
I've actually never heard that. I've only ever heard that muscle weighs more than fat. I do know that muscle takes up less room, in general, than fat. So even if you aren't losing weight you can still be thinner than you were before.

Also, I just want to apologize. I've completely fallen by the wayside on this. I'm trying so hard to get back in to the swing of things, but...I'm really struggling. I do exercise twice a week with the personal trainer, but my eating habits have just gone to junk food and..ugh. I'm having a hard time.

I won't give up. I've worked to hard to do that to myself. This is just a bump in the road.
It's actually pretty hard to put on muscle. For a noob who is training hard, you can maybe put on 2 lbs of muscle a month. 1 lb/month is more normal.


Staff member
I've been ignoring this thread too, Kags. Really, I think I'm just going to ride this burnt-out feeling for a few weeks. After I relaxed about it a bit, I naturally stopped stressing about what I'm eating and how much I'm exercising. I just do it. I feel pretty good, too. I've splurged a bit, but it was easy to get back on track. If anything good comes of this, I'll report in.
It's actually pretty hard to put on muscle. For a noob who is training hard, you can maybe put on 2 lbs of muscle a month. 1 lb/month is more normal.
dude I have no idea where the weight came from, I checked my weight a few times on different scales and they were all roughly the same. I figure it is not muscle weight, and cant explain the rapid gain from one week to the next. if anyone has any real clue that would be super, because I am lost on how I managed to gain back a months worth of work in one week without eating different or exercising less. I am trying to keep at it, but if i start rapidly gaining weight despite actual work in towards being healthier it might be a death knell for me.
Well, a person's weight can fluctuate about ~5 lbs day to day, depending on fluid retention, bodily waste, and glycogen reserves. Depending on what clothes you're wearing and how much you've eaten recently, I could see an 8-10 lb swing if you happened to catch yourself at both ends. Did you weigh yourself at the same time of the day, and did you happen to weigh yourself after working out at one time, but not the other?
Would there be interest for people in this thread to create another thread re: healthy eating? We could share recipes, etc. I'd be eager to learn how to eat well cheaply (I eat decently now, but learning is good!), and share in the challenge of ameliorating our dietary habits.

Also, I've mentioned this before, but eatthismuch.com. It's a pretty flexible meal planner; you input how much you want to eat, what you want to eat, and how often, and it spits out meals (with recipes) for you. If you sign up, I believe you can add your own recipes. You can also adjust macros, among other options. If you have problems figuring out what to eat, this might be for you.
Well, a person's weight can fluctuate about ~5 lbs day to day, depending on fluid retention, bodily waste, and glycogen reserves. Depending on what clothes you're wearing and how much you've eaten recently, I could see an 8-10 lb swing if you happened to catch yourself at both ends. Did you weigh yourself at the same time of the day, and did you happen to weigh yourself after working out at one time, but not the other?
I weigh myself in the morning, after working out normally, but the most recent time was last night on a lark, while talking to my pops about a party I went to over the weekend, I appreciate it, my mind is put at ease by this.

also the fit meals is awesome!
Would there be interest for people in this thread to create another thread re: healthy eating? We could share recipes, etc. I'd be eager to learn how to eat well cheaply (I eat decently now, but learning is good!), and share in the challenge of ameliorating our dietary habits.
Ohh, yes please!
I decided back in mid-January to start going on a diet. With the upcoming baby and my doctor recommending me to shed some weight, I booked an appointment with a nutritionist.

First of all, she's hot as fuck and when she talks, she sounds like Melody from Josie and the Pussycats. Everything she says sounds like a high-pitched ballad. She's very informative and supportive and I go to see her every month.

So, I started off being 6'4 and 241 pounds and now 6 weeks later, weighing myself this morning I'm down to 224 pounds. I loss of 17 pounds in 5 weeks, without performing any exercises what-so-ever.

I plan to shed 24 more pounds in the months to come.
Went to my doc today to see what's going on with my foot and ankle. I have tendonitis in my foot. My ankle keeps popping/cracking/clicking because of old injuries. That makes me laugh because it's old ballet injuries. One of the things that really sucks is that she told me I can't go barefoot all the time because it aggravates the tendonitis and I need to get an ankle sleeve for when I exercise.
Slacked off earlier this week because I was in training, and unable to make the gym in a timely manner (read: I'm not getting up at 0500 to lift things when I have to shoot later that day for score).

Made up for it today. Squatted my bodyweight, deadlifted MORE than my bodyweight, and increased my overhead press. And I feel like I can still add more weight, too.

If only my arms looked as good as my legs right now! *grins* And if I could juuuust shed this waist...
Tried the stationary bike at the gym again. I rode 4.5 miles at 12 mph. It went much better in terms of boredom since I had the American Gods audio book on my phone this time. However, my foot was killing me when I got done.


