I've never dreamt of any of you. I have dreamt about a toddler size spider fighting with a toddler who wielded a broom and saved the diner!

She was cool. Never did get her name.


Staff member
You guys are cute with your medieval weaponry. Shotty agrees.

Also, as far as gum goes... Extra has this "Dessert Delights" line with mint chocolate chip flavor. IT. IS. CRACK.


Staff member
I like the strawberry shortcake and key lime pie flavors.
Yes, the strawberry shortcake is also pleasurable. But I fear the mint chocolate chip variety is going to bring me to the point where overindulgence will prove sufficient to engage the laxative effects of sorbitol artificial sweetener.

... that sounded more dire and foreboding in my head.


Staff member
Also, as far as gum goes... Extra has this "Dessert Delights" line with mint chocolate chip flavor. IT. IS. CRACK.
Yes, it is so damn good. I was just chewing a piece this morning. I don't know how they did it, but it really does taste like mint chocolate chip.

EXCITE! Got my James Bond party dress today! Pic's when I get home! Cause I'm shameless like that.
YAY! Looking forward to the pics.


Staff member
If you've seen my photos, you know I tend to keep my hair long. Well, until yesterday. This is what happened.

ME: I just want to trim it up, keep the boss happy.
TINY CHINESE LADY WHO CAME UP TO MY HIP WITH AN ACCENT THAT BORDERED ON A STEREOTYPE: So you want keep boss happy but like long hair. I know what you want. You like it.
ME: Um okay, sounds good.
CL: *clip clip* how's that?
ME: That's good.
CL: No, you not boss happy like that. I'll fix it.
ME: ... okay?
ME: *weeps softly*
CL: There, your boss like that. Your eyebrows long, you want me to cut those too?
ME: No thanks they're fine.
CL: No I cut them, you don't know what you want. *clip clip*

It looks good, and it's still shaggy, and she did tell me on my way out that she could tell I didn't get my hair cut often, and she was saving me a trip. So I guess it works out in the end? Now all day, I have to deal with feigned shock from coworkers and family.
Awwwwshit.... storm front that hit North Georgia with tornadoes is coming to Savannah with a bone in it's teeth... maybe it'll peter out before it gets here, like all the others...
I've never dreamt of any of you. I have dreamt about a toddler size spider fighting with a toddler who wielded a broom and saved the diner!

She was cool. Never did get her name.

I dreamed that north ranger worked at my Starbucks. He and the other manager wouldn't lock the doors after we closed and also wouldn't help me help the customers that came in. It was a typical work dream except that for some reason NR was in it and I guess he was American now that I think about it.
I dreamed that north ranger worked at my Starbucks. He and the other manager wouldn't lock the doors after we closed and also wouldn't help me help the customers that came in. It was a typical work dream except that for some reason NR was in it and I guess he was American now that I think about it.
Yeah, and a prick, apparently. Man, North_Ranger , what is wrong with you. phil needed your help! He needed your help!
I feel very...upbeat today (I've been suffering from the gloomies lately..:(), so if anyone wants/needs some extra love, C'mere! :heart:

Hugs and kisses, from me to you!

They can't hear such low frequencies, so to them their farts are silent.
Silent buy deadly. Yep, I went there. Reminds me of this one year at summer camp...[DOUBLEPOST=1359599262][/DOUBLEPOST]
First my back was hurting , than my neck, and now my left hand feels numb. Who wants to bet whatever body part of mine starts acting weird?
How could we tell? The way you tell it your whole body is always acting weird. I bet you your head.
1. I have never dreamt of any specific forumite, but I have dreamt of reading and posting here.

2. I once had a haircut with this really old barber. Like, his barbershop felt like it was built during the Qing dynasty. I went in, he did his business, and I came out with a haircut that didn't look horrible, but didn't look awesome either. Looked sort of awkward-ish.

Little did I know, he'd cut it in a way that made my hair look awesome for up to three weeks afterwards. He could tell exactly how it would look as it grew, and cut it in a way that maximized the awesomeness of the hair afterwards. It was amazing. After only about two days of awkward-ish hair, I had three weeks of awesome hair.

I wanted to go back to him again, but he died.
I really have a thing for girls with undercuts.[DOUBLEPOST=1359601851][/DOUBLEPOST]
2. I once had a haircut with this really old barber. Like, his barbershop felt like it was built during the Qing dynasty. I went in, he did his business, and I came out with a haircut that didn't look horrible, but didn't look awesome either. Looked sort of awkward-ish.

Little did I know, he'd cut it in a way that made my hair look awesome for up to three weeks afterwards. He could tell exactly how it would look as it grew, and cut it in a way that maximized the awesomeness of the hair afterwards. It was amazing. After only about two days of awkward-ish hair, I had three weeks of awesome hair.

I wanted to go back to him again, but he died.
This makes me sad. It is really hard for me to find a good barber. I used to this one girl all the time but then she started travelling the world? What about my needs, Megan?! WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS
I really have a thing for girls with undercuts.[DOUBLEPOST=1359601851][/DOUBLEPOST]
This makes me sad. It is really hard for me to find a good barber. I used to this one girl all the time but then she started travelling the world? What about my needs, Megan?! WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS
I cut my own hair.*

like a real man

*results may vary

I shave my head every year without fail! The picture I took of it this year however...

...could've looked better. I did not have the proper photographic equipment, what can I say?


Can't WAIT to grow all that back.