AMA: The Kaggie Files


Staff member
Last Friday in the quarter, you mean.

That is also an exacerbating factor. But the last friday of the month is always super busy because the next broadcast month starts the coming monday and all the agencies are pushing their new copy/schedules through.
Reviving this barren wasteland of a thread. I left my headphones at home, so I've got nothing to keep me going today.


(Is that to forceful, I feel like it's to forceful..)
@evilmike DAVE! Flappy hooties and all, it would be hilarious. I would also attempt Docseverin because I want to be cool and tattooed and badass like him.

@Bones it varies. But I generally go for fruit inspired things; starburst, skittles, laffy taffy, peachie o's, that short of thing. =^^=
100 duck sized horses! :D Ducks are such dicks, fighting one the size of a horse would be terrifying. But duck sized horses?? That's kind of adorable. I can just imagine them stampeding all around me.
YAY @Bones!! :D

Hmmm favorite article of clothing....well, I just bought the most adorable black skirt with a bow on the front and it's my current favorite. But I also have these white t-shirts with foxes all over them. I actually think I'm wearing it in my avi picture. But yeah, I love those too. =^^=
what is your favorite thing about christmas(if you celebrate it, otherwise insert correct holiday of the season)
My favorite thing is to give people presents!! :D I love it when I find that gift that is just perfect and I can't wait to see my friends/family open the gifts I've given them. :heart: Makes me happy.

But, I mean, visually, I'm OBSESSED with Candy Canes. I love everything about those red and white swirls, I can barely stand it.
@jwhouk I'm not sure there is one. There are some that I feel like "I am not skilled enough yet!" but I just wait until I learn. It probably would comes down to amount of skin showing to be a cosplay I would never do.

@Bones BAH, so many! I mean, Bayonetta, of course. That's still a dream costume and I could be working on it, but there's just so much to do I almost always give up soon after starting.

That's right @GasBandit , you heard me. :unibrow:


Staff member
That's right @GasBandit , you heard me. :unibrow:

"And then she started goin' on about how she was gonna make all my fantasies come true, so I said, 'Even this one I have where Jesus Christ is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart as Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus's tummy-tum?'" - Jimmy Pop, the Bloodhound Gang
What are the top 3 things currently on your bucket list? If you currently lack a bucket list, make a 3 item bucket list.
Consider it done @Ravenpoe !

Hmm, top three things on my bucket list...Man, I don't know.
- go to school and get my degree
- publish my book
- travel to Ireland
Those are my top three priorities right now.
I mean, Japan, probably number 1. Italy is high on that list. Hawaii even. I'd even love to visit Canada, but wouldn't want to live there.
I know you are not much for anime anymore, but what are your top 5 animes, and what about them puts them in each spot?(sorry I am always curious to see what people like)
GAH! This is such a hard question...

Full Metal Panic! is probably my FAV FAV. It has everything that I like, the action, the romance, the funny. It just hits all of the right notes for me, and the art style sits well with my eyes.

But I mean there are a bunch that will always be in my top: Elfen Lied (the story I thought was unique and I loved the ending), Paranoia Agent (I love mysteries, and murder mysteries in particular and this whole anime reminded me of those stories, so I was hooked! Loved the twist ending), Wolf's Rain (One word: WOLVES. Loved the mature story, but it kept the fantasy elements. GUH, CHEZA!), Host Club (It's so happy and funny, it's just easy to watch and I love that.), Ranma 1/2 (First anime I EVER saw, so it will always hold my heart.)

There are more, I'm sure, but without looking at my collection, those are what spring to mind immediately.
GAH! This is such a hard question...

Full Metal Panic! is probably my FAV FAV. It has everything that I like, the action, the romance, the funny. It just hits all of the right notes for me, and the art style sits well with my eyes.

But I mean there are a bunch that will always be in my top: Elfen Lied (the story I thought was unique and I loved the ending), Paranoia Agent (I love mysteries, and murder mysteries in particular and this whole anime reminded me of those stories, so I was hooked! Loved the twist ending), Wolf's Rain (One word: WOLVES. Loved the mature story, but it kept the fantasy elements. GUH, CHEZA!), Host Club (It's so happy and funny, it's just easy to watch and I love that.), Ranma 1/2 (First anime I EVER saw, so it will always hold my heart.)

There are more, I'm sure, but without looking at my collection, those are what spring to mind immediately.
thats a really interesting loadout for top 5, you have a good mix, and many non-standard answers at this point in time. I am impress!