Was going to put this in the minor victory thread, but apparently it's actually kind of a big deal (if you care about this stuff, be honest I don't). My wife and her friend got tickets to be in the SNL audience this weekend so they are going to New York this Saturday.
I've wanted to do that. Hope it's fun!


Staff member
So my wife, at the SNL show, was pulled out of the "general" audience and put in the "front" audience, which is like 30 people, usually just folks with connections. They were the only people pulled. You can sort of see her a handful of times when they pan the audience. The levels of luck involved in her adventure are pretty insane.
Pop's looking good there. :D

Also, every time you post a picture of Jun she reminds me of a different celebrity. Right now she's reminding me of a Japanese actress whose name escapes me at the moment.
A new armadillo mystery is born!

Or at least the idea for one.

My girlfriend texted me a little while ago and part of the message caused a very weird autocorrect. I won't say what it is because it'd give away potentially the title for this next mystery. To say the least, the second I read the two words, ideas started dawning on me.

With the way I'm thinking right now, I'm not only imagining my first ever power item (ala The Infinity Gems or the Spear of Destiny), but this particular mystery will likely result in a VERY large death toll. I'm talking hundreds or thousands.

Probably won't be a story written any time soon, but the idea has now begun percolating.
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I have wanted to build a gaming PC for quite some time now. Having never had one, a friend has been on the lookout for cheap PC parts. He lucked into a MASSIVE sale today on Amazon, and showed me this video card, motherboard, 240GB SSD and 8 GB RAM ( for less than $200 total. Soooo...Christmas gift from the wife with her blessing.

I still need to get a CPU and PSU in the coming months, but--given a few sales from Microcenter--I should have a sub-$300 gaming PC that's better than anything I've ever owned. Go go gadget PC Master Race.
I have wanted to build a gaming PC for quite some time now. Having never had one, a friend has been on the lookout for cheap PC parts. He lucked into a MASSIVE sale today on Amazon, and showed me this video card, motherboard, 240GB SSD and 8 GB RAM ( for less than $200 total. Soooo...Christmas gift from the wife with her blessing.

I still need to get a CPU and PSU in the coming months, but--given a few sales from Microcenter--I should have a sub-$300 gaming PC that's better than anything I've ever owned. Go go gadget PC Master Race.
Might want to keep an eye out on /r/buildapcsales