I watched the commercial... and still refuse to believe it ever existed.My favorite obscure game was I Vant to Bite Your Finger. I have to actually convince people that this game existed.
This one is my favorite too. I don't know any new games, but we always gather happily for a round of Robo Rally shouting "Do the Robo dance!"Robo-Rally: This is a game that comes with it's own level of frustration. Each player represents a group of bored-as-hell AIs who control the robots in a manufacturing plant. They decide "what the hell, let's have a race?" and Robo-Rally was born. Each player gets a robot to torment and is issued a series of move cards that they may input into their bot's programing. Each of the five moves is carried out simultaneously with each player, with a higher valued card having move priority. And since the robots can push, shoot, or screw with each other, there is a lot of potential for shenanigans.
Seeing as most of the board games I played were made in the 70s and 80s, yeah, it makes one feel a bit long in the toothRobo Rally is the oldest of the bunch I think. The rest are probably nearing a decade.
You aren't the only one - I can't find anyone down here to play it so I haven't looked at investing in it yet (plus I want to paint the minis too).I really want to play Last Night on Earth.
I've literally watched every episode of Tabletop a minimum of twiceYou aren't the only one - I can't find anyone down here to play it so I haven't looked at investing in it yet (plus I want to paint the minis too).
Also - here is Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day playing it. (doesn't appear to be 100% rule correct)
I'm a big BSG fan - am assuming that since you listed it it's decent - any specific thoughts about it?Battlestar galactica
Its one of my favourite board games and got me into the showI'm a big BSG fan - am assuming that since you listed it it's decent - any specific thoughts about it?
I have a specific thought: It's an awesome game! It's a bit hard to play as a cylon the first time though, because you can't ask about the rules, etc, if you want to stay undercover (no one knows who the cylons are), plus the humans can collectively devise strategies whereas you are on your own.I'm a big BSG fan - am assuming that since you listed it it's decent - any specific thoughts about it?
And you can't choke someone over Skype or G+.You guys need to play war fish. It's an online RISK where you just get an email notification when it's your turn. You can okay a games.over a few weeks or if you have time start a Google hangout or something and just have fun. It's got different maps and stuff too so you can play differently scenarios.
You better keep Junta away from them too!Risk: I make it a rule to never break out Risk amongst my friends.
Ah, how I miss game shop people! /sarcasm. . . shouldn't have tried to calm him down by saing "it's only a game"...
He was one of my actual gaming buddies, not shop...Ah, how I miss game shop people! /sarcasm
That's sort of the point. The game is about simulating a pen and paper session that has gone off the rails. Those NEVER end well.I loved Munchkin, until about the fourth time playing it suddenly dawned on me that every single game ends almost exactly the same two ways. One person is in the lead and about to win, everybody goes all out and pull out all the stops to stop this from happening, he will either pull it off anyway and win or he won't and the second place person will win in the next round or two.
Yeah, that can be frustrating, especially if you out yourself as a bandit early and get trounced for it.Bang is the best card only "board" game I've ever played. That game is just incredible. My only problem with it is once a player is eliminated that's it, they're done. I'm not a fan of player elimination in board games.
I love the expansion where there is a card that brings back all the eliminated players as ghosts for one round. They get a full hand of cards and can play as normal. Once the round ends they are dead again.Bang is the best card only "board" game I've ever played. That game is just incredible. My only problem with it is once a player is eliminated that's it, they're done. I'm not a fan of player elimination in board games.
Renegade absolutely is the hardest role to play. In the online game he's also worth the most points if you are victorious. Heck. You even get a small bonus if you are alive no matter how the game resolves.I've ended up the Renegade an inordinate amount of times and it's definitely the most fun part to play. It's easily the most challenging too.
Mostly this. I enjoy the computer version of Risk for old-style Macs, but playing against other real humans just leads to too much tension.I make it a rule to never break out Risk amongst my friends. I have become disenchanted with it over the years, but that's not the main reason I avoid it. Mostly it's the rage that the game brings out in people.
I would have mentioned Fluxx (I have the standard and the Monty Python variants), except that I don't consider it a board game.Fluxx is a fun game for small groups.
http://xkcd.com/759/It's a game I play when I'm bored, and it has over one hundred very thin, small boards.
We had to fail at that game 4 or 5 times before we started beating it. It has a brutal learning curve.Man, fuck Ghost Stories. I hate that game soooo much.
I remember thinking the same thing with Arkham Horror now any group I'm with needs to have a bunch of extra rules to even risk losing the game.We had to fail at that game 4 or 5 times before we started beating it. It has a brutal learning curve.
