AMA: The Kaggie Files

My handwriting has not improved since grade 3. I write by hand as little as possible, cursive OR print (though when I have to, it's usually print).

Also, don't be down, Kags, everybody likes you.
I would secretary for you! I love to write stuff out - I wrote a book all in long hand, all 70,000 something words.

And thanks. :) You guys make me feel good, it's why I stick around.
I would secretary for you! I love to write stuff out - I wrote a book all in long hand, all 70,000 something words.

And thanks. :) You guys make me feel good, it's why I stick around.
Do you own a fountain pen? I bet you own a fountain pen.

I fucking love my fountain pen.
A general all-round 'eeew' to the various joint-related creepiness. *shudder*

That aside... Kags, did I notice that you watch OUAT? Does this mean that I'm not the only one here that does? And I can squee about Robert Carlyle at you (who, if they have truly killed off, I will be horrified about)?
OMG, yes, please talk with me about it @Dirona !! I will squee with you about Robert Carlyle. :heart: (Honestly, I doubt he's gone, I think he'll be back! Only two more weeks until it begins airing again! I'M SO EXCITED!! :D )
He did a very, VERY good job of portraying Hitler, turning a chariacture into a deeper portrayal of the man during his rise to power.

I THINK you can find it on Youtube, if you look it up. "Hitler: Rise of Evil" is the title, I believe... Writing was so-so, but Carlyle MADE that movie. Matthew Modine did a decent job, too.
I can dislocate my fingers; my fingers and wrists are very flexible, to the point where I surprised a martial arts instructor how much pressure he had to use in a grip before it started to hurt me.

I love writing longhand, my cursive varies in quality. My fountain pen is beautiful, and I just bought some lovely paper for it.[DOUBLEPOST=1393350537,1393350357][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, if you want a very impressive portrayal of Hitler, and especially Goebbels, there is a German film called Der Untergang (Downfall in English) about the last few days in the Bunker. It is the film from which the internet-famous scene of Hitler complaining about being banned from X-Box live (or various other parodies) originates. The actor who plays Hitler is quite incredible, but the one playing Goebbels was purely terrifying. Not only does he look eerily like the man, but his gaunt face and severe expression combined with worshipful zealotry for Hitler... It's a potent portrayal to say the very minimum.
At work? Not very. Though I'm stressed.

Mostly I think I'd quit my job and travel again
If you could make it work, I think you should.

I'm actually a big supporter of people traveling. I think it often times enlightens a person, makes them realize what makes themselves tick and what makes them happy.

Go, travel! Learn new things, meet new people, explore!
I miss it. But I think I'm staying here for a while. Just bored at work and bumped the thread I guess.

How many times have you told someone you enjoyed their cooking, even had seconds, but actually had to choke it down?
I miss it. But I think I'm staying here for a while. Just bored at work and bumped the thread I guess.

How many times have you told someone you enjoyed their cooking, even had seconds, but actually had to choke it down?
Maybe you could explore where you live? Get some variety in your life without having to really travel? :)

I only remember once. Nearly everyone around me is a fantastic cook. And growing up with my Mum, she's AMAZING. She loves to cook and is very skilled at it. And now a days, I have dinner-nights with friends and they all cook wonderfully.

But once, when I was maybe 10, I went to eat at a neighbor's house and they were having spaghetti. Which, I thought was a safe meal, like unruinable, but NOPE. They noodles weren't cooked all the way and the sauce wasn't even...a sauce it was more like a broth? And it was weird. I didnt' like it, but I ate it most definitely.

Side note: I'm a garbage disposal when it comes to food, I will eat just about anything, even if I hate it, I'll still eat it.
You've no doubt noticed the huge rips in my blue couch.

Do you recommend replacing it, reupholstering it, or covering it?
I don't know what that it, but I'll give it a go. NOM!!

You've no doubt noticed the huge rips in my blue couch.

Do you recommend replacing it, reupholstering it, or covering it?
I sure have!

Are the rips the only problem? Or is the couch beginning to be a problem structurally? Are the cushions beginning to sink into the couch? Do the arm rests sag from being used so often? If you push on the back of the couch, does it wiggle?

If the tears are the only problem, I would price out re-upholstering it and go that route!
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Don't worry, @LittleKagsin, someday there will be a field trip where the US forumites travel up to visit our Half-neighbors of the North, and poutine will be ingested (and probably regretted). Stienman can drive the bus since he has the most experience hauling around a bunch of kids...or adults who just act like them. :D
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Staff member
What video game are you playing/did you play last? What do you think the next new (to you) game you play will be?

How is Fly doing?

Do you like to chew gum?
What video game are you playing/did you play last? What do you think the next new (to you) game you play will be?
I'm currently working on getting a Platinum for all of the God of War games - I started with Ascension. And I'm playing Puppeteer with Nate. As for new game? Man, I dunno. With no new gen stuff at my house, it's hard to keep up on newer games. I got Nate Watch Dogs, but I have no intention to play it?

How is Fly doing?
He's okay...getting pretty old. :( But he's still active and loves to play, which is good. :heart:

Do you like to chew gum?
I do! I don't very often though becuase I'm a horrible gum popper and it drives most people bonkers. Nate especially, so yeah. : D
Have you ever wanted to just roll down the windows, put down the top, crank up the Beach Boys, don't let the music stop, and just ride it till we just can't ride it no more?