[Movies] Thor: The Dark World

Honestly, I don't mind at all. Hiddleston is great as Loki. (I say this as a non-comic reader, so I'm fully prepared to get my ass kicked for it by those who do). So I'm still hyped for this movie.
Loki is pretty much Thor's primary villain outside of the Enchantress, so no arguments from a comic book perspective. Hell, almost any Midgard enemy Thor has was empowered in some way by Loki. Basically, Loki is always present in most every Thor storyline.[DOUBLEPOST=1376744321,1376744070][/DOUBLEPOST]I just hope to god that they don't ever try to bring the Wrecking Crew to the big screen. I'd be OK with the Absorbing Man, but the rest of them wouldn't translate that well to film.
Wrecking Crew would be a great introductory villain (s) you see in the first few minutes of a movie who are then immediately dispatched.
I just hope to god that they don't ever try to bring the Wrecking Crew to the big screen. I'd be OK with the Absorbing Man, but the rest of them wouldn't translate that well to film.
Sigh, all this talking about it making me miss the Avengers cartoon. They did some cool stuff with these characters. I love what Thor did with Absorbing Man in the Gamma World episode.

It'll never happen, but I'd love to get some Beta Ray Bill in one of these movies.

The recently ended Godkiller arc in the newer Thor book was pretty solid, too, that'd make a great movie.
It'll never happen, but I'd love to get some Beta Ray Bill in one of these movies.

The recently ended Godkiller arc in the newer Thor book was pretty solid, too, that'd make a great movie.
It would be groovy just to see him on the screen or have just a few lines at the very least.
Even then, they'd have to explain how an alien ended up wielding the powers of a Norse god. I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool, but it's just not feasible and certainly not accessible enough for non fans.

Oh, wait, you mean just have him show up as an alien. Yeah, that would work, if they don't go into tying him to Thor directly.
Even then, they'd have to explain how an alien ended up wielding the powers of a Norse god. I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool, but it's just not feasible and certainly not accessible enough for non fans.

Oh, wait, you mean just have him show up as an alien. Yeah, that would work, if they don't go into tying him to Thor directly.
Yeah, this is true. His origin would need almost a full movie in itself, and even fans might not recognize him without his horseface.
I'm stoked. Like I said earlier in the thread, the more batshit loony bastardized norse mythology they throw in, the happier I will be.

Less grounded no powers Thor, more gonzo evil space elves.
So far reviews are positive (for the most part), but not overwhelmingly so. Less "Hell yeah!" and more "Eh, it's good I guess."

Is the momentum on comic book movies beginning to wane?
So far reviews are positive (for the most part), but not overwhelmingly so. Less "Hell yeah!" and more "Eh, it's good I guess."

Is the momentum on comic book movies beginning to wane?
Wait till the abysmal numbers hit for Guardians of the Galaxy.
Wait till the abysmal numbers hit for Guardians of the Galaxy.
I really hope that doesn't happen. :(

Also, what I've been hearing (and felt myself after seeing it) about Thor 2 is that it was better than the first one. And the first one was pretty good, I thought.
I thought it was better than the first film, but it was still just good. I don't think it's a case of waning interest in heroes, just that Thor's own films haven't been as good (though still good) as the other Marvel Studios films.
I thought it was better than the first film, but it was still just good. I don't think it's a case of waning interest in heroes, just that Thor's own films haven't been as good (though still good) as the other Marvel Studios films.
That's pretty much it in a nuthshell. Of the last batch of Avengers movies, Thor was probably the second weakest - Iron Man 2 being the weakest. Still good in its own right, but not as good compared to its compatriots. It doesn't help that Thor's not exactly the easiest of characters to write, both as a character in general and his mythology. Or that, let's face it, the most entertaining actor and thus character in the films is the guy playing Loki.


Staff member
So far reviews are positive (for the most part), but not overwhelmingly so. Less "Hell yeah!" and more "Eh, it's good I guess."

Is the momentum on comic book movies beginning to wane?
I care less about them since I saw Avengers. It felt like everything was leading up to that, and now the anticipation has passed. Just speaking for myself.

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I care less about them since I saw Avengers. It felt like everything was leading up to that, and now the anticipation has passed. Just speaking for myself.

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I think that may swing when they start seeing that there is a current buildup for the next phase of Marvel movies that actually starts with the early end of credits scene of Thor: The Dark World.

