[TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

Up to s4 in Breaking Bad. It's hard to keep going because I know some new fresh Hell is waiting for everyone in each new episode.

All in all, the only people I still feel bad for are Junior and Holly. One just wants his family to get along and the other's too young to know anything about anything.

Just finished the episode where
Walt gets Junior the new car and Skyler is forcing him to take it back. I'm scared of the next episode.
Not Hank, Marie, or Skylar?
Not Hank, Marie, or Skylar?
It's tough with them, not sure how I feel all in all.
They're similar in that they go from likeable to not throughout the show, at least up to where I am now (just finished Problem Dog in s4), and it's difficult to form sympathy because of it. There are points for sure, but it's not a consistent feeling like I get for the White kids.
It's tough with them, not sure how I feel all in all.
They're similar in that they go from likeable to not throughout the show, at least up to where I am now (just finished Problem Dog in s4), and it's difficult to form sympathy because of it. There are points for sure, but it's not a consistent feeling like I get for the White kids.
*wants to make a joke about the last sentence*
Don't open unless you have finished Breaking Bad or don't ever plan to watch it.
He's gonna feel pretty bad for Hank at the end
I loved Marie solely for the fact that every fucking thing she owns is purple.
I like that that was Betsy Brandt's idea. The use of colour was huge in the show, and in the pilot each character was given a colour that they would almost exclusively be seen in for the rest of the show. Any time their outfits change colour, it signify's something. But Betsy Brandt's suggestion was that if Marie likes purple, she probably REALLY likes purple, and they liked that aspect of the character and ran with it.
So it was significant when the only time we see her in anything but purple is after Hank dies and we see her in black
Hank- Orange
Marie- Purple.
Skylar- Blue
Jesse- Red and black
Walt- More than anybody his outfit depends on which version of him we're seeing.
Original Walt is Green, gradating to brown and then Heisenberg is black. Squeaky clean Walt from the beginning of season 5 is beige.
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I loved Marie solely for the fact that every fucking thing she owns is purple.
Yeah I noticed that, the rare times she isn't in purple is kind of weird.[DOUBLEPOST=1403987142,1403987102][/DOUBLEPOST]
I like that that was Betsy Brandt's idea. The use of colour was huge in the show, and in the pilot each character was given a colour that they would almost exclusively be seen in for the rest of the show. Any time their outfits change colour, it signify's something. But Betsy Brandt's suggestion was that if Marie likes purple, she probably REALLY likes purple, and they liked that aspect of the character and ran with it.
So it was significant when the only time we see her in anything but purple is after Hank dies and we see her in black
Hank- Orange
Marie- Purple.
Skylar- Blue
Jesse- Red and black
Walt- More than anybody his outfit depends on which version of him we're seeing.
Original Walt is Green, gradating to brown and then Heisenberg is black. Squeaky clean Walt from the beginning of season 5 is beige.


I've lost count of how many times this game is either on or the box is sitting in plain sight when they're at Jesse's house.
Yeah, but I assumed it was going to be related to the color conversation and not a future plot point. I'm just about to start s5 though so I'm sure I'm not far off from it happening.
Hell, I even stopped going into the Game of Thrones thread because the book people are a little to cavalier talking about what they think may have already happened in the show but can't remember. I feel you on the spoiler, though. For me, that was one of the tensest parts of the season and knowing the outcome would have pissed me off. Also, I hate when people THINK they're talking around a spoiler, but I, not being stupid, can already tell what they're talking about.

This is a spoiler you can read seeing as you already read the big one.

Anyone else who hasn't seen the show yet, be warned.

If it makes you feel any better, Dean Norris went and spoiled it via his twitter feed the night of the broadcast.
Hell, I even stopped going into the Game of Thrones thread because the book people are a little to cavalier talking about what they think may have already happened in the show but can't remember. I feel you on the spoiler, though. For me, that was one of the tensest parts of the season and knowing the outcome would have pissed me off. Also, I hate when people THINK they're talking around a spoiler, but I, not being stupid, can already tell what they're talking about.
I actually avoided this thread when Zero Esc was talking about BB a few pages back, just in case, as it spawned a few pages of conversation.
I kept my stuff to spoiler tags. If anyone had posted spoiler tags, I didn't click them.

I feel like I heard about the Twitter fiasco with that particular spoiler, but it was so long before I watched the show and I had zero knowledge of the show that my brain dissociated it and I forgot.
I kept my stuff to spoiler tags. If anyone had posted spoiler tags, I didn't click them.

