Pet Peeve rants.

People who say on accident instead of by accident.

On accident is what a child says when they are learning to speak. The fact that so many people under 30 use it prevalently proves (to me) that people of my generation were never corrected.


Staff member
If I can't easily download it to my portable audio player, then it's not a podcast. Youtube videos are not podcasts.


If I can't easily download it to my portable audio player, then it's not a podcast. Youtube videos are not podcasts.
That brofist icon is not big enough to convey how much I agree. It should be shooting fireworks, too.
Not necessarily. Simply that it was unforeseen and unplanned. Not that it was unforeseeable.

If my child is carrying a hammer unsafely, he doesn't foresee the possible outcome, though I do. If he drops it and hurts himself or someone else, it is still an accident. Even though he didn't foresee it he is still to blame.
I'm pretty sure he was quoting Hot Fuzz
When people toss good leftovers in the trash. I WANTED THOSE SWEET POTATOES!

Whenever I go on thewebcomiclist and see under "new" comics one of my favorites that haven't updated in a while...and its not new. WHAT THE HELL?! FIX THIS STUPID GLITCH!


Staff member
Captain Nemo (of 20,000 leagues under the sea) disagrees - he split hairs between "accident" and "incident" because "accident" infers human error, so a freak act of nature (an iceberg suddenly capsizing and smacking his submarine upside the dorsal ridge) he calls an "incident."


Staff member
People who explain the joke in comments. Why? Is that to wow us with your super-big brain?
People who explain the joke in comments. Why? Is that to wow us with your super-big brain?
The other side of this is people who comment not understanding the joke. Both types are awful. Love the joke, or hate the joke, but for the love of god, just get the joke.
People who keeps complaining about something they don't like or use. Haters of linux, apple, xbone, windows 8, etc, etc.


Staff member
Or when the people who complain about thing they don't use, and use complaints that clearly show they haven't touched it in years. I saw some idiot in the Lifehacker comments talking about why Android was superior to iOS, complete with screenshots. The amusing part was that almost none of his drawn-out arguments were true.


Staff member
It bugs me so much when reviwers/critics/journalists/etc tell the reader/viewer how the subject matter makes the reader/viewer feel. "This scene just makes you feel happy inside." What? No, no it doesn't. How would you know how this makes me feel? I"m pretty sure you meant "This scene made me feel happy inside" but maybe you're so caught up in being the voice of the people that you've forgotten you're not psychic.


Staff member
Agreed. That movie really hit me. I was disappointed that so many people I know viewed it as a weak film.


Staff member
Yeah, I love his commentary on the worth of criticism versus the worth of basically offering up your soul.
Ratatouille was nominated for five Oscars and won Best Animated Film. Most of my friends love The Incredibles and Toy Story to death, but for some reason seem to have forgotten about Ratatouille.

My favorite part is when the critic tries the ratatouille and suddenly sees himself as a kid enjoying his Mom's cooking. He doesn't even say a word but you can see the nostalgia (a mix of joy, love, comfort, and some sadness) welling up inside him. While a cook nourishes the body, a true chef nourishes the soul.

We made a point of going to Chef's de France in Epcot just to see the Remy animatronic at lunch, it was great food too.
