TIL: Today I Learned

I couldn't sleep nude. I'm the guy that worries that if my house were to burst into flames, I'd escape only to be stuck outside naked with the whole neighborhood watching. :p
The only time I sleep naked is when it's with someone. By myself I am 100 percent an underwear and t-shirt man.

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Catasetum saccatum, an orchid, not only develops distinctly different male and female flowers based on their environment, but the male flower forcibly attaches pollen to visiting bees:

Because the male flower is so different from the female flower, the bees who learn to avoid the male flower due to the attack, may visit female flowers. It is thought that this reduces male competition, since the bees won't visit other male flowers later.

We need to teach our flowers not to rape.

C'mon, I had to make that joke...
Or dolphins! Sheesh.
...They have sex for fun, and their females have conscious muscle control over the inside of their vaginas so they can "help" male dolphins because moving back and forth is hard under water. Something our women could learn a bit from. Other than that, what am I supposed to know about dolphins and sex/rape? :confused:
...They have sex for fun, and their females have conscious muscle control over the inside of their vaginas so they can "help" male dolphins because moving back and forth is hard under water. Something our women could learn a bit from. Other than that, what am I supposed to know about dolphins and sex/rape? :confused:
Well, I heard they sometimes do a thing with each other's blowholes... not sure if it's true...
TIL that the most of a bowling lane is oiled to protect the wood, but the last part is not to improve traction and make the ball spin grab the lane.
TIL that the most of a bowling lane is oiled to protect the wood, but the last part is not to improve traction and make the ball spin grab the lane.
If you've ever tried to run out there on the lane, you may have discovered this.
I did when I tried to help a ball along that had gotten stuck in the return. Fell flat on my behind.

You know what they put on crops while they're still in the field, right?

Yes. I grew up around farms and most of my family had large gardens in their backyards. "Poop sausage" derived from human feces is a totally different concept in my head than putting manure in the soil to make the tomatoes and lettuce grow.