[PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

CynicismKills said:
Potatofamine#1633 I'm hoping to slam out old raids in Heroic mode with a few folks, so add me! Gonna swap a 90 to Ally side sometime this week, so let me know if you want to destroy some old content or do the new UBRS.
I'll add you when I get home.
I like everything thus far except for the balance issues.

Well, not the warrior rotation changes. I like to press more than 3 buttons.
Low level play is impossible now. I've been trying all night, it just won't work. Will wait for the hotfix before trying again.
Not to mention they were KEY to Enhancement shamans. I don't see how leveling could be enjoyable at all without flametongue or windfury.
The imbues became passive for enhancement in the passive talent Enhanced Weapons. So, basically, you still have them, they're just passive now. I do miss the orbs, though. They changed unleash elements so that it's unique for each spec, based on the the unleash effect that was the primary weapon buff for the spec.[DOUBLEPOST=1413446549,1413446206][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Flight form and aquatic form for druids are rolled into Travel form. You automatically change based on if you're in the air, on the ground, or in the water when you activate travel form.
Yeah, the fix they did an hour ago made things worse. Some mobs hit for like 2 damage, then another one mixed in with a different name (like a Naga Myrmidon and a Nag Syren) will hit for 700 damage.

This is honestly completely fucking ridiculous. They should be fucking ashamed about the shape the game is in now.

Apparently those level 1 mana wyrms in the Blood Elf starting zone hit for hundreds and hundreds of damage too.
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I subbed again to check out the new pretties. It looks pretty cool so far. I doubt I'll stay subbed for more than a month though.

I might have to log into one of my lowbies to check out this mess.
Blizzards excuse right now seems to be that that it's all such a "big change" that they are likely going to "miss some mobs" or some shit. They want any mobs doing too much damage to be reported. This would have been great being tested on the PTR you know before you threw all new players to the friggin wolves.
Barrens mobs seemed ok to me. There was one poison that would drop half my health in one tick though. Otherwise I could pull 3+ mobs of the same level at once easily.
Maybe they feel like they have enough subscribers, and are trying to discourage new ones?
Sadly this makes sense. There were a whole lot of people excited because with the removal of Justice Points, the plan was for all the heirlooms sold through JP to cost gold instead, making them more accessible. At the zero hour Blizzard said "Oops nevermind" and removed them, with the excuse that allowing anyone at any level to buy them for gold would "devalue" them. At least they left them open at the Darkmoon Faire using tickets, but good luck getting tickets in any reasonable time to get a whole set.

That and the whole scaling issue with now make it a bad time to be playing a new character.
Sadly this makes sense. There were a whole lot of people excited because with the removal of Justice Points, the plan was for all the heirlooms sold through JP to cost gold instead, making them more accessible. At the zero hour Blizzard said "Oops nevermind" and removed them, with the excuse that allowing anyone at any level to buy them for gold would "devalue" them. At least they left them open at the Darkmoon Faire using tickets, but good luck getting tickets in any reasonable time to get a whole set.

That and the whole scaling issue with now make it a bad time to be playing a new character.
The ONLY way I can see people getting a whole set in a reasonable amount of time would be to...

- Do your normal Darkmoon dailies (which means you NEED a pet team of rares at 25 or better).
- Do your artifact runs (can you get the lower level drops from Heroics?) or buy them at 100+g a piece.
- Do the boss fights (good luck with it happening while you are awake)
- Have enough points in each craft skill to do all the monthlies. You'll have to drop skills and re-acquire your mains when done.

You can get 155 a DMF, so that's basically ONE heirloom a DMF, unless you incessantly grind away at it with other characters and transfer the prizes (if it's still unbound). A full set WILL take you months to get.
Sadly this makes sense. There were a whole lot of people excited because with the removal of Justice Points, the plan was for all the heirlooms sold through JP to cost gold instead, making them more accessible. At the zero hour Blizzard said "Oops nevermind" and removed them, with the excuse that allowing anyone at any level to buy them for gold would "devalue" them. At least they left them open at the Darkmoon Faire using tickets, but good luck getting tickets in any reasonable time to get a whole set.

That and the whole scaling issue with now make it a bad time to be playing a new character.
More likely they're trying to push people to buy their way through it with instant 90's.
Sadly this makes sense. There were a whole lot of people excited because with the removal of Justice Points, the plan was for all the heirlooms sold through JP to cost gold instead, making them more accessible. At the zero hour Blizzard said "Oops nevermind" and removed them, with the excuse that allowing anyone at any level to buy them for gold would "devalue" them. At least they left them open at the Darkmoon Faire using tickets, but good luck getting tickets in any reasonable time to get a whole set.

That and the whole scaling issue with now make it a bad time to be playing a new character.
Yeah, this whole thing is making me glad I still haven't bought Warlords.
Yeah, this whole thing is making me glad I still haven't bought Warlords.
Having played the beta you will have no problem on Draenor with a level 90. The mobs actually feel pretty easy overall. That is what happens though when you focus all your scaling on that small range of content.
I just checked and heirlooms are still available through the guild merchant.
Yeah, you can still buy helmets and legs. If you're friendly with any guild, no guild levels anymore. Which makes the decision to cut out gold bought other slot heirlooms completely baffling.
Priest heals are dominating the shit out of everyone else right now. I saw the number difference pretty quick after playing my other healers them swapping to priest, but shit son.

Overall damage in old content when doing it at higher levels has been reduced, along with the health pools of the mobs. Sadly, this means you're going to kill things slower now.

They say it has to do with the gold/gear drops, but considering most trash packs give 1-3 gold when mass-looted, that's kind of a bullshit excuse. The gear sells for 20+, I guess, but even then it doesn't seem like a good enough reason.
I honestly don't get what the big deal about homogeneity of the classes is. I think it detracts more from the game than it adds.
I honestly don't get what the big deal about homogeneity of the classes is. I think it detracts more from the game than it adds.
Because giving people more options to play with makes filling raids way easier than to used to be. Your healers/tanks no-show? You used to be fucked. Now you just have a few DPS switch gear and roles. Pub DPS is acceptable... pub heals/tanks are not.
I honestly don't get what the big deal about homogeneity of the classes is. I think it detracts more from the game than it adds.
It's a slippery slope. There's a balance they need to find that I think they might have passed a bit too much, but I guess we'll see if it's better at 100.

I wish I could get an answer from them on why my cooldown indications aren't showing up on hotbars. You'd be amazed how hard it is to push the right buttons when you can't tell what's still on cooldown and what's not.
I feel like my max(for now) level Enhancement Shaman is wrecking face right now.[DOUBLEPOST=1413559253,1413558661][/DOUBLEPOST]My Shaman is one WILD AND CRAZY GUY!
[DOUBLEPOST=1413559318][/DOUBLEPOST]y'know the next thing they need to do? redo all the old weapon and armor textures.
So I got pushed to the next step after 3k VP on the Cloak quest thanks to it getting removed, but holy shit Horde is awful at Temple of Kotmogu. Lost every match by a 500+ point margin. The upside is watching dudes get insanely salty as the match goes on. Nobody rages like a PvP dickrag rages.
Spoilers: Both sides are terrible at those two. Believe me. I have cloaks on both factions. It's because there are too many PvE'ers and not enough career PvPers.