I loves me some Waterdeep. Great game.My current Obsession is Lords of Waterdeep. You play as the guys in the shadowy bar who send adventurers out on quests to gain presitge and power in Waterdeep. It's an awesome game and I always come out having a blast even if I lose badly.
True but everyone has equal chance of picking them up. And for all the underpowered combinations, those usually sit until the end of the game and get a giant bank on them, sometimes making it worth picking them just for that alone.I like Small World, though I think it is one that has to be taken in moderation. Some of the combinations are ridiculously OP!
How do you pronounce that? In India, it's a surname and is pronounced Dik-shit. No joke.Dixit is an awesome game, especially for playing with people who are not used/don't like tabletop games that much.
Huh. Here I thought it would be pronounced French-like, which would make it sound like "Deceit" except with the accent on the first syllable.How do you pronounce [Dixit]?
My apologies, Settlers. It's called Colonists in Dutch and French. (Les Colons de Catane, in French, really. Yes, they think it's a colonoscopy simulator. Don't go to a French hospital)Why wasn't Settlers of Catan called Colonists of Catan?
That's nice alliteration!
I assumed it was in other languages, I wasn't correcting you. Just mentioning how much more I like the name Colonists of Catan.My apologies, Settlers. It's called Colonists in Dutch and French. (Les Colons de Catane, in French, really. Yes, they think it's a colonoscopy simulator. Don't go to a French hospital)
I just want to add to this: Cards Against Humanity
If you've played Apples to Apples, it is essentially that, but with VERY ADULT THEMES and some truly horrifyingly hilarious cards.
If you've not played Apples to Apples, why are you reading this thread and not heading out to buy Apples to Apples?
Bang! is great. I have the Bang special edition Bullet, there are some character cards you really need to take out though; cause they can kind of break the game. Also, I've yet to be able to play it and not have to teach it at the same time. Still, one of my favourites. It is so satisfying to shout "MANCATO!" and slap a Missed card down when your opponent thinks they've put the nail in your coffin.BANG! is one of those games where there are simple rules to playing it properly. Each role has it's own tactics that really need to be observed to give you a better chance at victory.
Sheriff: It's not your job to guess who is who. If anything you are doing your self a disservice by attacking someone at random. If you get your deputy killed (or even the renegade) you are increasing the odds for everyone else. What should you do? Sit back and relax. If you are playing with expansions, just stock up on blue and green cards. Prepare for war. Once the deputy(s) is(are) dead you know that everyone else is fair game. Just remember that the Renegade is on your side until you and he are the last man standing.
Deputy: You have the easiest role, because you know exactly who is who. You know everyone else besides the Sheriff is a target. Use this to your advantage by picking fights with people who can't defend themselves. Start with the person on your immediate right (skipping the Sheriff). If you draw blood, the others will likely go for the kill.
Renegade: Same as the Deputy, but you might want to sit back a bit and see who goes after who. You'll have to take chances more than the other roles, but your biggest challenge will be preparing yourself to go head to head against the sheriff. And if he's been stocking up, you better as well.
Bandit: Everyone wants to kill you. Even other bandits. But honestly they shouldn't. Bandits can take out a Sheriff in one turn if they work together. The longer the game goes on the worst your chances are that you'll be able to take down the Sheriff. Your best option is to attack within the first or the second round. And if you are directly to the Sheriff's left you better damn well be the first person to open fire. Yes it outs you right from the start, but if the other bandits are smart they will take the hint. They will each get a turn before the Sheriff has the chance to defend himself.
I love the expansion where there is a card that brings back all the eliminated players as ghosts for one round. They get a full hand of cards and can play as normal. Once the round ends they are dead again.
Finally had a chance to play Power Grid the other day. I've been wanting to play it for a while, but it's not a preferred game amongst my friends. I do quite enjoy it, but I do admit that I wish there was more of a random element to it. Something like the dice roll for resources in Settlers of Catan, where tactical skill isn't going to be the only manner of winning.
My wife actually enjoyed it. Which I certainly wasn't expecting. I think it helped that she won her first time.I dunno, I've played it often enough that I find te order in which power plants come up is plenty of randomness, and can already play a HUGE role in who wins, eventually.
I will say it's very different depending on the map you're playing. I still generally prefer the original, German map.
I love power grid because I can effectively plan out my entire move. "Okay I have $X I'm going to be spending $Y on fuel this turn I'd like to Spend $Z to expand so I can spend $A on my new powerplant."My wife actually enjoyed it. Which I certainly wasn't expecting. I think it helped that she won her first time.
