[Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

I still think that they should bull-rush him at the end of the day when they get to a friendly town, kill the vamp, and bring REAL Durkon back. Because isn't he a soul-less undead now, or how to Vampire rules work in 3.5? Who "is" that? Obviously (thank you Belkar) it's not "The real Durkon" as we've known him.
The problem being the difficulty in finding a cleric capable of casting some spell to being him back to life, as seen when Roy was dead. Until they find one, they'll keep "Durkula" alive since while he's evil, this isn't something they're unaccustomed to dealing with.

My personal opinion? Somehow he finds out through a temple of Thor, "Sorry, laddie, but ye can't be a worshipper of Thor with your current alignment." And that changes things.
Well, he just prayed for spells and got them, so either Thor's ok with it, or more likely (especially given this post by Rich), he's a non-theistic cleric now.[DOUBLEPOST=1390231332,1390231193][/DOUBLEPOST]
What happens when a vampire gets a cursed ring of alignment change? :D
Spontaneous combustion...wait, no. That's for being out in the sun. :p
Oh it's already very clear that Durkon is "evil". He's already proven that when he snapped the dark elf's neck with no hesitation or remorse.
Is he also referring to the death of his little brother? I don't remember if they ever gave a reason to why his brother died, but maybe he's implying that his father accidentally killed the younger brother and never actually took the blame?
No...I don't think so? I was under the impression his little brother died just of a horrible accident. I don't think it's ever been said what, specifically.
No...I don't think so? I was under the impression his little brother died just of a horrible accident. I don't think it's ever been said what, specifically.
Well in this last comic he mentioned about a wizard he knew when he was younger killing an innocent.
No...I don't think so? I was under the impression his little brother died just of a horrible accident. I don't think it's ever been said what, specifically.
Actually, that's exactly what he's referring to. I'm not sure which comic or comics it was, but Roy's always been really angry with his father for not being concerned about their family, speaking specifically of that event.
Roy's talk with his little brother in this comic when combined with the information we see in the recent strip does imply that his father is responsible for the accident that killed his bother.
If true, that means Roy has had some experience with spellcasters who are so interested in questing for power/knowledge that they neglect the safety of others.

Roy's talk with his little brother in this comic when combined with the information we see in the recent strip does imply that his father is responsible for the accident that killed his bother.
That comic... the tears... every single time I read it...:cry:

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I could have sworn there was another strip, post heaven, where Roy further implicated his bother's death was his dad's fault(accidentally). I almost want to say it was a conversation he had with his dad, but I could be combining comics.
For some reason them sitting down like that looks kind of odd.. Has there been a strip before where someone was sitting down without anything (like a table or wall) obscuring the lower half?
Huh, I never really noticed before. maybe it's because this time it's such an eyecatcher (Roy specifically drawing up a stool to sit down).

That's quite a memory you've got though, recalling those comics just like that. Unless you've got a database where you can search a for "sitting down" :p
#945 Jumbled Up

Um... what the hell just happened?
Not gonna lie. I actually verbalized a very surprised, "WHOAAA!" when I scrolled down.

Before, the only way we've seen The Snarl is through crayon drawings. Like an artist's interpretation. Maybe this is The Snarl's true tentacles? Or maybe it's become something entirely different? Or maybe there's no Snarl at all? I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE! But I'm dying to find out.
The first questions that come to my mind pertain to the significance of the other world beyond the rift. Theories?

My guess is that the Snarl, being made up of reality, has created a reality from itself. Perhaps it uses whatever it can draw from our world to create it's own world. Sort of like a kid stealing legos from his friend's project so he can add on to his own. We know from today's comic that there are no fish in the ocean, meaning that there probably isn't much in the way of life anywhere on that world. Perhaps that's what the Snarl needs to finish it's world.
I feel like there's a bit of a monster face in the rift itself.

My theory:

I think the snarl is creating its' own world with the intent of protecting it from us/ our gods. Was it banished? Or did it leave?