Which is:

Infinity Gauntlet, y'all. Called it!
I care less about them since I saw Avengers. It felt like everything was leading up to that, and now the anticipation has passed. Just speaking for myself.
Eh, don't think about it as build up to another one. Just enjoy them as individual, self-contained movies like the last batch.
I guess this is a good place to put my thoughts on the movie. Keep in mind that I'm a HUGE Thor fan, and have been reading his books since I was a kid. My strong interest in mythology was actually inspired by reading the Thor comics.

This movie is far and away my favorite of the Marvel movies produced to date (see why I made that qualification). I loved everything about the movie. The comedy bits, the multiple twists with Loki, Malaketh and Kurse. The main reason I loved it is that it felt epic. I don't mean in the modern watered down sense, but in the traditional epic Norse edda sense. Also, I think it was an extremely smart move to have the bulk of the movie take place in Asgard. One of my issues with the first movie was that he spent far too much time on earth. The comic was usually best when it was tackling the mythology stuff head on, IMO. Not to say Thor's time banished on earth sharing a body with a human host was bad, I just liked it better when he was full on Thor dealing with the wars with the frost giants, Surtur, Hela and such.

If I had one little niggling issue with the movie, it would be that the dark elves may be went a bit too far into sci-fi territory, but that's to be expected when they're going with trying to make the Asgardians believable in the scientific sense as not actually being gods.

On a somewhat unrelated note regarding the mix of fantasy and sci-fi, anyone attempting to make a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe movie should watch this movie and ape the hell out of it.
One thing that's been bugging me a bit about this movie and Avengers to a lesser extent: does Thor not feel as uber-powerful as he is in the comics? Like, in the beginning of this movie, with that army of marauders, Thor ordinarily would've mopped the floor with them, not just hammering them away one-by-one, right?

Maybe I'm just thinking of certain interpretations of the character, like the Earth's Mightiest Heroes series.
From the look of them, they appeared to be minions of Surtur, who are pretty damn powerful. He can lay out a human army no problem, but he does have limitations unless he's weilding the Odinforce.
Just came back from it.

Initial impressions: Pretty good. At least as good as the first one, and almost certainly better. There was a nice mix of humor and action, and the cast all did well with the material they were given.

Other impressions, big spoilers ahoy:

1. Damn I had no idea Frigga was so badass. She single handedly took down Malekith in direct melee combat.

2. Thor feels a bit less powerful in here compared to the first film, and in The Avengers. He could withstand punches from the Hulk without sustaining a scratch, yet hits from Kurst is enough to bloody him? Fighting Malekith is enough to knock him out? You can't tell me these guys are stronger than the freaking Hulk.

3. If they really want to surprise the audience, kill off Loki and make it stick. I can guarantee no one in the audience was fooled by Loki's "death" near the end there. Similarly, I can guarantee no one though Loki had really betrayed Thor and cut off his hand immediately before the death scene.

4. A couple of plot holes my wife noticed, but I did not. Firstly, Malekith's plan is to unleash the Aether through the linked portals. Last we saw, he was in the process of doing so already, as in the Aether was already flowing into Asgard. So why would teleporting Malekith back to the Dark World stop the process? The Aether's been released now, as Malekith says to Thor at the end. There's no explanation why defeating Malekith would remove the already-released Aether. Secondly, the Aether is a liquid, and last we saw of it, it was either flowing through the various realms, or getting crushed under the giant ship along with Malekith. So how did the Asgardians get ahold of (apparently all of) the Aether, to deliver to the Collector? Also, I'm not sure about this, so it might need confirmation, but not all of the Aether went into Jane, some might still be in the pillar. So... what's going to happen with the rest of the Aether there?

5. I cracked up at "Darcy!" "Jane!" "Ian!" "Selvig!" "MEW MEW!!"
Just came back from it.

Initial impressions: Pretty good. At least as good as the first one, and almost certainly better. There was a nice mix of humor and action, and the cast all did well with the material they were given.

Other impressions, big spoilers ahoy:

1. Damn I had no idea Frigga was so badass. She single handedly took down Malekith in direct melee combat.

Yes, yes she is.

2. Thor feels a bit less powerful in here compared to the first film, and in The Avengers. He could withstand punches from the Hulk without sustaining a scratch, yet hits from Kurst is enough to bloody him? Fighting Malekith is enough to knock him out? You can't tell me these guys are stronger than the freaking Hulk.

People keep mentioning this, but they need to keep in mind that the people that Thor is fighting in the other realms are about equivalent if not even more powerful than him. The stone that turned the Dark Elf into Kurse makes him far more powerful than the average asgardian. In Thor's case, on the same or greater power levels that he has.