I love power grid because I can effectively plan out my entire move. "Okay I have $X I'm going to be spending $Y on fuel this turn I'd like to Spend $Z to expand so I can spend $A on my new powerplant."
Only bad move in the entire game is going green energy. Sure I'd love to be enviromentally responsible but they are just too much investment up front and fuel is just too cheap.
True and I'm not claiming I'm some sort of powergrid god having played less than a dozen times. There might be price points where green energy could be worthwhile. I've just always seen a bidding war on green energy where the players weren't able to then expand in a worthwhile way after getting their new eco-friendly plant at an increased price.That REALLY depends on what map, what expansions, what variety, and against whom you're playing. Going green at the right time is an absolute killer, and the biggest smackdown I ever got was when my opponent went full-green after the first stage and had a bit of luck in the draw.
True and I'm not claiming I'm some sort of powergrid god having played less than a dozen times. There might be price points where green energy could be worthwhile. I've just always seen a bidding war on green energy where the players weren't able to then expand in a worthwhile way after getting their new eco-friendly plant at an increased price.
Heh my favorite part of the game. I think 75% of my bids are "Well I can't just let you have that powerplant at cost" bids.Convincing your opponents to overstretch themselves through a bidding war is always a good way of sabotaging their progress![]()
I'd try Settlers of Catan. I've heard a lot of people use that as a "gateway drug" for board games. Its simple enough to be easy to pick up, but shows how board games can be more than just rolling dice and moving spaces.I went through this thread trying to find a good game for my aunts and cousins to play with us, but I feel like everything they don't already have is too complicated. Not for the kids necessarily, but the adults. I just usually get them a board game for Christmas and it feels like nothing between boring and complex has come out this year. A lot of these look fun, but I just feel like older people who never played stuff like D&D would be lost. I got the kids into Munchkin at least.
I'd get Cards Against Humanity, but the kids are only 11. That'll have to be a friend circle game.
Reading about it, it looks simpler than I realized, but with flexibility to become more complex if you want a more advanced game. I could probably convince them to give it a try by saying it's similar to Monopoly, but with less arguing. Thanks, man.I'd try Settlers of Catan. I've heard a lot of people use that as a "gateway drug" for board games. Its simple enough to be easy to pick up, but shows how board games can be more than just rolling dice and moving spaces.
For Sale, No Thanks, Wits and Wagers. All these are great party games for adults which kids can play too.I went through this thread trying to find a good game for my aunts and cousins to play with us, but I feel like everything they don't already have is too complicated. Not for the kids necessarily, but the adults. I just usually get them a board game for Christmas and it feels like nothing between boring and complex has come out this year. A lot of these look fun, but I just feel like older people who never played stuff like D&D would be lost. I got the kids into Munchkin at least.
I'd get Cards Against Humanity, but the kids are only 11. That'll have to be a friend circle game.
As mentioned above, Ticket to Ride is also a good starter game.Reading about it, it looks simpler than I realized, but with flexibility to become more complex if you want a more advanced game. I could probably convince them to give it a try by saying it's similar to Monopoly, but with less arguing. Thanks, man.
I hope your parents/aunts aren't real bargainers then, as Settlers can get quite livelyMonopoly, but with less arguing.
Oh, I didn't know it was 4 players. 6 players is kind of the minimum for our familial situation. Not sure I want to grab the expansion for a Christmas present either when the full game is untested on them. I'll have to think about this.As mentioned above, Ticket to Ride is also a good starter game.
We tried Settlers on my parents in law who don't typically play much in the way of board games. But they did get the hang of it very quickly.
The basic game is for 4 players only. You can pick up the 6-player expansion set that gives you more tiles/cards/pieces to even it out for two additional players.
There is a Tabletop episode for Settlers as well.
The expansion isn't too much more. Just make sure that you note which expansion you're getting. You want the 5-6 player expansion for the standard game.Oh, I didn't know it was 4 players. 6 players is kind of the minimum for our familial situation. Not sure I want to grab the expansion for a Christmas present either when the full game is untested on them. I'll have to think about this.
There are two versions of Betrayal. The first edition and the second edition, which has the fixed rules. The one with the fixed rules is this box (The Green one). Don't get the red one with the crazy people on it.Betrayal is good, but woe is the person who goes into it and doesn't know to look up the rule book changes online. That book is a MESS.
Oh, and really? Almost all the games of Betrayal in my group ends with the party winning and the betrayer a broken heap of fail.
My girlfriend loves love letter. We always reduce the number of tokens you need to win since their suggested ones make the game grow a little long in the tooth but it is fun.I finally won a game of Love LetterSuch a fun little game, and I look forward to the re-theme which is supposedly samurai themed.
