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BACKSTORY: I got a kind of big corn from running a little while ago on my middle toe. I treated it with salycic acid like you do, but it still was pretty angry and big and painful. I also soaked it in real hot water and tried to file it down (thanks WEBMD) but this made it kind of... worse. I'm terrible at self-care, so I just kind of ignored it, and it got kind of unsightly and scabby, but not hurting enough to go to a doctor really. But I was a little concerned it hadn't gone away!

Anyways, today. I was wearing my fuzzy pajamas like I am wont to do. And I decided, fuck that, it's warm, I need something that breathes more. So I whipped them off. And part of the fuzz must have caught on the thing. Since uh. It was COMPLETELY ripped off. Now I have a bloody hole about a half-inch in diameter on my toe.

Actually while I was writing this, it got better and stopped bleeding, it was just kind of fucked up and bloody for a little bit. Whew, crisis averted, now I'm gonna drink some since that was a lot of blood for a minute.
You may have followed my earlier comments on a similar saga, Charlie Don't Surf , since I'm still recovering from Self-Surgery-Gone-Wrong to cure my own ingrown toenail woes. If you have trouble getting the bleeding/oozing to stop, just break out a cheap soldering iron and teach those calluses to not come around any more.

Seemed to work pretty well for me.



Definitely drink as much as you can after you lose a lot of blood it is the best medicine

<--- totally a doctor
You may have followed my earlier comments on a similar saga, Charlie Don't Surf , since I'm still recovering from Self-Surgery-Gone-Wrong to cure my own ingrown toenail woes. If you have trouble getting the bleeding/oozing to stop, just break out a cheap soldering iron and teach those calluses to not come around any more.

Seemed to work pretty well for me.

A friend of mine cured his chronic ingrown toenail issue with a pair of pliers. He's missing 4 toe nails now.
A friend of mine cured his chronic ingrown toenail issue with a pair of pliers. He's missing 4 toe nails now.
Mine was nothing special, it just got infected and painful. Now it's just itchy and scabby and almost back to normal.



Staff member
A friend of mine cured his chronic ingrown toenail issue with a pair of pliers. He's missing 4 toe nails now.
I went to a doctor to have that done for me. Involved some cortisone first, but then out came the pliers. The nail grew back, though.


Staff member
Incidentally, they showed it to me after pulling it off. It looked like a piece of onion, peeled off from the outside.
I went to a doctor to have that done for me. Involved some cortisone first, but then out came the pliers. The nail grew back, though.
I also had this done because of an ingrown toenail. I also discovered that some people have an extra nerve in their big toe that makes it difficult to numb, and I'm one of those lucky people. They shot so much cortisone in me that my toe blew up like a balloon.

I thought they would have some kind of super advanced medical procedure for removing a toenail. Nope. They just grab that fucker with pliers and pull.
The ones I had done as a teen were just as a partial avulsion with application to the root of acid to prevent the nail from growing back. Well, some of it did, and that's the issue.

Normally, I just leave enough growth at the edges that there's nothing to dig into the skin, but once in a while, the little remaining sliver that didn't get acid-destroyed will dig into the side of my toe. Not a big deal if I catch it and pull it back out/trim it off, but there are times when something happens that makes it bad … this time I accidentally put our car seat down right on top of the toe, causing the sliver to stab deep into the nailbed (under the nail itself). After I stopped howling, I went after it, trimmed it, and cleaned it out, but guess I wasn't thorough enough because it got infected (like any puncture wound is prone to). This probably happened because I had to drive for 3hrs before I could tend to it, and that was enough time for the various bacteria to really entrench themselves.

Not a big deal, this was only the second time something like this has happened in decades, but when it does happen, it is quite annoying.



Staff member
Embarrassing confession: until I was married I never cut my toenails. I chewed them off. Usually after a shower because it made them softer and easier to "cut" through. I didn't have a set of clippers and either never remembered to buy them or was broke. Since I've been married, though, I don't do this. Mainly because I can afford clippers and I'm not as pliant as I used to be.
I think the statistics say that 1 out of every 5 Americans does this*, Dave. So you had a lot of company, even if it wasn't something that got talked about around the water cooler.

*Source: The Book of Lists (don't remember which one)
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