it disappoints each and every one of us. I'm sure we all offer our support from wherever we are, and I'm sure every one of us are praying and hoping that people who are actually in your life can do all of the things that we wish we could.
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