I found a re-theme on Boardgame Geek which is Adventure Time. I'm seriously thinking of printing those off and using those instead.My girlfriend loves love letter. We always reduce the number of tokens you need to win since their suggested ones make the game grow a little long in the tooth but it is fun.
Just played my second game of Formula De. A great racing game that I'm apparently some kind of Savant at.
What? Why not the red box! I think it's great to have the underground lake in the attic!There are two versions of Betrayal. The first edition and the second edition, which has the fixed rules. The one with the fixed rules is this box (The Green one). Don't get the red one with the crazy people on it.
Crossroads is a new series from Plaid Hat Games that tests a group of survivors' ability to work together and stay alive while facing crises and challenges from both outside and inside.
Dead of Winter is the first game in this series, designed by Isaac Vega and Jon Gilmour. It puts 2-5 players together in a small, weakened colony of survivors in a world where most of humanity are either dead or diseased, flesh-craving monsters. Each player leads a faction of survivors with dozens of different characters in the game.
Dead of Winter is a meta-cooperativepsychological survival game. This means players are working together toward one common victory condition--but for each individual player to achieve victory, they must also complete their personal secret objective. This secret objective could relate to a psychological tick that's fairly harmless to most others in the colony, a dangerous obsession that could put the main objective at risk, a desire for sabotage of the main mission, or worst of all: vengeance against the colony! Certain games could end with all players winning, some winning and some losing, or all players losing. Work toward the group's goal but don't get walked all over by a loudmouth who's only looking out for their own interests!
Click here to listen to the Plaid Hat Podcast episode 112 to hear the guys discuss the game at length.
Dead of Winter is an experience that can only be accomplished through the medium of tabletop games. It is a story-centric game about surviving through a harsh winter in an apocalyptic world. The survivors are all dealing with their own psychological imperatives but must still find a way to work together to fight off outside threats, resolve crises, find food and supplies, and keep the colony's morale up.
Dead of Winter has players making frequent, difficult, heavily- thematic, wildly-varying decisions, that often have them deciding between what is best for the colony and what is best for themselves.
Dead of Winter will be on pre-order soon. Customers who pre-order from PlaidHatGames.com will get $20 off the MSRP and will receive a free Kodiak Colby Survivor character along with Standee and Crossroads Card (pictured below).
Click here to sign up for our newsletter to be informed when Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game is available in the PlaidHatGames.com store. And keep coming to PlaidHatGames.com for more games and more info.
We'll you've sold me on this.Hot damn, the NDA has been lifted and I can talk about Dead of Winter.
Ok, lets try to talk about this without giving away how I feel about the game...
Dead of Winter is a semi-cooperative game in which you and the other players control a team of characters in a colony who have a group objective (which must be achieved in order for the non-exiled players to win) as well as a secret objective which must be achieved in order for that player to win. Also, there is a small chance one of the players will be a traitor, actively working to make the game more difficult for the other players.
Through the game the players can go to locations outside of the colony to find weapons, food, medicine, gas, and tools to help keep the zombies at bay and fulfill a crisis which are flipped up each turn. Additionally, after each turn a player draws a a Crossroads card which will be played on the current player as soon as they fulfill the requirements on the card, ranging from having a specific character in their party to moving from to locations using the gas card.
Players ramp up suspicion by trying to satisfy the secret objectives, which can be as simple as holding food cards or gaining weapons. Resources run pretty tight through the game and a had full of cards can make other players very suspicious. If a player is exiled from the colony (forced out through a vote at any time, majority wins), they gain a new objective which needs to be fulfilled.
Oh, did I mention the exposure die? Whenever a player fights a zombie or moves to a new location, they must roll the exposure die. First roll has a 50% chance of nothing happening, but if you roll the other results you roll it again. You could take a wound, get frostbite, or even be zombiefied. If this happens, the next lowest influence character in that location is exposed and has to roll to see if they are killed.
My thoughts on the game- It was a blast! There is so much going on in this game and you always have to worry if someone drew that traitor card. There are tons of scenarios that I saw, and apparently there will be many more in the final product. Just thinking about the game makes me want to play it again, and that's saying something when you consider I got 10 plays in 6 game nights.
Do you know if they are at BGGCon right now?I fixed some of the typing errors and added a little to a post on BGG forums. Got a thumbs up by one of the designers! I'm pretty over the moon right now![]()
You'll have to let us (me) know how it is. It seems really interesting, and I've heard good things about it.Just got the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. Been reading the rules a little and can't wait to find the time to really dig in and play it. Plus, Cool Stuff Inc sent along a Gen-Con promo for the game, which is super cool!
