You're annoying facebook friends.

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Post here your biggest pet peeves about your facebook friends.

My number one annoyance are the friends who post that they're "at the gym" on a daily basis, and magically stay fat.

Close second are the people that post twitter-like bullshit on facebook every 15 minutes.

Third is probably that person that posts every single picture they've ever taken (album of 600+ pictures) on their page.
I do believe he did, Mex. Unless he's trying to say that we annoying our facebook friends.

A few pet peeves of mine:
-The people who keep tagging you in every TL;DR post about their life so that you are ensured to at least look at it.
-The friends who have that need to "like" EVERY fucking thing you post. Seriously, I have one friend like that and she's fucking annoying.
-Applications. Just...applications in general. I don't give a shit which Homestar Runner character you are.


My facebook friends don't really do anything annoying. If I had to pick something netspeak pisses me off.. u this, u that. It is annoying. Oh and people who make political comments and get pissed off when people with contrary views respond.


My facebook friends don't really do anything annoying. If I had to pick something netspeak pisses me off.. u this, u that. It is annoying. Oh and people who make political comments and get pissed off when people with contrary views respond.

Here are posts from one of my friends from undergrad. She's a medical doctor. These are from the last month.

who would name their kid Sapien? seriously, r u tryin to insult my intelligence or somthing??? ....I had assumed that SAPIEN was his "DEFAULT" setting...loool..not his freakn NAME!!!!!!!!!!! what was his parents really thinking ????>>>>"""Com here little Sapien, u already look like an alien so lets make them think u...r human for once"" :) I think Hell is anxiously waitin for me :)

"he has been sittin in bed for 2 weeks without a shower for god's sake, and u ask why he is itchin? stop freakn prescribin Benadryl like it is M&M !!!!!what is next ? an EPI pen????!!!!! " lol... Dr. ----------- ending her dictation :)

cause life is 10% what u got....and 90%ur attitude bout it let it shine ;) !!! it usually takes ppl about a century to find out what they got and then another century to develop som attitude bout it ...and they never get a chance to let it shine hahha....okkkkkkkkkk off to another lovely nite at work !


Gah. At least the people on my facebook that talk like that are not even in college. That is some sad stuff right there.


Gah. At least the people on my facebook that talk like that are not even in college. That is some sad stuff right there.

Now, she's not a student anymore. She's a full fledged, practicing M.D..


Staff member
I hate people posting "happy birthday" on all of their friends' walls, especially if that's the only communication they ever have with that person.


Oh I thought of one that really pisses me off. People who post very serious news on facebook before telling people. I found out one of my good friend's mom had cancer and that my infant cousin died of sids from Facebook posts. That is just stupid.


One girl on my friends list is my best friend's sister. I knew her growing up, which is the only reason why I have her as a friend to begin with. She's got four kids with a fifth on the way and all she does is bitch about how hard her life is. STOP FUCKING HAVING KIDS LIKE IT'S 1699!


Staff member
I hate that my wife farms on my account and posts every fucking Farmville thing she can so her other accounts can get the little prizes that these posts give. She basically spamposts using my name and I hate it. I no longer do anything on FB except Mafia Wars and Bejeweled simply because looking at my own profile wall makes me want to jab a nail through my coccyx.


I am just tried of the whole social aspect of FaceBook. I like getting together with people to be social and have a few drinks in real life. I think people treat it as being social when in fact, they are just posting their lives and care little on what is going on in other people's lives. If they want to post about their lives, get a blog.

(Yes. I have a blog and I do post my nonsense there.)
I hate when people post pictures of you drunk from 10 years ago in college.

Facebook is pretty much just a way for people to get a hold of me if they have to. I never look at it unless I get some kind of alert that someone sent me a message or wants to be my friend.
I hate, hate, ragehate people who post "Feeling sad" and "Why is life hard?" and "Took a chance and failed :(" just so that others will go "Awww what's wrong?" and they can reply "Oh nothin'..." and you get to watch this bullshit drama unfold EVERY GODDAMN DAY.

...I deleted my sister, cousin, aunt and several acquaintances because of this shit.

Also applications.

However, like Charlie, there are a few Facebook Friends I keep around because of just how hilarious their stupid shit is. There's an old coworker on there who is trying to become a mermaid. She is 23.


Damn it my facebook friends aren't dramatic at all :( I demand more drama!

