[Gaming] Board Game Praise

Played Lords of Waterdeep last weekend for the first time with a group of five players and the expansion. Did pretty well, tying for first place. The theme is a little tacked on (collect color cubes to fulfill goals, place workers to perform actions to collect those cubes and goals), but overall it's a clever little game which was really easy to pick up on my first play through.

Otherwise want to play more Android: Netrunner again. Even downloaded OCTGN game platform and am waiting for friends to do the same so we can play on there when we can't meet up.
Dead of Winter will be out either July or August. You can see Colby Dauk (owner of Plaid Hat Games) talk to Eric Summerer (co host of The Dice Tower podcast) HERE.

You can also see how to play it from Watch It Played with Rodney Smith. They will be playing the game, so we'll get to see that as well.
Recently picked up Forbidden Desert and it is fun, but hard. We've only played one game and were a card away from winning.

Also, my friend picked up Mice & Mystics. Also hard and despite some rules mix ups, we managed to win the first game. The main problem we have is that we regularly have more people than some of the scenarios call for.
Concordia. This game is fantastically simple, each player having the same amount of turns. On your turn you can take three gems of different types, two gems of the same type if the stack isn't less than 4, or one gold gem and a card from the table goes into your hand.

With the gems you 'buy' cards on the table, which will allow you to buy more expensive cards and points on those cards. The first player to 15 points triggers the end of the game and all players play until they've had the same amount of turns as the player who reached 15.

We've pulled this one out at the last three game nights and I don't see it going away anytime soon. Simple enough for anyone to pick up but tons of depth.
Woot, got no e-mail but I got my copy of Dead of Winter dropped off today!! Can't wait to bring it to the gaming group this weekend. :)
Hah, I truly wish! L.A. is very far from here, and I'm not much of a traveler (or, to be honest, a meet and greet kinda guy).

Hoping after my degree I'll have more time for traveling. Might be nice to have a job that has vacation days again :D
So, I didn't know where else to post this, but can you believe that THIS guy:


Was the last guest on Day[9]'s Spellslingers playing Magic: The Gathering

Finally had a group small enough to play Mice and Mystics. We set up the game and went over the rules and the information for the first chapter. It was enjoyable . We did end up spending over 3 hours to only get halfway through the first chapter, but we were getting the hang of it near the end once the rules were clear. We made a few mistakes that ended up making things easier for us, but we will remember for next time. Sadly the folks we played with don't live in the area. I'd like to make a campaign of our game so we may have to wait for them to come back down again before we can continue. The nice thing is the game makes it pretty easy to pick up where you left off. A quick snapshot of the board would probably do it, or even just remembering a few simple thoughts such as what equipment we were wearing.
I played the DC Deckbuilder game with the new expansion which turns it into a co-op experience. So far... I dunno. At one point we hit a snag and we just didn't stand a chance. I'm also wondering if two players isn't a good number for the game and should be played with more players if you want to take advantage of the new hero powers (which I found incredibly weak).

Jury is out on this one for me, but I'm hoping to get another playthrough yet and do an update at that time.
So, I didn't know where else to post this, but can you believe that THIS guy:

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Was the last guest on Day[9]'s Spellslingers playing Magic: The Gathering

Hey man, Josh Barnett is one of the smartest dudes in MMA. Also Magic, because he's a Rakdos man. It's too bad they only play the intro decks (or equivalents) in Spellslingers. I'd like to see them actually play good decks.
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Stumbled upon a board game on amazon for firefly. Reviews are pretty good. Anyone try it?
My housemate owns it, but she's out of the province for a couple weeks and hasn't played it yet. If you're not in a rush I can give it a shot and give a review once she's back.
I've heard mostly decent-but-not-great things about FF the board game.

Tried out Battles of Westeros for the first time. It's BattleLore (Memoir 44 etc) type game in the universe of ASoIaF (cue Jay saying it's a crappy universe and we should all read something else).
I quite like BattleLore games, but this one...I dunno. It's praised a lot for being amongst the very best of them, but I wonder how other people set this up. There's just -too- many things to keep tab on and account for. Having 3 units and 4 markers in one space is a bit much for my taste. Yes, in Memoir you had to remember a bit more and some of the mechanics weren't there, but it played a lot smoother. Here you're constantly wondering if you're not forgetting something. I dunno - maybe I'll know it al lby heart faster than I think and the set-up will go much faster, but still. I'm not 100% sold on it quite yet.
I heard you can solo play it.
Pretty much anything that is cooperative and not competitive you can solo.
One of my favorite games I play on my own is Forbidden Island. I have the Ipad version so it's easy to set up and play.
Pretty much anything that is cooperative and not competitive you can solo.
One of my favorite games I play on my own is Forbidden Island. I have the Ipad version so it's easy to set up and play.
The iPad version of Elder Sign is also quite good and entirely playable as a solo game.
Oh that's very cool. That will be a must for me.
I'm not happy about it releasing next year though. That's a long wait.
We've been playing Zombicide after the Walking Dead on sundays.


It's a cooperative humans vs zombies game where there are various "missions" to play using a tiled city set, and the players have to work together against the zombies to reach their objectives. It's really fun, especially when you wade into a street full of walkers, mowing them down with the chainsaw :)

Finally had a group small enough to play Mice and Mystics. We set up the game and went over the rules and the information for the first chapter. It was enjoyable . We did end up spending over 3 hours to only get halfway through the first chapter, but we were getting the hang of it near the end once the rules were clear. We made a few mistakes that ended up making things easier for us, but we will remember for next time. Sadly the folks we played with don't live in the area. I'd like to make a campaign of our game so we may have to wait for them to come back down again before we can continue. The nice thing is the game makes it pretty easy to pick up where you left off. A quick snapshot of the board would probably do it, or even just remembering a few simple thoughts such as what equipment we were wearing.
Got this game for my birthday, and played tonight. Reminds me a lot of Zombicide, which everyone was already familiar with, so didn't take us long to get in the swing of things. Got through the Prologue chapter, and everyone agreed that it was a fun game.
Played Tammany Hall today. Things looked pretty dour for the first three rounds for me as I was trailing pretty badly but in the 4th (and final) round I pulled ahead due to not being contested because everyone was focused on the first place guy. So yay, I win!

I've noticed in games where people can gang up on each other I should spend the first 3/4 of the game at the back of the pack so I get ignored and then Kapow! sneak ahead and win. It almost always works and the key to it is saying "I have 1 point and everyone is at 10, there's no way I can catch up and get ahead!".

I think they are catching on though.
I also played Marvel Dice Masters, which is the new Magic only with dice. It's a good little game which plays super fast and booster packs come with 2 dice and 2 cards and only cost $1. Seriously, it's an awesome game.
We've been playing Zombicide after the Walking Dead on sundays.


It's a cooperative humans vs zombies game where there are various "missions" to play using a tiled city set, and the players have to work together against the zombies to reach their objectives. It's really fun, especially when you wade into a street full of walkers, mowing them down with the chainsaw :)

Hmmm... that looks suspiciously like Last Night on Earth, but that game is human players vs zombie players.
Hmmm... that looks suspiciously like Last Night on Earth, but that game is human players vs zombie players.
I own LNoE - the boards are quite different - they are more based on a center square and 4 L-shaped boards around it, but yes, it's humans vs zombies (and tons of fun!).