Oh, I already saw that...@MindDetective, @Shawnacy, just giving you a heads up the game is up for preorder here. Did I mention if you pre-order the game you get $20 off MSRP?
I really wish I could get this on the Kindle. Dammit!Picked up Lords of Waterdeep for the ipad/iphone. Love it.
Quarriors is ok for a while, as long as you don't mind the game being very luck dependent. You might be better off waiting a few months for the Marvel dice game being made. While it's going to have random add on packs where the dice have varying rarity, don't let that scare you off as they'll be 2 dice and a card for $1. Should be released in March.Had anyone played Quarriors? I am drawn to it because I love dice, but I'm wondering how it plays.
I've been playing the app version a lot. But the board game is just more fun in general.Picked and been playing Lords of Waterdeep. Really fun game.
A group of friends who claimed to know how to play munchkin tried to get me to play it with them once and I hated it. Later, I looked up the actual rules and watched the tabletop episode featuring it and it looked like a blast.So, I picked up a copy of Munchkin recently and played it with my friends. Most of whom had never played it before (with me having only played it once). As should be no surprise to anyone, we had a great time.
Dammit! I want my message from Colby so I know my copy is on the way.Saw this in my email today
Colby Dauch has sent you a package"
Sweet, here comes Dead of Winter!
I'll be honest, I was surprised the message came already. As a playtester I figured I'd be at the bottom of the heap for people getting their game.Dammit! I want my message from Colby so I know my copy is on the way.
My name is on the back pageWoot, got no e-mail but I got my copy of Dead of Winter dropped off today!! Can't wait to bring it to the gaming group this weekend.![]()
Hey man, Josh Barnett is one of the smartest dudes in MMA. Also Magic, because he's a Rakdos man. It's too bad they only play the intro decks (or equivalents) in Spellslingers. I'd like to see them actually play good decks.So, I didn't know where else to post this, but can you believe that THIS guy:
View attachment 15579
Was the last guest on Day[9]'s Spellslingers playing Magic: The Gathering
My housemate owns it, but she's out of the province for a couple weeks and hasn't played it yet. If you're not in a rush I can give it a shot and give a review once she's back.Stumbled upon a board game on amazon for firefly. Reviews are pretty good. Anyone try it?
Pretty much anything that is cooperative and not competitive you can solo.I heard you can solo play it.
The iPad version of Elder Sign is also quite good and entirely playable as a solo game.Pretty much anything that is cooperative and not competitive you can solo.
One of my favorite games I play on my own is Forbidden Island. I have the Ipad version so it's easy to set up and play.
Got this game for my birthday, and played tonight. Reminds me a lot of Zombicide, which everyone was already familiar with, so didn't take us long to get in the swing of things. Got through the Prologue chapter, and everyone agreed that it was a fun game.Finally had a group small enough to play Mice and Mystics. We set up the game and went over the rules and the information for the first chapter. It was enjoyable . We did end up spending over 3 hours to only get halfway through the first chapter, but we were getting the hang of it near the end once the rules were clear. We made a few mistakes that ended up making things easier for us, but we will remember for next time. Sadly the folks we played with don't live in the area. I'd like to make a campaign of our game so we may have to wait for them to come back down again before we can continue. The nice thing is the game makes it pretty easy to pick up where you left off. A quick snapshot of the board would probably do it, or even just remembering a few simple thoughts such as what equipment we were wearing.
Hmmm... that looks suspiciously like Last Night on Earth, but that game is human players vs zombie players.We've been playing Zombicide after the Walking Dead on sundays.
It's a cooperative humans vs zombies game where there are various "missions" to play using a tiled city set, and the players have to work together against the zombies to reach their objectives. It's really fun, especially when you wade into a street full of walkers, mowing them down with the chainsaw
It shipped, it finally shipped! Can't wait to get Star Wars Imperial Assault!
I own LNoE - the boards are quite different - they are more based on a center square and 4 L-shaped boards around it, but yes, it's humans vs zombies (and tons of fun!).Hmmm... that looks suspiciously like Last Night on Earth, but that game is human players vs zombie players.
Betrayal at Hill House (did they change it from Betrayal at House on Haunted Hill?) is the kind of game that destroys friendships. I love it so.Wow... got several games for gifts.
Betrayal at Hill House
Forbidden Island
Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords
Time to get reading and get the game group together.![]()
The latter, my mistakeBetrayal at Hill House (did they change it from Betrayal at House on Haunted Hill?) is the kind of game that destroys friendships. I love it so.
piffle:I was just thinking, it might be neat to share our collections. Currently, I have...