I feel like I heard about the Twitter fiasco with that particular spoiler, but it was so long before I watched the show and I had zero knowledge of the show that my brain dissociated it and I forgot.
I noticed that, but I wasn't going to run any risks knowing I'd be starting the series soon. Like Bowielee said, someone might think they're dancing around a spoiler, but I'm not brain-dead enough to ignore something like that when reading.

Just brain-dead enough to open a spoiler tag.
Girl Meets World

Just watched the pilot. It was cute and had some clever writing. Some of it was a bit forced, like the obvious passing of the torch dialogue between Ben Savage and the new girl, talking about how he met his world and how it's hers now. But it still worked, overall. Some kind of lame jokes, but ones that I appreciated because I grew up on those lame kind of jokes in BMW and thus expected them.

Not sure about the kid actors yet. To be honest, I felt like I knew Maya (the best friend) more than Riley by the end. Also, the obsessive drama kid who's in love with both girls needs some major tweaking to his character or given the boot altogether. Farkle just isn't working. I think they were trying to go for a Eric Matthews feel with the character but it just falls flat.

But yeah, overall, it's enough that I'll keep watching it for now.

Of course, 90% of that may have been for the cameo at the end that made me stand up and cheer.


Which honestly made the passing of the torch complete to me.
As a pilot it was fine. I suspect this will get better with age. I'm really stoked to keep watching.

The Good
  • Ben Savage was very much in the groove as Cory.
  • I love, LOVE, that Cory is a teacher. I especially like that he basically acts like Feeny in the classroom.
  • The school is John Quincy Adams High. :rofl:
  • Writing that clearly acknowledges that fans of the original will be watching this, and still tells its own story.
  • FEE-NAY!

The Bad
  • Disney Channel Laugh-track.
  • The passing of the torch, your world, dialogue. Woof. That was rough.

The Ugly
  • The editing. Felt like way to much stuff was cut, and that they were trying for both an introduction episode, and a dive right in start to the show. That's the pilot for you I guess.


Staff member
The Bridge

Not a bad show. Seems to be ranging a bit for its piece of the post Breaking Bad pie but overall it has interesting characters even if it is a little predictable.
Was watching Louie Season 4 and I feel like I'm going through a lot of the weird shit he and Pamela are going through in the Pamela episodes with someone I've been spending a lot of time with. This is the best show.
Was watching Louie Season 4 and I feel like I'm going through a lot of the weird shit he and Pamela are going through in the Pamela episodes with someone I've been spending a lot of time with. This is the best show.
Oh, Pamela comes back? Awesome.

Now just to wait for that season to appear on Netflix.
There's a huge amount of complaints about the show being more dramatic and less funny (it's still gut crushingly hilarious at times) but I LOVED the new season.


Staff member
I happen to be watching Parks and Rec... but having just finished season 4, it's getting to the point where every episode is.

Leslie: I'm a fucking spaz and am going to fixate on this one thing!
Ann/Ben/Ron/Whoever: You should let it go and forget about it.
Leslie: No! I'm going to fixate on that and have my way!
Whoever: No good can come of this.
Leslie: Ok thanks for agreeing with me that I'm right about having my way MY WAY MY WAY!

(Awkwardness ensues)

Leslie: Ok, that was horrible. You were right, I should have just let it go and forgotten about it.
Whoever: Don't worry, I'm sure you've learned from this and we won't be having this exact conversation next episode.
Leslie: Yay! Aren't I perky and quirky?

Every. Episode. If the series didn't have such good supporting characters and quotable lines, I probably would have stopped watching a long time ago. As it is, I'm not quite to the point where it's too much yet... but I'm getting there.
*Points up finger in hopes to argue* No that is a valid criticism.

Tom Ruegger and Paul Rugg got a new show on Disney called "The 7D", a show about a bunch of dwarfs very very very VERY loosely based on the characters from Snow White who help protect the kingdom from this witch couple named "The Glooms". Its okay, needs to gain its legs but I could see getting into it.
*Points up finger in hopes to argue* No that is a valid criticism.

Tom Ruegger and Paul Rugg got a new show on Disney called "The 7D", a show about a bunch of dwarfs very very very VERY loosely based on the characters from Snow White who help protect the kingdom from this witch couple named "The Glooms". Its okay, needs to gain its legs but I could see getting into it.
I also checked it out. There was the occasional glimmer of good stuff in it, but it really needs to find its support.

Fun fact: the names of the show's villains, Grim and Hildy Gloom, come from Grimhilde, the name that was given in early promotional material for the Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
This season of Red Vs Blue is fucking RAD! Full of twists and turns, military conflicts, and it all started from a Halo parody!

And yes I consider it a TV show, its on Netflix so it counts.