Wasabi Poptart

My high school reunion was coming up, so I added a bunch of people that I went to school with and haven't seen since graduation. One is a woman I had been best friends with from middle school until senior year. She is living in 1989 which is both sad and annoying.
I also hate how many people send me friend requests because we went to school together and then don't say a word to me once I accept the friend request. I remove people if they haven't said anything to me in more than 2 months.
My pet peeves on Facebook are:

  1. You hate Mondays. You remind me every week. I get it. This is annoying, I always mouse over the ignore person and don’t quite get there yet. (at least I can ignore Farmville and shit like that, you can’t ignore idiots)
  2. You hate work. You remind me every few days. Quit or change job, honestly, I don’t give a fuck.
  3. Facebook isn’t twitter. Say something interesting. 8 facebook statuses every day is stupid. These people got quickly removed, less of issue now.

My last 3 facebook statuses:
1) renamed my iPod as 'the titantic' so when I plug it in it's says 'the titantic is syncing.' Awesome

2) today will kick ass. 1) Shop for new HDTV 2) Ruben's Smoke meat 3) Bon Jovi concert!

3) Scroll to the bottom of your Facebook page. 2) On the bottom left corner, click English: US. 3) When the language selection appears, click English: Pirate. 4) Watch what happens.


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There's a friend of my mom's who friended me, and she comments on all my sort of sarcastic, smartassy posts that are in no way serious... just silly little blurbs I leave. She responds to them as if I'm being serious and then follows that with about 8 LOL!!11!!!!!!'s. It's annoying.

I also hate it when people post that "93% of people are too ashamed to post that they love Jesus" crap.

Wasabi Poptart

I also hate it when people post that "93% of people are too ashamed to post that they love Jesus" crap.
The friend I was talking about in my post puts all those things in her status on FB, too! "Post this if you love your mom", "Post this if you want to end cancer", "93% of people won't post this because they're ashamed they have hemorrhoids". AHHHHHH!!!


Staff member
I also hate it when people post that "93% of people are too ashamed to post that they love Jesus" crap.
The friend I was talking about in my post puts all those things in her status on FB, too! "Post this if you love your mom", "Post this if you want to end cancer", "93% of people won't post this because they're ashamed they have hemorrhoids". AHHHHHH!!![/QUOTE]

The one exception was that joke one that went around: "93% of people won't post this because they're afraid of dragons. Someone has to solve the dragon problem!" or something funny like that.

Wasabi Poptart

I also hate it when people post that "93% of people are too ashamed to post that they love Jesus" crap.
The friend I was talking about in my post puts all those things in her status on FB, too! "Post this if you love your mom", "Post this if you want to end cancer", "93% of people won't post this because they're ashamed they have hemorrhoids". AHHHHHH!!![/QUOTE]

The one exception was that joke one that went around: "93% of people won't post this because they're afraid of dragons. Someone has to solve the dragon problem!" or something funny like that.[/QUOTE]
Heh. I put that one on my status.


Staff member
I thought of another one! about 95% of my friends are staunch conservative Catholics, so a lot of what's on my wall are Novena group invites, complaints about Obama, and "I bet this __insert random object___ can get more fans than Obama" stuff. OH and Palin in 2012 posts. Brrrr.
I'm annoyed by stuff that happens OFF Facebook BECAUSE of Facebook.

The other day my girlfriend posted to my wall to ask me if I wanted to do something. A couple hours later, my mom saw this and sent me an email asking me if I got that message and scolded me for ignoring my girlfriend.

I responded with something along the lines of "I texted her back to make plans privately because I don't want everyone reading our conversation. Thanks for proving my point. Stop stalking me."

Goddamnit I have only a shadow of a presence on Facebook and it's mostly because I can't stand my mom commenting on every fucking thing. ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE DOES IT IN REAL LIFE. UGH.
There was another one that was going around: "93% of people out there are affected everyday by someone who needs a punch in the face. If you or someone you know are affected by someone who needs a punch to the face, please post this in your status. Needing a punch in the face can be a lifelong disease, causing heartbreak for thousands." Considering it was posted by one of my superiors in the department, needless to say, LOLs were had.


Staff member
^Wow... that. That too... and people using facebook comments as weight in gossip conversations and the like. That's pretty annoying. (Gusto's thing, not Charon's thing)
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