Your Necromancer has a problem

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I understand a group of peers can be very helpful... but, I'm sorry, how are THEY, with problems of their own, supposed to REMOVE all my flaws?
Why are you so damn literal? It is about removing your flaws through growing as a person as a result of the support of the group or whatever else supports you.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I found this funny because you're a law student.
To Makare and Calleja, this thread is about TN's problem, not your personal pissing matches over semantics.

You really should both be ashamed of yourselves.

The worst part is that I KNEW that it would devovle into some stupid debate about AA.

I don't care what the mechanism is for people getting sober, just that they have support.


To Makare and Calleja, this thread is about TN's problem, not your personal pissing matches over semantics.

You really should both be ashamed of yourselves.

The worst part is that I KNEW that it would devovle into some stupid debate about AA.

I don't care what the mechanism is for people getting sober, just that they have support.
Perhaps the true path to sobriety lies within the path of drunkenness?


Staff member
Anyway, like all things, AA's not for everyone. People can find support for this sort of thing in many forms.
Pretty much this. If AA has to much religious connotations for someone there are plenty of other options. If AA works for people or if they find religion or don't while in AA good for them. It's their lives.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. To me, I don't care if the Sober Fairy comes down and waves her magic wand or if it's AA - as long as he gets and feels better in this case it's the results that matter.

Instead of debating the merits or demerits of any one program we should just say good luck and move on. If you want to start another thread on AA and thing like that feel free.

(No, I'm not stopping off-topic stuff here. I just think it would be more respectful to someone who showed incredible bravery with his confession.)


Considering that our "pissing match" seems to be over, well done for bringing it up again.
I think I would have been disheartened should this thread have not moved onto other subject matter. It is after all the very nature of our boards and conversations. Should it have been mine alone that had stayed upon subject and quietly shrank away one might think that my little issue was of no importance to anyone but myself.

Off topic and derail is a simple matter of our lives here on this board. One can hardly expect any thread to actually stay on topic for a mere page much less it's entirety of existence. This is well known to me and expected.

On topic however. Aside from the first couple of days being very difficult only with grasping and handling the realization and the beginnings of a new path there has been little difficulty for one reason. My children have been home. My true test will come tonight as it will be the first night they shall not be in care and as such is a usual drinking night for me. But I am firm in my resolve and will find other pursuits for the evening.


Staff member
I think I would have been disheartened should this thread have not moved onto other subject matter. It is after all the very nature of our boards and conversations. Should it have been mine alone that had stayed upon subject and quietly shrank away one might think that my little issue was of no importance to anyone but myself.

Off topic and derail is a simple matter of our lives here on this board. One can hardly expect any thread to actually stay on topic for a mere page much less it's entirety of existence. This is well known to me and expected.

On topic however. Aside from the first couple of days being very difficult only with grasping and handling the realization and the beginnings of a new path there has been little difficulty for one reason. My children have been home. My true test will come tonight as it will be the first night they shall not be in care and as such is a usual drinking night for me. But I am firm in my resolve and will find other pursuits for the evening.
What time zone are you in? Want to play an online game or maybe get a trial to Eve? We can grab the Vent and have some fun.
What time zone are you in? Want to play an online game or maybe get a trial to Eve? We can grab the Vent and have some fun.[/QUOTE]

Appreciate the offer Dave. My gaming computer is inoperable at the moment however and the one I'm currently using is of little use other than research and the forum. So if I'm not working on that tonight (which in truth is unlikely that I will be) I have a list of other things. My fish tank needs a good cleaning for one. As well I've got some tv to watch and my favorite option of them all is some reading. The pubs have taken much of my reading time for far to long and that has been a great benefit to all this, that I've found the time to read again. I'm currently midway through the Sherlock Holmes collection and will mostly likely be involved in that.

But again, the offer is appreciated and I'm sure in time I will come calling for just such entertainment.

Oh. And for the record, I'm on the west coast.
Considering that our "pissing match" seems to be over, well done for bringing it up again.

Can you ever just shut the fuck up without putting in the last word?[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on that sharkbreath. I think she would be more accomodating to your query if were you more tactful about it.

TN, as a fellow recovering binge drinker, I wish you well in your endeavor to be sober.

I fell off the wagon tonight. I'm in safe company. things are ok. I know it's not right but, at the same time it's not bad for the night. This is a bit of a conflict for me.
There are days like that. At least you are in good company. Take care that it doesn't become a regular thing, but don't come down too hard on yourself. You are, after all, only human. *wry smile*
Don't get too stressed, TN.

What's important now is getting back on the wagon, not that you fell off once. It's just going to take some time.
Well, TN, I can tell you this, invariably everyone falls off the wagon out of the gate. It's only a problem if you use it as an excuse to let yourself fall back into old patterns. It took me 3 false starts before I finally kicked the sauce. The first was by far the most emotional with me crying and telling my best friend that I needed help. The last was me silently accepting my situation and making a real determination to change.
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