Wyrmrest Accord WoW Guild Sexy Fun Time.

I don't have a mic... I was going to look into picking one up after work too. I can listen while you guys talk though!
We were able to knock off 5 classic dungeons tonight from the achievement. Getting Close! We even made it through BRD.

Thanks to everyone who came.


Staff member
We were able to knock off 5 classic dungeons tonight from the achievement. Getting Close! We even made it through BRD.

Thanks to everyone who came.
BRD?!? I thought we were done! You knuckleheads did it after I logged?
They removed all the key requirements on heroics for the BC dungeons, so that shouldn't be a problem. At least with BC the dungeons aren't an insane distance apart, and they're pretty straight forward. It'll probably be easier to do those than the classic ones.
Blech, wanted to hit 85 tonight but won't be able to play now.

I forgot to put it on the guild calendar, but I'm planning on doing the low level dungeon stuff again on Thursday. Same time, 7 central/5 server. If no one needs any specific dungeons run, I was thinking on working on the rest of the Kalimdor dungeons.
Pfft, no one levels that fast.... ;)
10%xp bonus from Guild
10%xp bonus from Shoulder
10%xp bonus from Chest
10%xp bonus from Helm
10%xp bonus from Legs
5%xp bonus from Cloak

Yeah, they do. You will level once per instance all the way up to the high 70s.


Staff member
Strangely enough, Gil's right about how fast you level now. It's insane.

Until you hit 80 or so at least.
Actually, it's Ramps over and over, then underbog over and over, then Crypts over and over.
And now that I'm in Northrend, it's Utgarde Keep repeatedly. Wish they'd mix it up more, even putting me in a random orange dungeon would be okay. I'm a fucking marvelous healer, I can handle it; honest!