You know as I visit my Garrison throughout the day to start missions, I started to think about how fucking weird they are handling this time altering business. Even more so then it already is.
Now the way Blizzard explained it, and this made sense, was that everything that happened since Garrosh appeared in the past has been altered, creating the new alternate timeline. However, this does not explain how things have changed
before he appeared, things that are rather important. For instance, in the new timeline, Grom's mate dies before ever giving birth to Garrosh. As far as this timeline was concerned, Garrosh never existed. That is already a bit of a tough one but not the most blatant issue to me.
That goes to one of my followers,
Rulkan. For those that don't read up on the lore, Rulkan is Ner'zhul's wife. In WoD, Grom gives Ner'zhul an ultimatum to join the Iron Horde and bring some worth, or die under it's onslaught. To save his clan, he turned to a forbidden void magic that his ancestors discovered long ago. In disgust, Rulkan took the honorable part of the clan and left, separating from her husband. She helps you by giving you the key that allows you to enter the Shadowmoon fortress.
So why is this weird? Rulkan was the reason Ner'zhul turned to the demons in the first place. Having been dead in the original timeline, Kil'jaeden exploited Ner'zhul's love of Rulkan by disguising himself as her spirit, coming to him in his dreams and leading him down the path that would form the Horde. Later on, when Ner'zhul learned the truth of Rulkan, Kil'jaeden turned instead to Gul'dan, teaching him the skills of a warlock, and sending him down the path to have the orcs ultimately drink the blood of Mannoroth.
With Rulkan being alive in WoD, that means the events that made Ner'zhul form his pact with Kil'jaeden never came to pass, all of which was supposed to happen before Garrosh became part of the picture. So how did Gul'dan get his power? How did Kil'jaeden get his opening to lead to the blood drinking? Damn it, Blizzard, at least be consistent with your crazy explanations!