Avengers Vs X-Men Dice Masters and Uncanny X-Men Dice Masters
Ghost Stories (Haven't played this yet)
Rune Age (Haven't played this yet)
Eminent Domain + Escalation expansion
Marvel Legendary deck building game and all expansions
Pathfinder Card Game
Dead of Winter
Small World and a few expansions
Ticket to Ride
Rampage (now called Terror in Meeple City)
King of Tokyo
Star Wars X-Wing
Power Grid Deluxe
Lords of Waterdeep
Elder Sign
San Juan
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Forbidden Island
Love Letter
Bang the Dice Game
Cards Against Humanity
Eldritch Horror
Summoner Wars
Star Wars Imperial Assault
Mr. Jack Pocket
Writing it all out... I may have a problem.
It should be a playstyle similar to Cards against Humanity, where you can combine cards: "Nick's Prom Night" + "Minotaur Penis" =
I didn't understand this from the rules. That would've made things work so much better. It's just if you're stuck with a claw after you're out of re-rolls, right?the first player to roll a claw automatically goes into Tokyo. Prevents people from amassing tons of energy and avoiding getting the game rolling.
Yup, if you roll three times and you have a claw with no one in Tokyo, you go in.I didn't understand this from the rules. That would've made things work so much better. It's just if you're stuck with a claw after you're out of re-rolls, right?
Also, if you get stuck with claws later, do you have to attack or can you choose not to? I no longer have the rules on hand, but I'd like to know before I get the game for our house.
OK, here goes...I was just thinking, it might be neat to share our collections. Currently, I have...
Not so...My list will always be comically smaller than everyone else's.
Played a game of that last week. I lost terribly to the honest traders but smuggling is definitely more fun.I have not talked about Sheriff of Nottingham. Bought it last week and played w/ friends for the first time last friday. Riotously good fun and I also discovered that I am not a very good liar, except to my S.O. In her defense, she gets caught up in my dreamy eyes.![]()
Sheep for wood?I have officially been indoctrinated into the players of Catan.
I'll give you three sheep and one grain, you use your sheep port to turn two of them into an ore so you can build a city next turn, and in return you give me two bales of cloth?Sheep for wood?
There is no official setup, if that is what you are asking. Personally, I use this: http://www.bettersettlers.com/Generate.htmlSo, settle a debate. For setup, should you assign tiles randomly, or attempt to disperse them evenly?
The iconic word board game Scrabble has added the word "newb" to its official dictionary along with some other Internet-speak terms most gamers will recognize.
Collins, which publishes the Official Scrabble Words dictionary, has added 6,500 words to the board game overall in its first update since 2011.
Some other words you may have seen during an in-game chat include:
- Pwn, meaning to dominate an opponent, is worth 8 points
- Thanx, which is only one letter shorter than "thanks," is worth 15 points
- LOLZ, "laughs at someone else’s or one’s own expense," according to Collins, is worth 13 points
- WAHH, to express wailing, is worth 10 points
And yet, they still haven't added KWYJIBOThis is wrong. This is just plain wrong.
I really like Small World. It's very simple to play and the variety and replayability is high.I ordered Small World, as my wife wants a game that's fun for both one on one and for a group ... and for some reason got one-day free shipping? Well, I'm not going to say no.
We just tried it out tonight. At first I got a little daunted with some of the specialty rules for different races/abilities, but we took it one step at a time through wife's turn, then my turn, read a couple paragraphs, then I turned another page and realized those were all the major rules ... we already knew how to play.I really like Small World. It's very simple to play and the variety and replayability is high.
Is each one worth getting or are there duds?Small World is the go to game for my group of friends. I have all the race expansions.
Generally all good, though I hear Underworld is very similar to the base game and you could really take your pick of which one you get. And really, they just add to the replayability.Is each one worth getting or are there duds?
I'd say the only one that I think absolutely everyone should get is Be Not Afraid. The rest are good, but not anything that you can't live without or you're super bored with the stock races/powers.We just tried it out tonight. At first I got a little daunted with some of the specialty rules for different races/abilities, but we took it one step at a time through wife's turn, then my turn, read a couple paragraphs, then I turned another page and realized those were all the major rules ... we already knew how to play.
Our only major hiccup was that the Tabletop episode made it seem like you just grab coins and then find out how much they're worth at the end. We corrected this midway through, but it was still weirdly presented in that episode.
Also, ghouls are not a good late game choice. Especially against elves.
Is each one worth getting or are there duds?
