[Webcomic] PVP Discussion

I thought it was hilarious! How totally unexpected was that? And it's canon![DOUBLEPOST=1359381903][/DOUBLEPOST]And Table Titans starts off with the annoying Dwarf chick. I'm out.
I managed to read the TT, but when I wanted to go to the blog post accompanying it, I got a server error :p MMust be the heavy load.


Staff member
Ah, so even writing and drawing a comic for the goddamn Dungeons & Dragons won't get Scott Kurtz to act like a professional.

Y'know, I'd be disappointed and surprised if this was someone else than the Tastemaker.

That being said... still hoping he'll let Dylan take over PvP. [/wishful thinking]
Huh. In the drop-down menu, you can choose to read the Mines of Madness, too. Straight from PvP of course. Oddly, I can read the first comic, but clicking "next" just gets me to the first "new" TT. Going "back" from the first TT isn't an option. So, not quite what it's supposed to be.

Anyway, yeah, winotaurs're dangerous, right?
You know how when you haven't eaten all day, and somebody gives you a saltine cracker, it's the BEST THING YOU'VE EVER TASTED?
It's also because the previous cook has gone repeatedly on record about how he doesn't want to cook that particular meal anymore and how he wants to move on to other recipes and...dammit I'm losing the metaphor!
Asking Kurtz to give over the creative reins for PVP to Dylan Meconis would be like asking Kurtz to give custody of his 15 year old child to Dylan Meconis.

Ain't gonna happen, would be monstrous to even consider.
... but it's not going to keep him from neglecting that child until it finally dies ether. He's certainly too busy to raise it himself. He's a TASTEMAKER! He has shit to do.
Read the first page of Table Titans- FEH! FEH I say! Winotaur? Thats the opening punch-line? A freaking pun?! Still, it probably won't be nearly as bad as Not-Francis or Not-Cole's introduction. I know they have names, but thats how I remember them.
... but it's not going to keep him from neglecting that child until it finally dies ether. He's certainly too busy to raise it himself. He's a TASTEMAKER! He has shit to do.
Then so be it. CALL ME CRAZY but Kurtz will end the comic before he gives creative rights to someone else.
I don't think anyone actually thought it plausible for the guest artist to take over, just like none of use think we'd really have a chance with Michelle Jenneke (boys boys boys :notes:) but that doesn't stop us from drooling over the premise of it happening, y'know?
Maybe we just need to take the right tack - "You know, you're a busy man, this guy's got your back with your comic, you'll be able to interject and still make the moola off of it, let him take the reins and you concentrate on that TT thing."
I wasn't expecting the first issue of Table Titans to be funny, exactly, as it's presented as more a story strip.

I WAS, however, expecting Scott to follow his own advice and upon posting a new webcomic, post the first 30 comics or so. It's hard to find a reason to keep coming back to it at this point, versus say, my first trip to Straub's new Broodhollow which had me hooked in the first 4-6 strips.

I bookmarked TT anyway, if only because Mary Cagle's colouring is so nice. :) Expecting a payoff soon. :)
Of course he won't hand it over. He has a history of astoundingly bad business sense.

He could hand it off, and reap royalties on it without lifting a finger while he develops new properties and monetizes them. The new PvP manager could take the comic to more profitable places Scott is ill equipped to do, and Scott would be free to pursue the dozen projects he wants to do but simply doesn't have time for.

As he develops them, he could actually have an umbrella over a bunch of profitable and enjoyable properties he makes money from and manages at a higher level, adding his own personal touches here and there, while making a great deal more money than he is now.

But, as you suggest, that will never happen.
Cut to 2030: The people of Halforums are cautiously optimistic to see a PvP movie owned and produced by Disney and directed by JJ Abram's clone.
I wasn't expecting the first issue of Table Titans to be funny, exactly, as it's presented as more a story strip.

I WAS, however, expecting Scott to follow his own advice and upon posting a new webcomic, post the first 30 comics or so. It's hard to find a reason to keep coming back to it at this point, versus say, my first trip to Straub's new Broodhollow which had me hooked in the first 4-6 strips.

I bookmarked TT anyway, if only because Mary Cagle's colouring is so nice. :) Expecting a payoff soon. :)
Broodhollow is pretty wonderful so far.

I fear for Straub, he seems to be pretty intimate with the issues he's writing about.


Staff member
Cut to 2030: The people of Halforums are cautiously optimistic to see a PvP movie owned and produced by Disney and directed by JJ Abram's clone.
I think it's more likely that I will learn to sing opera through my pecker before that'll ever happen.
I make my penis sing aaaaaaall the time, like a puppet. It even moves it's little mouth along to the lyrics and is all dancy.


Staff member
The site is down. As is Looking for group...

Did the Internet get the flu, and is coughing up lousy webcomics?