According to the world and those who are past the year 1352.
The world continues to evolve and if the catholic church doesn't also, they'll go the way of the dinosaur. Frankly, I hope that's what happens, but there are countless millions of people who would be harmed in the process. The catholic church has been a particularly destructive force in Africa. They can be held accountable for millions of HIV infected people due to their homophobic and anti-science stances. The catholic church has been a force of evil in the world.
And I'll reiterate what I said. For the record, I'm a deist agnostic and as far as I'm concerned, the world would probably be a better place without the Holy Roman Church.
However, you're still looking at it from a far too culturocentric point of view. For the HRC to survive and be of any impact
in the Western world, she'd have to become far more modern and open.
No matter
what the Church suddenly starts saying under Lesbian Pope Anya the First (or whomever

), Western Europe isn't suddenly going to desecularize. The USA and Canada aren't going to suddenly see a shift from Protestantism to Catholicism. If the HRC wants to grow, there're only so many markets left.
For Southern America, the focus needs to be, even more than now, on liberation, freedom through suffering, hard work and pain will be rewarded in the afterlife.
For Asia and Africa, the way forward is to be a counterweight to Islamic fundamentalism. And while being a counter for extermism by being modern and moderate might sound appealing to
us, it's not what works. Unlettered, uneducated peasants deliberately kept poor; a populace exploited by corporations and living in practical slavery; hunger, widespread disease still astoundingly high infant death; corrupt officials in countries without identity other than "oppressor", behold the perfect birthing place for religious zealots and fundamentalists.
The way forward as supported by the vast majority of cardinals and bishops in Africa is by radicalising; not by being wishy-washy sort-of-modern but not quite. Convincing people who are still, very often, living in tribal settings and ruled by chieftains; with even modern villages often having medicine men and a vast majority of the people believing these to be more effective than modern medicine, is not going to happen by a Catholic-Church-turned-Western-values-spreader. It can't. You
can't fight every superstition and prejudice all at once,
and think you'll get a lot of converts at the same time. Islamic fundamentalist missionaries have a more rousing message, and are far more successful as a result.
I do want to reiterate what I've said before in other places: I do not think religion in general, or christianity (or Catholicism) in specific, is bad, wrong, or anything. People have a right and a freedom to religion. Religious
fundamentalism I abhor.