Bang! is a great game, but I would have suggested Bang! The Dice Game. Same theme and you don't run into the long periods where you don't get what you need from the deck.I bought a stack of less intensive games to quickly pass short periods of time with friends:
Bang! (Which I've played a lot of and enjoy every time I get to play it)
Roll for It
The Resistance
I've heard nothing but good things for both Roll for It and The Resistance.
That's why I bought it. Don't like it though. The player elimination thing irks me.I really wanted the bullet case.
I was using Dixit as an example, but it's anything, any possibility of another game, it devolves to just playing Apples to Apples. It's ridiculous.I kind of hate Dixit. It's ok, but playing it with my kids kind of ruined it for me because they are not very good at it.
Played it a couple times now, both with 2 players, 4, and 8-9 (and two decks, of course). Definitely plays differently with a different number of players. Not as much fun with 2, honestly.On Tuesday I bought "Exploding Kittens: NSFW Edition" at my local Target and got to play it for the first time last night with my brother and his friends. It was pretty fun. The games don't last very long and the rules are simplistic, but it does get very intense when the draw deck gets near the end and the exploding kitten cards are more likely to come up.
We found the regular version at Target on sunday and @dill616 and I played a few rounds it was pretty fun. Gonna try it out this weekend with a larger group of friends.On Tuesday I bought "Exploding Kittens: NSFW Edition" at my local Target and got to play it for the first time last night with my brother and his friends. It was pretty fun. The games don't last very long and the rules are simplistic, but it does get very intense when the draw deck gets near the end and the exploding kitten cards are more likely to come up.
Ooh. I see some games there I want to pick up. Colt Express especially sounds fun.A bit of a round-up for folks looking for something fun this season:
Colt Express is fun. It's a light programming game. Had a good time playing it but it doesn't hit the table much in our group (we have way too many games in our group).Ooh. I see some games there I want to pick up. Colt Express especially sounds fun.
Played it a few times it is pretty awesome.Not a bad game, just didn't pique my interest.
Just purchased Code Names and Forbidden Stars. Forbidden Stars has been on my radar for a while, but I finally bit the bullet and just said "what the hell".
I mean, LOOK a that! Can't wait for this to arrive.
Hell, I paid $20 for individually wrapped emergency monocles. Exploding Kittens was worth what I paid for it. We've played it a few times when my step-son and his wife were visiting when he was on leave from the air force.Have read a great deal of hate for Exploding Kittens and I'm completely baffled by it. This is from someone who doesn't like the Oatmeal too. It's fun and incredibly easy to learn and teach to someone. It's great for a few quick games. It's perfect for what it is. It's like people equating it's Kickstarter success to how complex it should be.
You didn't pay 8 million, you paid 20.
400000 people paid 20.
It's not a 150 dollar tokeny, 2000 card, multistage strategy boardgame, it's a quick deck game that's fun and funny.
Autocorrect or change of idea about where to put your money?Ok, put in my order for the criminology board. Having the artist do one similar to the below image
Wow, yeah, farking autocorrect.Autocorrect or change of idea about where to put your money?![]()
They've been playtesting it behind closed doors at PAX events for awhile, I think. They wanted to make it work before bringing it to the people.Something reminded me of the Penny Arcade thing Thornwatch, and I thought "that was a few years ago, it must be out by now, I wonder if it's any good," so I went searching.
Not only has it not been released, the Kickstarter project to fund it was just started this month, so it won't even be locked in until October 5th (though it is now funded by quintuple or so its asking amount) with a release period of September 2017.
If I were the sort of person who enjoyed the painting of miniatures, I would need a new pair of pants and a nap.I'm in awe of these sculpts. I want these SO BAD.
I hope to try the print and play on Tabletop Simulator. I'll get back to y'all.The buzz is it's pretty good too. So, you know, they are legitimately trying to make a good game.
Well, also being Eric Lange, I'm sure the game will be fantastic. I really like Blood Rage and hope it works just as well (but differently, of course).If I were the sort of person who enjoyed the painting of miniatures, I would need a new pair of pants and a nap.
I actually remember that game! heh, good times, good times.We pretty much played the classics at my house, but game night was a HUGE deal when we were kids and is probably one of the reasons that our family is as close as we are.
Favorites include: Trivial Persuit, Uno (yeah, it's a card game, but you included the monopoly one), Yahtzee, Sorry, Mouse Trap, Boggle, Operation.
My favorite obscure game was I Vant to Bite Your Finger. I have to actually convince people that this game existed.
Shut up & Sit Down did a Let's Play of this game, complete with period costumes.Mysterium
Clue meets Dixit. It's fun. One player is a ghost, the others are psychics/mediums/whatever trying to unravel the murder, based purely on their visions. The ghost is only allowed to communicate through Dixit-style visual cards. Each psychic has to discover their own vision, resulting in [number of players] possible suspects/locations/weapons. The ghost then has to indicate which one's the Real Thing.
