The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Staff member
I always thought the idea of engagement rings was redundant and stupidly over-priced in the first place. But honest question here: is all of that video true? It's a video from a humour site, so I don't know if it's 100% factual or something more akin to The Onion.
It's mostly factual, though there is historical precedent to nobility giving diamonds as engagement gifts going back to the 15th century, the practice died out in the US, until it was revitalized by the aforementioned DeBeers advertising campaign.


Staff member
Be Prepared, that's the boy scout's marching song...

(cause you know the ONE TIME you go to the game with your sister, that's when the kiss-cam will strike)

...and then she puked.

I will say that I remember my SCUBA class was entertaining, and I will leave it at that.

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I probably find this hilarious because of how much I hate most vloggers. With some very - VERY - rare exceptions, I find them all this annoying.

Ok, I don't know why this isn't here yet. Brian Williams and Lester Holt perform "Rappers' Delight."

This has now been rectified.

EDIT: And re-rectified after the original was taken down.

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Staff member
I've owned dot matrix printers that had initialization routines that sounded like C&C Music Factory, but this is better.