Staff member
Feeling healthy and not as ruled by emotional/bored eating as I used to be. Exploring my interests... feels nice. Being more honest with the people around me has helped. I guess it's important to remember that weight loss is just as much a mental/emotional exercise. Regular yoga and cardio are helping too. ^_^ The resveratrol in this wine is doing wonders for me as well. :awesome: Moderate amount... 4 delightful ounces.
So, yeah. In November I developed a really horrible case of plantar fasciitis, and it got to the point where I could barely even walk without being in pretty intense pain. I had to quit derby, which completely devastated me, because it's the first sport, like, ever that I was even halfway good at, not to mention my entire social life in Missouri was built around it (and I couldn't really deal with hanging around derby people and hearing them talk about it, so I pretty much cut everyone off.) I couldn't work out, and I stopped taking care of myself altogether and gained a shitton of weight back really fast (162 at my lowest in November to around 178-ish in January. Ugh.) I'm finally starting to get my PF and eating under control again, though, and I'm back around 170. Not great, but my size 10 jeans aren't cutting off circulation anymore. Another month of low-carb eating and exercising a few times a week should hopefully put me back in the low-to-mid 160s. I discovered a brand of protein shakes (Muscle Milk) that I really like, so that helps. I generally have 2 a day, 3 on days that I work out, and then eat another small, low-carb meal at some point. It's nice to be dieting without having to cook meals three times a day, which has always been one of my issues when I cut out carbs, since my go-tos like cereal and sandwiches are off the menu.

tl;dr I'm back but don't expect any underoos pictures for awhile


Staff member
I developed mild achilles tendonitis last week. I fell into a classic runner's trap (the other being never start a land war in Asia): I felt good, so I pushed it too hard. I did some RICE (rest-ice-compression-elevation), and I switched to my bike. I also used a roller to stretch, and I did eccentric strengthening exercises. The roller was quite uncomfortable. After a week, it already feels much better, though. The roller still sucks, but it obviously helped. I can start running again, though I have to heat the tendon first, and drop back my run. But it's still good. Still working karate uninterrupted because it didn't stress the tendon much.
Oooph.... working out RIGHT before work... probably not the smartest idea.... mind you, deadlifted 275, 255 squat, 165 bench today.

Ran a 5k the other day... first time running that far in MONTHS. 27:09... I'll take that.
Hit my first wall with squats today... 265. Did 2 sets of 5, but couldn't finish the 5th rep on the last set. Straight up didn't allow myself to attempt that last rep, because my form was so lousy on the 4th one, and my legs didn't feel capable of it.

Maybe I could have, I don't know. But I'm not going to dick around with 265 lbs on my shoulders.

I'll try it again on Friday. Gonna try a little noms before my workout, see if that helps.
Started working out this semester. Keeping it fairly light, but doing it every day. I can tell I'm getting stronger and I've already lost 8 pounds. :)
2.5 weeks of kickboxing 3-4 times a week (plus 2 months of going once weekly), and my extra chin is starting to slightly disappear.

Everything else not so much. :foreveralone:
At least you're improving upon yourself! That's something. And besides, you could be losing fat! The weight may just take longer to come off. As long as you're doing something for youself, I think you're on the right track.
Doing yoga is making me a savage in jiu jistu. I was already pretty flexible. Now, I'm getting be human putty.


Second 5K race was this weekend. Came in at 29 min exactly; a full 4 minutes better than my first one. :D It certainly helped not running on snow with a freezing wind in your face. Next attempt is April 27th. Goal is 28 min.
I think I lost seven pounds via bowel movement. Every time I got up from the toilet I thought I was done, only to go back to release more. Also I had a headache during. I think I'm sick.


Staff member
I think I lost seven pounds via bowel movement. Every time I got up from the toilet I thought I was done, only to go back to release more. Also I had a headache during. I think I'm sick.
Either that or you need a smaller dose of laxatives in your protein shake.

*hugs* Feel better.
I really, really miss running. No other exercise seems to give me the endorphin rush like running did. This sucks. I can't get motivated to do some other exercise. And my foot is not feeling better which makes it suck even more.
Today would have been a good day for a weigh-in. Alas, I am retarded.

Climbing back onto the wagon after making some excuses last week (Of course it hurts, you little weenie. You worked hard. Now go do it again! ). I'm slooooowly regaining the gains that I lost after my virus-induced absence from the gym. My squats are... I don't know. I'm going to try for another gain on them, but I might be plateauing on what I've got so far. Which is kind of sad, at 245.

Deadlifts, on the other hand, are starting to be something that is no stress at all. Still working hard for 'em, but they're easier to do now. 285.

Overhead Press today - 125. I figured out what Starting Strength was talking about for the motion for it, so the lifts are a little easier now. Still terrifyingly low weight though. :/