3. If they really want to surprise the audience, kill off Loki and make it stick. I can guarantee no one in the audience was fooled by Loki's "death" near the end there. Similarly, I can guarantee no one though Loki had really betrayed Thor and cut off his hand immediately before the death scene.

That's the think with a god of Mischeif, you never know if he's going to actually play to or against type. We've kind of expected him to do the opposite of what we would expect him to do. That's kind of a writing failure.

4. A couple of plot holes my wife noticed, but I did not. Firstly, Malekith's plan is to unleash the Aether through the linked portals. Last we saw, he was in the process of doing so already, as in the Aether was already flowing into Asgard. So why would teleporting Malekith back to the Dark World stop the process? The Aether's been released now, as Malekith says to Thor at the end. There's no explanation why defeating Malekith would remove the already-released Aether. Secondly, the Aether is a liquid, and last we saw of it, it was either flowing through the various realms, or getting crushed under the giant ship along with Malekith. So how did the Asgardians get ahold of (apparently all of) the Aether, to deliver to the Collector? Also, I'm not sure about this, so it might need confirmation, but not all of the Aether went into Jane, some might still be in the pillar. So... what's going to happen with the rest of the Aether there?

The Aether isn't actually liquid, it's more a flowing energy made manifest. It is also one of the Infinity Gems (most likely the Power Gem, if they're going by the color scheme from the infinity gauntlet series), which means it can never be destroyed. It and the Tessaract are universal constants. It needs a host for its power to be weilded for destruction. When Maleketh died, the power reverted back to its original form. All the Asgardians would have had to do was go and get it.

5. I cracked up at "Darcy!" "Jane!" "Ian!" "Selvig!" "MEW MEW!!"

I personally lost it when he hangs Mjolnir on the coat hook in Jane's appartment.
Overall, I liked it. It's a straightforward movie, and plays as such, but that's fine. It's well-executed for what it is. It's not meant to be the highly-complicated "who will make the next move?" type movie. It has a villain, heroes, an in-the-middle guy (Loki), and believable actions from everybody.

Really, the biggest negative about a lot of these movies is how f'n stupid multiple characters usually act, which is what then advances the plot. Here there is no such easy spot to point out. The villains AND heroes do not act like idiots. So that's good.

Good action, funny in the right places, interesting in the right places (Thor + Loki banter is great), and a fair story. Not flawless, but it doesn't need to be. Not the best movie ever, but a "good" movie.
Was it just me...
Or was the Benny Hill music going through anyone elses head during the climax, when Thor lost Mjolnir through the portal while on the Dark World? The hammer was like "wait a minute...." and shot into space like it was going to travel the whole way back to him, then when Thor teleports back to earth, it shoots back towards Earth again, only to miss him the last second and start flying towards space again? It was like a comedy where I kept imagining the hammer going "waaah which way did he go? which way did he go?"

The scene where Darcy/Ian and Jane/Selvig run into eachother didn't help... "Darcy!" "Jane!" "Ian?" "Selvig..." hammer goes flying by them "MJOLNIR!" Neither did the subway scene.
We need someone to make a video of that when the movie hits DVD.
So, I went and saw the movie again with my best friend tonight (I had to pretend that I hadn't seen it because he wanted us to go together and I couldn't wait :p). After the kickass action scene with Heimdal, this little kid sitting in front of me turned to his dad and yelled out "Heimdal is AWESOME!!!!!". It was a great moment.
I would find that cooler except for the fact my wife is a notorious movie talker and it can kind of get on my nerves. This movie was actually one of her worst. We watched the original Thor together, and I saw Avengers with her whole family, but the only thing she seemed to remember about either was that Chris Hemsworth has a hot body, because she was making me fill her in on everything.

Wife: What does Jane Foster even do?
Me: She is an astrophysicist, a scientist.

Wife: Who is that naked guy?
Me: Eric Selvig, he was in Thor and Avengers.

Wife: The Asgardians didn't hide that stuff well if she could just accidentally teleport to it.
Me: It likely wanted to be found, so it pulled her there.

Wife: Why does Loki want to be ruler? Surely he grew up knowing Thor was supposed to be king.
Me: He is power hungry? Now SHHHHHH.
Wife: The Asgardians didn't hide that stuff well if she could just accidentally teleport to it.
Me: It likely wanted to be found, so it pulled her there.
It's a naturally occurring phenomenon that takes place once every 5000 years that causes the realms to merge together for brief moments, it's really just far more likely random chance caused by the chaos. It's not like the previous generation of asgardians could predict where the boundaries would break down. Especially since most beings can't even observe the situation until they interact with it.