At least 14 injured in Texas College Mass Stabbing

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Staff member
I'm sorry, I thought there was a question asked that desired an answer, in a discussion with actual verbose replies. Next time I guess I'll just reply "lol stfu dork" and everybody will be happier. Or just good old fashioned image macros, everybody loves those.

I'm sorry, I thought there was a question asked that desired an answer, in a discussion with actual verbose replies. Next time I guess I'll just reply "lol stfu dork" and everybody will be happier. Or just good old fashioned image macros, everybody loves those.
It's so hard being you. :rolleyes:
Student ≠ Teacher
Teacher = Real Life experience + Study/Knowledge
I have real life research experience study and knowledge. I've conducted my own studies with significant results, which is more than most grad students can say. I hate that you infer that student's don't know anything about the subject they study almost exclusively for years. It DOES give you more knowledge than the average Joe on the street.
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