If they haven't hit already, give it another 5 years at most. And happy birthday. You should go out and have some spicy food and booze to celebrate the spicy food and booze not having killed you yet.
You're still a kid. Drama queen.
Happy 30th! Welcome to our hell!
Celt Z
Judging by your icon-photo, I'd say you kissed youth goodbye a while ago.
(Happy birthday, too!)
Happy Birthday!
And sorry to break the news this way, but you are still a youth for about 15 months.
I swear it's getting harder and harder for me to find this pic all the time. Maybe it's my age catching up to me (older than you by 5 ya whipper snapper)
I thought we weren't supposed to get philosophical until at least 40. Shit, I'm almost a year behind.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Unfortunately life is a dick and won't bother giving you sugar, so your lemonade is going to taste like PineSol.