You're annoying facebook friends.

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Breakin' the combo to point out that I do this on my FB all the time. I'll post a song lyric and people will end up finishing the song. Sometimes they just get mad that the song is stuck in their head, though.
This is gonna sound pointless drama-y but...

An old friend of mine asked me a few days ago if I'd like to hang out with her some time this week and I said that I'd love to, so she said she'd get back to me with details. She just made a facebook post about how bored she is because nobody she wants to see will hang out with her. It made me both sad and angry at her.

I guess my point is, if you're going to pretend to want to stay friends with someone, don't make a public post they'll see that suggests otherwise.
I don't know, there are moments of genius to it.

For example, one of my buddies logged on my laptop a few months back (he was moving and didn’t have the net for a week or so) and forgot to log off. I realized his mistake and I decided to go on my PC and create an account called “Paul’s Right Hand” and successfully managed to get them in a relationship. Needless to state when he logged on almost a week later, he wasn’t impressed. The feedback from friends, coworkers and family was hilarious.


I wouldn't be able to tolerate Facebook if it weren't for the Hide button. That thing is a godsend. I see an application I don't care about? Hover cursor, Hide, Hide [Application]. I get tired of a Facebook friend's postings? Hover cursor, Hide, Hide [Friend].

Or alternately, if you'd like less work, there is always FB Purity.
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