Video Game News and Miscellany

So how about Gamestop selling a sudden massive restock of "used" copies of Xenoblade (discs and inserts and such are all universally immaculate and the discs have a stamp on them that's only on Wii-U games) for 100+ dollars a copy because they're rare and vintage?

Every Gamestop in the US got some copies. That's 5000+ suddenly acquired used copies.
They've all but come out and said that they had the copies printed up (because they can order more from Nintendo and they will print them) and are just selling them at "current market value" because they can. Expect Gamestop to do this more on rare, hard to find titles when they hold exclusive rights to sell said title.

Seriously, I haven't seen something this shady since the Neo-Geo game importers. Motherfuckers would buy up the entire lot of a game (usually in the thousands of copies), open the games and put a sticker inside (to destroy the value), and then sell or keep a few immaculate, unopened copies for grossly inflated costs.
So how about Gamestop selling a sudden massive restock of "used" copies of Xenoblade (discs and inserts and such are all universally immaculate and the discs have a stamp on them that's only on Wii-U games) for 100+ dollars a copy because they're rare and vintage?

Every Gamestop in the US got some copies. That's 5000+ suddenly acquired used copies.

Gamestop has done this before. They'll often get access to companies making reprints of classic games and then repackage them as used to keep the 'rarity' up.
Gamestop has done this before. They'll often get access to companies making reprints of classic games and then repackage them as used to keep the 'rarity' up.
Normally, not a big deal.

It's fucking HEINOUS when they're the exclusive distributers of said game.
Oh yeah, so Microsoft will officially halt the GFWL store very shortly so, while GFWL will still function, you can no longer use it purchase things. The servers will remain functional until July 1. 2014, at which point, if all the companies who have games tied to the service do not patch out GFWL, they will cease to function entirely.
I'm not a huge fan of PS emulation, PS2 especially. It's a huge pain to get some games working properly, not to mention having to make sure you download the correct BIOS/region/etc for whatever version of the game you downloaded, too. Personally I don't like going beyond SNES/Genesis/GBA/DS level emulation, it's just too much work.
Really? I use the same bios and all my games work without a problem. Also I can play timesplitters with mouse and keyboard.
I'm not a huge fan of PS emulation, PS2 especially. It's a huge pain to get some games working properly, not to mention having to make sure you download the correct BIOS/region/etc for whatever version of the game you downloaded, too. Personally I don't like going beyond SNES/Genesis/GBA/DS level emulation, it's just too much work.
PS2 emulation is a pain because the games expect you to have two joysticks. If you don't have a controller, it can be hard to play some of them.
Alright, normally, my interest in Eve Online can be measured in negative fucks given with slight spikes into barely a fuck given whenever I read some interesting mega-corp throwdown article about some massive robbery or something but this, this, an Oculus Rift compatible space dog fighting game in the same universe?

Gimme 12, and enough OR's to match. I'm an in. Inside it

Star Citizen, this, Star Control being brought back properly? Bring it on future. I am as willing as a virgin on prom night.
PS2 emulation is a pain because the games expect you to have two joysticks. If you don't have a controller, it can be hard to play some of them.
I have a usb controller so that's no big deal, it's more down to the specific games I wanted to play were a huge pain in the ass to get working properly (FF9 and 10 were the worst offenders).


Staff member
Alright, normally, my interest in Eve Online can be measured in negative fucks given with slight spikes into barely a fuck given whenever I read some interesting mega-corp throwdown article about some massive robbery or something but this, this, an Oculus Rift compatible space dog fighting game in the same universe?

Gimme 12, and enough OR's to match. I'm an in. Inside it

Star Citizen, this, Star Control being brought back properly? Bring it on future. I am as willing as a virgin on prom night.
Jesus, just so long as it isn't as blurry/shaky/flickery as that horrible trailer is.
So Elder Scrolls Online is going to be subscription based.

In other news, Bethesda has baffled mathematicians when they raised the chances of failure for their game, Elder Scrolls Online, above 100%.

"We thought being 100% positive of failure was as high as you could go, but we were proven wrong." says guy who knows very little about math, Frank T. Williamson.

Honestly, I might be on board and willing to pay a fee if the game wasn't so God damn hideous. WoW looks better. That's not acceptable. The jankiness of the gameplay doesn't do them any favours.

New Dungeon Keeper game! That's good!

Oh, it's a reboot for mobile devices. That's bad.

Oh it's still owned by EA. That's horrifying.


