*sighs, turns over "DAYS SINCE LAST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA" sign to 0*

Do you understand what testosterone does, and what part the testes plays in the endocrine system?

While I'm sure those without testicles can be just as courageous and strong as this person displayed, to say that his testicles have "absolutely nothing to do with" it is to deny decades of scientific research into male hormones and their effects.
And an overabundance of testosterone will cause your body to metabolize some of that extra into estrogen, which could add a bit of a curve to that ball.

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Staff member
Freaky. I just flew into LAX on Wednesday.
You and a hundred thousand other people. At least this guy didn't walk up to the highly concentrated hundred or so people waiting at the security checkpoint with a vest bomb, it'd have been the Boston Marathon all over again.
So this kid will face jail time for walking home from the bus. While the guy that called in the "crime" will not get punished. That should be issuing a false report.
So this kid will face jail time for walking home from the bus. While the guy that called in the "crime" will not get punished. That should be issuing a false report.
The guy that called it in did nothing wrong. He may have jumped the gun a little bit, but he didn't make any false statements. He saw someone dressed in combat gear with weaponry that he didn't know was fake, and called it in.

The kid shouldn't get jail time, though. That's just absurd.
The charges will be dropped, don't get so riled up. It's just something the police do to cover their bases.
While I'm conflicted about this as well, I don't think I could successfully argue that someone walking onto a collage campus wearing a mask and carrying what appear to be guns should not be treated with concern.
I'd agree with you normally except it's Halloween.


Staff member
The mall shooter in NJ wasn't trying to hurt anyone. He fired shots into the air so he wouldn't hurt anyone. I think he was trying to suicide by cop - which is terrible for almost all cops - but instead he committed suicide. So while tragic, neither the Connecticut one nor the New Jersey one counts toward the mass shooting.
Well, let's see.

It can't be deer hunting, since they were using arrows and firearm deer hunting doesn't start until next week.
It's not bear or crow hunting, they are out of season.
Elk is out of season.
It was in zone three of the state, so we have to discard some goose and pheasant.

So it could only have been a hunting accident if the shooters were assuming that the victims were certain types of geese, ducks, wild turkeys, rabbit, grouse, or various small game. Depending on the number of shooters some of these options are off the table due to the bag limit.
You're implying that all hunters wait for hunting season?

Not around here they don't.
First day of deer season is a de facto state holiday. We used to get the day off school. They called it "Out of School Environment Day." :)
Living in rural florida, I fucking hate hunting season. Because the hunters that come out here for it are assholes. Hunting season for anyone that lives here means finding abandoned hunting dogs in your front yard and stripped deer carcasses in your road.
Ugh, hunting season. When I was in the north, one of the sheriffs (the guys that handle prisoner transport and highway patrol) would always "get sick" and leave his partner alone to deal with the ridiculous amount of men they had to move back and forth. In his sick days he would make huge money guiding rich American hunters to where they could bag themselves a big brown bear easy, you know REAL huntin'!

His fucking house looked like a taxidermy shop.