The Zoe Quinn sex-for-reviews scandal


Staff member
In all fairness, there's a point where networking just becomes networking and sex doesn't have to be involved, even if that's how you (pun intended) kickstarted your entrance into the industry. You just trade on your existing notoriety to hobnob with people who can increase it.
This is a weirdly bizarre shit-storm, that's for sure. Unfortunately a lot of what's been brought up is hard to verify and with so much dirty laundry being flung about, it's hard to take any of it at face value. Regardless, it *does* illustrate how dangerously entangled gaming developers and gaming journalism have become, and that lack of objectivity weakens gaming journalism. It also shows how systems that are designed to help or protect people's interests can be very easily manipulated into quashing legitimate inquiry and criticism. These are all very real concerns, regardless of any one person's sex life.


Staff member
That, and her steadfast refusal to capitalize her sentences drove me up the wall. She capitalizes names though, so you know her shift key isn't broken.
This is a good read, although it's going to make everything look green for a while.
Like I already said, this whole thing reeks of MRA bullshit to justify their vile views on women. It's petty, stupid and the actual problematic part, any sort of favor for better reviews, appears to be unproven. Everything else, speculation about her sex life, etc, is just gross and feels like bitter nerds calling a women a "slut" in order to shame her.
He's right, I should have just said misogynistic assholes with seriously unhealthy and warped views of women and sexuality.


Staff member
He's right, I should have just said misogynistic assholes with seriously unhealthy and warped views of women and sexuality.
Or "vast right wing conspiracy," which was a hair's breadth from being uttered in that eye-murdering blog post. I can't believe anybody thought that mewling dribble would be taken seriously. I mean, 4chan and /v/, a hardline conservative bloc? What's next, greenpeace being accused of being in BP's pocket?
Oh I only skimmed it, and I always doubt any real conspiracy bullshit, but assholes? Assholes are EVERYWHERE.


Staff member
Do you actually believe that shit?
That tumblr SJWs are hyprocritical self-promoting professional victims with no actual ethical compass or basic competency? What's not to believe?

You should watch more of Thunderfoot's stuff, he very adeptly showed why "Solar Frickin Roadways" is a sham and illustrated quite effectively how Anita Sarkeesian is peddling BS.
:facepalm: I couldn't make it through the whole video; there's a whole lot of stupid in there, the clips and the narrator sharing portions and eating it off each other's plates.
My problem is that, this is going to be used as some kind of weird-ass justification anytime a woman brings up some legitimate concerns about the videogame industry - be it gaming journalism, or how women in the industry are treated, or just the incredible level of under-representation of female characters in gaming. I mean you already have channers responding to any complaint a woman has about gaming, no matter how reasonable or minor, with "I hope u get raped to death bitch". Now any time a female developer talks about difficulties, it's going to be "Well some other woman did something kind of unethical so fuck you and whatever it is you're talking about". And that's a really toxic atmosphere to try and have any kind of discourse in.


Staff member
My problem is that, this is going to be used as some kind of weird-ass justification anytime a woman brings up some legitimate concerns about the videogame industry - be it gaming journalism, or how women in the industry are treated, or just the incredible level of under-representation of female characters in gaming. I mean you already have channers responding to any complaint a woman has about gaming, no matter how reasonable or minor, with "I hope u get raped to death bitch". Now any time a female developer talks about difficulties, it's going to be "Well some other woman did something kind of unethical so fuck you and whatever it is you're talking about". And that's a really toxic atmosphere to try and have any kind of discourse in.
Indeed. That's what people mean when they say something has "set a movement back (x amount of time)," because as my dad used to say, "One ohshit will kill a thousand attaboys."


Staff member
Stopped the video as soon as he said no can also mean yes.
I know what you're trying to say, but you're being willfully intellectually dishonest if you're telling me that "maybe" and "no" have not, and are not still currently, being used when "yes" is meant.
That's only the beginning of some of the ridiculous shit in it.
You really need to get some sleep, you're ultra cranky in every thread I've seen you post in for the last week.
I know what you're trying to say, but you're being willfully intellectually dishonest if you're telling me that "maybe" and "no" have not, and are not still currently, being used when "yes" is meant.
Maybe is open to interpretation. No is not.

I don't care if she's naked and flicking her bean at you. If she says no, you stop.


Staff member
Maybe is open to interpretation. No is not.

I don't care if she's naked and flicking her bean at you. If she says no, you stop.
That's an excellent assertion to constantly be making, and a concept we should definitely be reinforcing, until we eventually reach the point where it's actually true. Because right now there's all kinds of mind-game shit that undermines it.
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