Movie News & Miscellany

So this is what you were doing that whole time you were not watching everything else? You were watching the Blade movies?
I've only seen them each one time, when some station was showing Wesley Snipes movies back-to-back (I think they showed Enemy of the State The Art of War, too, but I didn't watch that one). I also saw Drop Zone, which is worth watching just for Swoop.

We were just listening to "Ninja Rap" in the car on Sunday. I never thought I'd have to describe it as "quaint". :confused:


Staff member
Oh my god I'm 9 again

(I had a cassette where I taped this song off the radio.. I wasn't fast enough so it started with the "..who could ask for more?" part)
Oh my god I'm 9 again

(I had a cassette where I taped this song off the radio.. I wasn't fast enough so it started with the "..who could ask for more?" part)
I'm sure I borrowed it from a friend and used my AMAZING dual tape cassette boombox to tape it for myself. PIRATES 4 EVA
I really want to see the new one despite the crappy look of the Turtles themselves, but the trailer literally makes it look exactly like the Transformers movies. Like *exactly*, even thought they're supposed to be Ninja Turtles and not Transformers. All the visual action ticks are exactly the same, and all the overused slo-mo makes me want to slam my head into the wall. I'm desperately hoping that there is proportionally less slo-mo in the actual movie, but you just can't tell with Michael Bay.
I can't say I'd be surprised if it were true. From what I've always understood they have trouble with making successful non-Miazaki films.
I can't say I'd be surprised if it were true. From what I've always understood they have trouble with making successful non-Miazaki films.
I would be more surprised if Disney didn't buy them out and turned them into an art house production studio or to a company that produces their Japan content.
Not news but a preference question.

I have not seen Captain America: Winter Soldier, and won't be seeing it until it's available for digital download (September I think).
I do have Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and am currently have "Turn Turn Turn" in que, which I believe is the tie-in episode with Winter Soldier.

Should I watch Winter Soldier first before watching the rest of the series? Or does it make a big difference at all?[DOUBLEPOST=1406304680,1406304309][/DOUBLEPOST]
Man I don't even care, it looks fun as fuck.

Looks fun. I mean Michael Bay has gotten me before. But I must admit that the first Transformers is a guilty pleasure of mine. There are definitely some terrible terrible moments in it, and I don't imagine it will be any different for TMNT, but so far it looks like I could walk away with some entertaining memories.

I find it interesting with the scene where Bay is mocking his own idiocy when he wanted the Turtles to be aliens originally.
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Not news but a preference question.

I have not seen Captain America: Winter Soldier, and won't be seeing it until it's available for digital download (September I think).
I do have Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and am currently have "Turn Turn Turn" in que, which I believe is the tie-in episode with Winter Soldier.

Should I watch Winter Soldier first before watching the rest of the series? Or does it make a big difference at all?
I would wait for Winter Soldier, if you can hold out. If you know the story of the movie and how it ends then yeah, you could just move on into AoS, but if you don't it'll definitely spoil some things.
Not news but a preference question.

I have not seen Captain America: Winter Soldier, and won't be seeing it until it's available for digital download (September I think).
I do have Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and am currently have "Turn Turn Turn" in que, which I believe is the tie-in episode with Winter Soldier.

Should I watch Winter Soldier first before watching the rest of the series? Or does it make a big difference at all?
I don't think it really matter which one you see first, either way you'll be surprised by the shared reveal in one of them (assuming that at this point you still don't know what it is) and have more of an idea what's going on when watching the other. Both of them have their seperate storylines and developments though, so you're not going to ruin one by watching the other.
I would wait for Winter Soldier, if you can hold out. If you know the story of the movie and how it ends then yeah, you could just move on into AoS, but if you don't it'll definitely spoil some things.
What I heard...
I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D pretty much becomes defunct. Kinda like the Mission Impossible Force in the 4th movie. Also something about Fury dying and coming back. Sadly I'm not immune to spoilers for long.
But does that wrap up the bulk of the surprises?
As far as I can remember, yeah, those are pretty much the major ending points of the movie.

Shield's downfall is pretty much the major driving plot point of AoS past Cap 2. If you don't know why Shield is dead, though that will definitely get spoiled for you by AoS.
What I heard...
I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D pretty much becomes defunct. Kinda like the Mission Impossible Force in the 4th movie. Also something about Fury dying and coming back. Sadly I'm not immune to spoilers for long.
But does that wrap up the bulk of the surprises?
This is probably a silly question, but do you know who the Winter Soldier is?
I watched the shield episode first, and I don't feel like it spoiled the movie at all. It does reference some things in the movie, but references them in a very subtle way, to the point that I didn't know what specifically they were talking about (though did know enough to follow the plot of the episode) until I watched the movie, and then realized "Ohh... that's what happened."

It's done in a pretty clever way, actually. The events in SHIELD happen away from the events of Winter Soldier, so they don't know what's going on either, but obviously have to deal with something -big- happening.
What I heard...
I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D pretty much becomes defunct. Kinda like the Mission Impossible Force in the 4th movie. Also something about Fury dying and coming back. Sadly I'm not immune to spoilers for long.
But does that wrap up the bulk of the surprises?
If you understand the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. is almost defunct, then you are ok to watch the episode.
It's a fantastic little story with a great emotional charge. Now, much like any adaption, it will have to be modified to fit a 2 hour movie. Of course, since the actual writer is the same guy as the game... That's a good sign.[DOUBLEPOST=1406349977,1406349960][/DOUBLEPOST]It's a fantastic little story with a great emotional charge. Now, much like any adaption, it will have to be modified to fit a 2 hour movie. Of course, since the actual writer is the same guy as the game... That's a good sign.
I don't think The Last of Us is a hard story to adapt to film. The game itself is pretty cinematic, so I'm hoping we don't have to worry about the writer shoving in little nods to it having been a video game, like "Game over!" from Street Fighter, or the first person thing from Doom, or the "congratulations, you've beaten the game" style scene near the end of Silent Hill. Just tell the story like you'd tell it in any other movie and it should be the best video game to movie adaptation there is.
