[PC Game] Scrolls, a CCG from the creators of Minecraft

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If you're actively trading for these cards, you absolutely want to get the gravelocks (and gravehawks, if you can manage) first. Gravelocks are all about numbers. The more Gravelock Elders you have on the field, the more powerful each invidual gravelock will be. And the more gravelocks you have, the more beneficial the buffs from gravelock elders will be. Gravehawks are just icing, gaining strength for each gravelock and gravelock elder on the field.

If you can't amass a giant ball of gravelocks yet, you'll need to suppliment with other units. Sisters of the Fox make good cannon fodder, since they net you a free draw card, and you won't be using your growth resources most turns anyway, so there's no reason not to put them out there. With stats of 1/2/1 they're really only going to act as poor meat shields though, so you may decide against it. If you like using the lobbers, golem skin may be a worthwhile buff. Eventually they get in the way, and golem skin will destroy all structures on your side to increase the attack/health of one unit by 1 for each structure. If you're using hellspitter mortars though, you may not want to use this unless they're about to die, as they're too valuable to sacrifice for a buff. Golem skin can also make use of the various memorials you'll be putting out, as they really serve no purpose once they're placed, they don't have to survive for you to keep the resources they provide. The enemy will usually kill them off quickly anyway, though. You could consider adding in rigging, to make those memorials do damage when the enemy destroys them.

Avoid the temptation to use golem skin on a big bad like an Iron Golem or a Cannon Automaton. This might make you feel awesome by having a walking death behemoth on your side, but you'll feel pretty dumb once they use a violent dispersal to instakill it, a pushback to undo its buffs and send it back to your hand, or a root to make it unable to move.
I literally have so few cards available that I use Golem Skins almost exclusively for sacking. I'm so structure-heavy currently that I rarely need to buff an attacker, and the only time I've used it was for a Hail Mary he-can't-block-me-right-now-so-oneshot-his-idol-and-win-game sorta move.[DOUBLEPOST=1371838734][/DOUBLEPOST]And I do have a handful of Gravelocks - so few at first that I took them out of my deck in favour of machines since they were a weak and wasted combo.
Iron Whips also don't seem that great to me.

Iron Whip is useful because it's a multitasker. You can use it to grant extra damage to one of your units when needed (and if it's a gravelock outcast, it can easily be healed later), lower the cooldown of a unit (for when that cannon automaton/iron golem needs to attack RIGHT NOW) -or- can be used to damage the opponent units, outright killing anything with one health.
You got any shit I can buy Poe? I know we're building the same deck, but any extras?

I took a break the past couple of days to get some shit done, so I haven't made any further headway into building the deck. I don't really have any extras regarding that deck, but I do have extras. Here's a current list of everything extraneous, nothing super useful.

Callback x1
Purification x1
Resonant Helm x3
Thought Trap x1
Vengenace Veil x2

Binding root x1
Chamption Ring x1
Elan Vital x1
Junkyard x1
Sister of the Fox x1

Catapult of Goo x2
Clock Library x2 (I love these, they make good walls and really 'draw aggro' because the enemy wants to destroy them)
Rigged x2
Useless Contraption x1
Update on the gravelock deck, now that I have everything except for the more expensive and rare spells (thunder surge, violent dispersal) I've been giving this deck a try. It's really strong against classic energy and order builds, but a good growth deck is able to shut it down. The main problem is quake, which deals damage to everything on the board, and can wipe out your big mass of gravelocks and gravehawks. Since this build is all about attaining critical mass with number of synergizing units, I'm thinking of adding in some more growth enchantments. Especially Bear Paw, which costs 2 growth and increases a units attack -and- health by 2, for the tradeoff of adding 1 to the current countdown. The countdown returns to normal afterwards, so all this does is delay the unit one turn. This would be especially useful for upgrading Gravehawks, who do tons of damage (and are relentless) but are rather fragile with only 2 health.
I've found that as well, also having a "working model" of the necessary cards (currently at 40/50). I was thinking of something similar, but hadn't looked into any enchantments quite yet.
It is super fun so far though. It's really satisfying to dominate the field with a few gravelocks, an elder and a gravehawk or two, and then drop a Fury on 'em for a massive beatdown.[DOUBLEPOST=1372096114][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh I also played a bot game the other day where a lucky top-deck Thunder Surge allowed me to take out all 9 of their units. Devastating.


Staff member
Is this a money sink like M:tG? I may have to pass because I'm usually dirt poor and wouldn't be able to keep buying up boosters to be competitive.
You basically buy the game and get a structure deck of 50 cards. Everything else is bought through in-game currency.
in-game is all I needed to hear. Getting this Friday.
Hell yeah dude.

There is some provision for real-money purchases but they are mostly limited to aesthetic changes. Everything else you can use in-game currency for, and some other things allow real-world money purchases but doing it that way is kinda silly since earning in-game money can be pretty quick. :)


Staff member
This may be stupid as I haven't read the entire thread, but can this be played against an AI or do you have to pair up against a human?
This may be stupid as I haven't read the entire thread, but can this be played against an AI or do you have to pair up against a human?

You can play against three difficulties of AI, and there are also trials that range from easy to medium to hard that are a good way of learning the game and earning starting gold.


Staff member
You can play against three difficulties of AI, and there are also trials that range from easy to medium to hard that are a good way of learning the game and earning starting gold.
And that was the last barrier from my getting it. I'm sold, yo!
And that was the last barrier from my getting it. I'm sold, yo!

I actually bought some 'shards' which are the currency you can pay real money for, and I'm at a loss of what to spend them on. Most of the things you want to buy can only be purchased using in-game gold that you get just from playing against either people or the AI.

Every week there are a few random face-up cards that are put in the store (they're random to each person) that can be bought with either gold or shards. These, the starter decks (which can also be purchased with gold) and aesthetic changes to your avatar are all that can be purchased with shards. The system is very player friendly, and is certainly not pay-to-win.[DOUBLEPOST=1372100808][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and do keep in mind that while the game is very much playable, and very fun, it's also very much still in beta. A lot of features have yet to be implemented, such as friends list, direct messaging, or an auction house. All communication has to be done via channels, and trading right now involves sitting in the trade channels and hoping to find someone that has the cards you want, or wants to buy the cards you want to get rid of.

And when you do get the game, remember to join channel Halforums to see if any other halforumites are around (since we don't yet have friends lists)


Staff member
But if I buy it now I get all updates, just like Minecraft. Which is a wonderful thing. Hell, I may just make a contest and give out a copy!
But if I buy it now I get all updates, just like Minecraft. Which is a wonderful thing. Hell, I may just make a contest and give out a copy!

Oh, it's totally worth a buy right now. I just want you going in with realistic expectations, and know that some of the stuff is non-functional right now.

A contest would be awesome, we need more hfers playing this.
Needs at least one Gravehawk. :)

I ended up starting with all three of my gravehawks in hand, and ended up saccing them for resources because I just couldn't build the growth energy needed for them thanks to early pressure from his starting dustrunner (early dustrunners so op). I never drew them again after that.
I ended up starting with all three of my gravehawks in hand, and ended up saccing them for resources because I just couldn't build the growth energy needed for them thanks to early pressure from his starting dustrunner (early dustrunners so op). I never drew them again after that.
I know this feel.
Oh yeah, if you get a card that's just come out, sell sell sell. The price skyrockets before evening out.
I think it was LITERALLY from the last booster I bought. Since then I've been buying specific cards from players. I'm 6 cards away from finishing that Gravelock deck and even my in-progress version is consistently rolling out some decent combos.
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