I'll let you know if it improves any. The one thing I think I should make clear is that I may not be the most unbiased regarding the game for a few reasons:Ooh, that's good to know. Lego Marvel is still played heavily at my place, me having put my foot down on Lego Batman 2 (dude, we're at 100% - I'm not playing it any damn more). I was hopeful for this one.
1) I'm suffering heavily from Batman fatigue. I'm sick of him as a character, and it figuratively kills me to say that.
2) Pretty much everything from DC right now has sort of a poisoned well effect for me. I'm so disgusted with everything they've produced lately that I may not be judging this game fairly.
3) Batman being kind of a dick to Robin (no pun intended, especially because they state that the Robin in the games is Tim Drake) was pretty funny in the first game, but it really wears thin in this one. Robin is practically a drooling idiot and Batman is almost All Star Batman and Robin Batman.
I know it's not Lego games in general because I just recently got Pirates of the Caribbean and still love that game.