[Webcomic] PVP Discussion


Staff member
Now THAT is an ending I could get behind! You should seriously send that to Scott. And I mean that!
"My mother will want to visit."

And it just dawned on me that in the entire history of PvP Jade's parents have never made a physical apearance. Not even during the wedding arc. Huh.

Also if Jade's mom DOES make an apearance her first line should be:

Jade'smom: So what is your sister doing?



Staff member
Hello everyone, my name is Gas Bandit, and this is my first post. I know we'll all be great friends in the years to come with no hundred-page-blowup threads whatsoever!
Frickin' errors, I knew I shouldn't have posted more than once but NO I had to be sure didn't I?

I also hope Jade's mom makes snarky comments on her dad since as stated years before she is divorced.
Speaking of errors, Jade's mom was introduced pre-wedding.[DOUBLEPOST=1371760453][/DOUBLEPOST]And bore a striknig resemblance to Lucill of Arrested Development.
Is the joke in this one that Brent and Jade have sex so infrequently they both know the exact date they could have conceived in two week period?
I could have told you the exact date of conception of my daughter for sure
Kati had to abstain for 2+ months so she could be ready for oral surgery, so yeah...we're pretty sure we know the exact date of Cary's conception.

Ha ha ha, so Scott's getting his panties in a bunch over how Man of Steel ruined Superman and his childhood just, what, a couple of weeks after lambasting and mocking people who didn't like Star Trek Into Darkness?

Fuck that loser.
So...no Tuesday comic then?
According to his Twitter feed, he "just needed a day off yesterday, so he took one. It happens." Although, he also says (again) that he's finally going to start work on a buffer. I'll believe it when I see a new comic posted every day, at the same time each day, for a significant period of time.

Edit: Damn, ninja'd by Bumble.
The thing I don't understand, he could easily get a week off by simply posting some guest strips. I've no doubt that with a webcomic as big as his, he could get a nice stack of guest strips in a few hours.
The thing I don't understand, he could easily get a week off by simply posting some guest strips. I've no doubt that with a webcomic as big as his, he could get a nice stack of guest strips in a few hours.

If he gave himself a week off with guest strips to build up a buffer, he would spend that week not drawing pvp.
If he gave himself a week off with guest strips to build up a buffer, he would spend that week not drawing pvp.
I just meant if he wanted a few days off, he probably wouldn't have to look far for filler. Not necessarily if hes looking for free buffer strips, it just seems silly to not have updates when there's plenty of options available.
Even just saying the day before or something "Hey, no comic tomorrow, sorry guys."

I thought PvP was being drawn by that other artist recently...
Dylan Meconis is only helping out with the writing process, scripting the strips out and whatnot. Kurtz is still the driving force.