Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again


Staff member
I think Lou is also still bodybuilding. Arnold stopped decades ago, turned to acting/politics. Stands to reason Lou is probably still doing the nutrition thing, I'd wager.
So... who would win, the Hulk or Thor?
Depends on the director. For example:

If it were Joss Whedon? Probably Thor.

If it was Michael Bay? The US military, in a montage of slow rotation shots with explosions in the background.
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Staff member
I read the hulk v juggernaut thread on comic vine (okay a not the). It was surprisingly overwhelmingly in juggernauts favor. I would have thought after wwh it would have been unquestionably the hulk.


Staff member
You just don't see enough ads that have the phrasing "jerked it with a bro".

I would like to see an ad about a meat smoker/dehydrator that has this as the slogan.

Like dried beef? Buy the Acme Dehydrator 2000 and Jerk it with a Bro!
I was going through a random street on Google Maps and came across this.


Just in case you ever feel dumb, remember this guy.


Staff member

How much you think she got paid to wear subway wrappers in their booth? I bet she doesn't even eat at subway. Ohmigawd fake sandwich girls.
