Words, words, words

Post words you like! Any language welcome!

kairos (KYE-ROSS):

a perfect, delicate or crucial moment. A rightness of time and place that creates the best atmosphere to say or do something.


Staff member
syzygy - an alignment of celestial bodies.

Also great if you want to be a dick in hangman.
  1. a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill.
I like that one!

Maybe in a similar vein...

numinous (nu-min-us)

A powerful personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired, fearful yet fascinated.


Staff member
Egregious. adj (adv: Egregiously)

Blatant, obvious, flagrant, gross. Extremely badly, beyond what you would expect.

"Try not to do anything egregiously stupid."
"There's an egregious number of spelling and grammar errors in this essay."


Staff member
Borborygmos - The rumbling sound your stomach makes.[DOUBLEPOST=1407528841,1407528768][/DOUBLEPOST]And they've apparently named a MtG monster that as well.
adjective: magnanimous
very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself.




a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
German, Hawaiian and Inuit words are kind of unfair because they all basically take entire sentences and turn them into single words :p

That being said:


noun, often capitalized \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\
: a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people


Staff member
German, Hawaiian and Inuit words are kind of unfair because they all basically take entire sentences and turn them into single words :p
You're not joking. I used to jokingly use Ungenugentafellappen. It means, roughly "Unsatisfactory blackboard erasing rag."
Borborygmos - The rumbling sound your stomach makes.[DOUBLEPOST=1407528841,1407528768][/DOUBLEPOST]And they've apparently named a MtG monster that as well.
Holy fuck, Borg-borgy-borg is a real word?!

He's boss of the Gruul clan.



Staff member
Ideopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious.
If you hear the murmur you can make the diagnosis:
Ideopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis!

My father the doctor sang this sometimes. He described it as meaning, from the greek:
Ideopathic - We have no idea why it's doing this
hypertrophic - overgrown/overfed muscle
subaortic - below the aorta
stenosis - swelling that squeezes off a blood vessel.
Ideopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious.
If you hear the murmur you can make the diagnosis:
Ideopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis!

My father the doctor sang this sometimes. He described it as meaning, from the greek:
Ideopathic - We have no idea why it's doing this
hypertrophic - overgrown/overfed muscle
subaortic - below the aorta
stenosis - swelling that squeezes off a blood vessel.
I've often wondered if I could build a pun around "Super can of fragile lipstick, expect halitosis," or something like that.

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zymurgy - the branch of applied chemistry dealing with fermentation, as in winemaking, brewing, the preparation of yeast, etc.
schadenfreude (shah-den-froy-dah). n. A feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people.
orenda: an Iroquois word which means the force present in all people that enables them to change their own destiny or affect the world around them.
lisp - because people with one cannot properly pronounce it
Stutter - for roughly the same reason

fremdschämen - to be ashamed yourself for someone else's behaviour because he obviously isn't but should. Can be used for almost all those B-celebs; Kardashians or example.

Honorary mention: Rampensau (because I like the sound of it :) ) *rump 'n' sow* where the 'ow' is pronounced like in ouch
A person extremely seeking attention and hogging the limelight. A friendly wave goes to William Shatner.
Two words, new to me , that I find of interest: Angiogram- A scan of the heart and arteries. Because I had this a few weeks ago. Angioplasty - stent because I am due this next month. Both of these procedures involve Cardiac Catheterisation.