It's going to be such a microtransactiony fucking mess made of either recycled old assets or garish cartoony fucksense that most mobile games are. Either way, go fuck yourself corpse of Bullfrog, love EA.
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I'm a huuuuuge Dungeon Keeper and Elder Scrolls fan; but both of these games arep erfect proof that I am no longer anywhere near the main market for these guys. I couldn't care less about a badly-made MMO (heck, TOR was apprently well-made in a universe I love and I never played it!), and the chance of me playing Dungeon Keeper: the Facebook Game for $1 per move is below 0. I'll just go re-install DK2....I prefer 1 but I know it pretty much by heart by now :p
I'm a huuuuuge Dungeon Keeper and Elder Scrolls fan; but both of these games arep erfect proof that I am no longer anywhere near the main market for these guys. I couldn't care less about a badly-made MMO (heck, TOR was apprently well-made in a universe I love and I never played it!), and the chance of me playing Dungeon Keeper: the Facebook Game for $1 per move is below 0. I'll just go re-install DK2....I prefer 1 but I know it pretty much by heart by now :p
The only problem with TOR is that EA had no faith in it and spent way way too much cash on it. It's a solid game if you like Star Wars, with a lot of fun stuff to do (though high level content is lacking). My biggest complaint about the game is basically this: Why did they make this instead of another Knights of the Old Republic? Seriously, the franchise is dead now, just like Warcraft is. Once you go MMO, you can't really go beyond that (or at least no one has).
According to Kotaku, the whole thing can be played without spending money, and you will only be locked out of a couple of features (like an extra plant or power up). I hope it's true.
Elder Scrolls Online will apparently feature a real money store as well as requiring subscriptions.
The Secret World was like this at launch. The real money store only had bonus stuff, like extra costumes and xp/ap boosters (which you really didn't NEED). I'm okay with that, as long as it's only cosmetic and extra stuff, not core stuff.
The Secret World was like this at launch. The real money store only had bonus stuff, like extra costumes and xp/ap boosters (which you really didn't NEED). I'm okay with that, as long as it's only cosmetic and extra stuff, not core stuff.
Yeah, honestly, if it's just stuff like that it's no big deal. They need to make back that 300-400 million budget somehow (and it ain't gonna be in sub numbers).
The biggest thing that bothers me about that Elder Scrolls online video is the bow and arrow being held exactly center of the viewpoint when not drawn. No one walks around like that.
The biggest thing that bothers me about that Elder Scrolls online video is the bow and arrow being held exactly center of the viewpoint when not drawn. No one walks around like that.
No one is going to play it in first person either. It plays more like a traditional MMO anyway. It's akin to playing WoW with the camera zoomed in. You can, but you don't.


Staff member
Hah, check out review 15 down there:

"EA, you've earned a 1 star review! Additional stars can be puchased for $2.99 each!"
So, haven't really been posting any PS4 or XB1 news lately because, well, I stopped caring, but this one is kind of a biggie.

Apparently a relatively large investor in Microsoft is making waves in the company, calling for Balmer's replacement and sale of the entire Xbox division. Balmer's already slated to be gone in the next 12 months and they're being offered (apparently) a board seat so it's anyone's guess how much support they have from other investors. You can't blame them, if you add up the year to year profit/loss numbers, Xbox division is still 6.7 billion in the red since it's inception (Sony is in the black at 1.2 billion and Nintendo is at, ha ha ha, 32.8 bijillion since the NES).
I can understand wanting to get rid of Balmer, but this seems like a very poor time to sell the Xbox division. Though the profit margin is pretty slim, it is in fact profitable (and consistently so for the last 5 years-ish), and they are reputedly not taking a loss on Xbox Ones (which is not inconceivable given that the jump in tech was relatively smaller this go around). What costs they have already assumed to build the thing are probably mostly cooked into the 2012 books, seeing as how the profit margin was so low in '12 versus '11 despite revenue being up.

Unless you have reason to believe that the Xbox One will actually fail (which I seriously doubt), the time to sell the division was this time last year or two years ago.
There's also the fact that the Xbox Division is basically the only thing about the company that seems to resonate with anyone. No one cares about Windows 8 (not even Microsoft, who used Win 7 on the boxes at E3), no one cares about the Windows mobile phones and tablets, and the Zune is all but dead at this point. The Zune music store is going offline very soon as well.

Compare this to the 360, which was actually COMPETING with companies with far longer times in the industry, as well as stronger markets overseas. To put it bluntly, the Xbox is the face of Microsoft and everything else they do is just window dressing.

So yeah, fire Balmer. He fucked up with the Xbox One and now people are scrambling to change it into something people want. But getting rid of the Xbox division would kinda move Microsoft out of the public eye again.
There's also the fact that the Xbox Division is basically the only thing about the company that seems to resonate with anyone. No one cares about Windows 8 (not even Microsoft, who used Win 7 on the boxes at E3), no one cares about the Windows mobile phones and tablets, and the Zune is all but dead at this point. The Zune music store is going offline very soon as well.

Compare this to the 360, which was actually COMPETING with companies with far longer times in the industry, as well as stronger markets overseas. To put it bluntly, the Xbox is the face of Microsoft and everything else they do is just window dressing.

So yeah, fire Balmer. He fucked up with the Xbox One and now people are scrambling to change it into something people want. But getting rid of the Xbox division would kinda move Microsoft out of the public eye again.
Balmer fucked up more than just XB1. He's basically fucked up everything MS has done for the past few years. I can also see where these guys are coming from. They don't care that Xbox is competing in the video game market, all they see is that after a decade that Xbox is still 7 billion dollars in the red.

Here is that chart I saw posted.

Shocker: the kind of people that destroyed the economy with their short sightedness are short sighted about the future gains of the Xbox brand.
all they see is that after a decade that Xbox is still 7 billion dollars in the red.
And that it's been profitable for the last 4 fiscal years. If the reports on them not taking a loss on the One are correct (confirmed for the PS4, so likely for the Xbone), then that's very unlikely to change.

Unless you believe the Xbone will have horrible sell-through, of course, and realistically that doesn't seem likely either. Poor sales after the first year or two, quite possibly, but the hardcore Xbox fans will buy it.