What are you playing?

The second gym battle was harrowing. Motherfuckers love Bide and Takedown. I got knocked down to four Pokemon but at least I didn't lose any of my important dudes.

Picked up a Sewaddle in the forest and now I know to grind a bit more before trying the next gym.
Lego Batman 2

Oh my god you guys. I love this game. It's just so absolutely silly in every possible definition.

Also, you can play as Superman, fly around Gotham, with the classic John Williams theme playing the whole time.


Since I can't play Fallout 3 when the kids are up (I got my first fix of an hour an a half last night after a 3 week hiatus), all I get to play is Lego Batman 2 with my son. We just got 100%, and yes, it's awesome. What really kills me is how right they get the flying. It's genuinely fun to fly around Gotham as Superman and Green Lantern.

October 31 is Lego Marvel Superheroes. I know it will mostly be a reskinning of Lego Batman 2, and that I will fling my money at them as soon as possible. Flying as Iron Man and pulling buses apart as Hulk? Yes please.
My wife has permitted Minecraft to be played in front of my daughter, mostly because Rhiannon begs her to "hit monsters with Daddy." She'll tell me to watch out when we hear the tortured Zombie gurgles, takes swings herself when she gets worked up, and loves watching me build up my castle.

She's at the point where she tells my wife to stop before they go into the soft play area at the mall, and "clears the area" with a few swings of her own.

Proud geek dad is proud.
My wife has permitted Minecraft to be played in front of my daughter, mostly because Rhiannon begs her to "hit monsters with Daddy." She'll tell me to watch out when we hear the tortured Zombie gurgles, takes swings herself when she gets worked up, and loves watching me build up my castle.

She's at the point where she tells my wife to stop before they go into the soft play area at the mall, and "clears the area" with a few swings of her own.

Proud geek dad is proud.

I gave you a brofist only because we don't have "knowing, approving nod," which I feel is more appropriate.
So, I'm playing Mars: War Logs. It's.....oddly charming in how shitty it is. Like, budget wise, Mass Effect is Star Trek Into Darkness and this game is a Saturday afternoon SyFy original. The acting is 80's b-movie abysmal. The gameplay is janky. The script is nigh undecipherable (it's obviously translated from some eastern European language). But I'm enjoying it.

It's not worth 20 bucks, but when it gets Steam saled, it's worth a try.
The Walking Dead

A couple episodes in so far, and it's solid. I can tell I'm going to regret it not having any ability to skip forward/speed things up for replays though. Which is a shame, since I'd like to run through it multiple times and see how the choices change things, but given that the main plotline seems to be mostly the same, that's a lot of repeated conversations and cutscenes.
Slender - The Arrival.

Very, VERY freaky little game. The atmosphere, the music, the minimalism... You cannot fight, you cannot escape, the only thing you can do is run and stumble in the dark. Run, and hope that you find the last page before it gets you. Well worth the 10 bucks.


Yes, I'm behind. That being said, I'm having a great time playing Brick. Who needs guns when you have FISTS? (Seriously, every boss so far I've forgone guns and just beaten them to death with my bare hands.)
The Walking Dead

A couple episodes in so far, and it's solid. I can tell I'm going to regret it not having any ability to skip forward/speed things up for replays though. Which is a shame, since I'd like to run through it multiple times and see how the choices change things, but given that the main plotline seems to be mostly the same, that's a lot of repeated conversations and cutscenes.
I'm going through this again too. Mainly because I want to have a save for when Season 2 hits this fall. Always a good time.

PS: You will cry the last 15-30 minutes of this game. Nonstop. You will cry and not feel bad or embarrassed.
Code of Princess - This game kind of sucks. And I kind of knew it before, but I got caught up in some people praising it. I was going to get it used from Gamestop so I could just try it out, but on impulse and lack of sleep, I bought it from the 3DS eshop. So now I can't even return it.

There's no thought to this, just button mashing. It gets a little better if you play the thief instead of the princess, because at least then you're quick, but it's just ... brainless. And while the online versus mode might have been some saving grace, I keep getting a connection error, and something tells me there aren't many people playing this.

I won't even criticize its story or voice acting--in large part, it's bad on purpose since this is supposed to be aping a bad girly anime. That'd be fine, except I play a lot of my games on silent either on the bus or while my wife is playing a game on the TV. And even if that wasn't an issue, it's not worth a $30 perma-purchase that I can't trade or sell.

Worst of all, that impulse buy was the last of my spending money for this month and I only allow us $30 per month. I was saving up for Shin Megami Tensei IV, so now I gotta find some stuff to sell, like my GBA games or something, if I want to be able to buy that day one.

I feel like such a moron.
So, I'm playing Mars: War Logs. It's.....oddly charming in how shitty it is. Like, budget wise, Mass Effect is Star Trek Into Darkness and this game is a Saturday afternoon SyFy original. The acting is 80's b-movie abysmal. The gameplay is janky. The script is nigh undecipherable (it's obviously translated from some eastern European language). But I'm enjoying it.

It's not worth 20 bucks, but when it gets Steam saled, it's worth a try.

I lied. This game is pure garbage. The combat gets to be so unfun so as to ruin any enjoyment you could possible eek out of this mess. Do not play this game.
started playing the new Tomb Raider on my new rig (with graphics set on "ultimate").

Totally blown away by the cinematic look of this thing. Liking the game play as well.
Jay, you can disagree all you want, but you're wrong. Code of Princess sucks. Playing as a woman in a chainmail bikini does not make it a good game.
Got the Oracle Zelda games because my wife is nice. I'm playing Oracle of Seasons first--it's nice to have a fun Zelda game I haven't played before.
Last night I nearly killed myself IRL playing Fallout 3. I realized that breaking the lock is not how you pick a lock, but that there's an actual method to it.

Related: facepalming with a controller in your hand is dangerous.
Universe Sandbox

It's currently on Steam for around $2.30. I had some credit left over, so I thought 'what the hell.'

And it's a surprisingly fun little program. You can explode planets, create black holes, fling asteroids into planets, etc. I only played it for a few minutes, but it was pretty neat.
Universe Sandbox

It's currently on Steam for around $2.30. I had some credit left over, so I thought 'what the hell.'

And it's a surprisingly fun little program. You can explode planets, create black holes, fling asteroids into planets, etc. I only played it for a few minutes, but it was pretty neat.
Heh, Steam's daily sale is Universe Sandbox? After Oblivion yesterday and Morrowind the day before, I'd hoped that it'd be Skyrim today.
I got sucked back pretty hard into a custom modpack of Industrial Minecraft. After basically living in a cave for a few weeks and gathring the resources to create a thriving solar power plant, I've finally started building my city, a coastal redwood treehouse village.
WoW - Still prepping for 5.4. Already done with the 5.3 storylines, getting my last few character slots to 90. Messing around with my 10th character slot again and again. Finishing up gear slots in LFR 502+ on my top Alliance and top Horde characters. Can't wait for 5.4.
Awesomenauts - New season, kicking all kinds of ass, I'm in the top 500 now.
Diablo 3 - Loving the story, loving my Wizard. I already know that I'll probably only do one playthrough of this. I've never really gotten into dungeon crawlers, but doing a full playthrough of D3 might convince me to play through Torchlight. My only complaint about Torchlight was the limited characters. We'll see what happens right?
Borderlands 2 - Bought and am loving KRIEG. His story trailer was beautiful. Looking forward to Tiny Tina's DLC.