Played it three rimes, once as the ghost. It's fun/ridiculous to see how other people interpret the clues you give, and something hilarious, sometimes frustrating to see how bad it goes or what kind of mental leaps are made.
It's also a cooperative game, where everyone, including the ghost, wins or loses together.
It's fun, but...Well, you sort of have to make your own story up to keep it interesting. I've played it a few times and I did like it, but I had the feeling I'd tire of it fairly quickly if played too often. Might be mitigated by the expansions, haven't played any of them.Holy crap, Gloom looks great. I think I know what to get my aunts and cousins for Christmas.
I've enjoyed it, too, but yeah, it's not so fun when everyone's not in a creative mood.It's fun, but...Well, you sort of have to make your own story up to keep it interesting. I've played it a few times and I did like it, but I had the feeling I'd tire of it fairly quickly if played too often. Might be mitigated by the expansions, haven't played any of them.
Some of the Catan expansions are pretty much requisite. Some Carcassonne expansions work well (not all though). Dixit has useful expansions (but don't use too many at a time!). Jungle Speed's expansions certainly make the gameI've enjoyed it, too, but yeah, it's not so fun when everyone's not in a creative mood.
. . . and I've rarely ever found a board game expansion that adds to the experience. Except for using a stack of extra city tiles in Carcassonne (without the rules of whatever expansion I got them from)
Jesus Christ, you look like my brother in law. I got fucken scared for a second.View attachment 22855
Early birthday gift from my gf
Bit more aggressive / competitive than the normal version... Will let you know if it's fun!
...hard as cold-cast resin.Backed so hard.
Like, my erection at looking at those minis hard.
What's really awesome is no matter what, the base cost doesn't change and all the stretch goals get added to the base game.I really wish I hadn't opened this thread, that is too tempting![]()
They still take late pledges.Hey! G frickin D! I'd set up a 'remind me' alert from KS because I couldn't spare the cash back when it came my attention. I never got that mail! Pah! Booohh!
I say the same thing about Monopoly.I don't know how people play CAH more than a couple of times.
Well, we have bought all of the expansions and all of the 3rd party Crabs Adjust Humidity in order to keep things a little more randomized, but yeah, main issue for me is that after seeing a card more than a handful of times, it gets stale. You can still get some enjoyment out of playing, but nowhere near the hilarity of a new card completely blind-siding you for the first time.I don't know how people play CAH more than a couple of times.
Huh, my first time playing I won with 'the Russians'. I'm surprised they didn't suffer in the popularity track (this is where the real victory points are, and if you max this the military player will have a hard time catching you).Friends and I played Scythe. Interesting game. The person who was ze Germans won every game though. It's really easy with their victory points for winning battles they can do. Seems a teensy bit unbalanced.
This is a version that came out in 2012. From what I understand there have been some changes to the game. I never played the older version, so I have no idea.I haven't played that in YEARS. I don't even know if my father still has it.
Sign of the times, I guess.A recent study conducted by Hasbro revealed that nearly half of game players attempt to cheat during Monopoly games, so in 2018, we decided it was time to give fans what they've been craving all along - a Monopoly game that actually encourages cheating.
So if you've never been good at Monopoly, this version of the game may give you a leg up as long as you're a sly competitor.
"We've finally decided to embrace our less-than-honest fans by encouraging them to partake in those iconic (yet sometimes unspoken) Monopoly moments that occur during family game nights," says Berkowitz. "We're excited to see what fans can get away with and how they'll react to the new sneaky twists in the game."
My son loves Clank. I always lose at it.Nice! I've heard good things about Clank!. Are we doing a Shelfie?
I hear Clank in Space is a better game, but haven't played either one. Far too many adult things for me to do to make any of the boardgame club events, sadly. Love that you are raising a gamerMy son loves Clank. I always lose at it.
Gloomhaven is perfect then! Pricey, but there is SOO much content it is crazy! I’ve easily played 80 hours so far and I’m not even close to getting to the end.I love board games...but I have nobody to play them with so I own none.
I'm raising 2! In fact my daughter's middle School started a board game club this year, and she was able to teach the other kids how to play Ticket to Ride and King of Tokyo. In fact, she had Wil Wheaton sign our Gigazaur a few years ago.I hear Clank in Space is a better game, but haven't played either one. Far too many adult things for me to do to make any of the boardgame club events, sadly. Love that you are raising a gamer![]()
AmazingI'm raising 2! In fact my daughter's middle School started a board game club this year, and she was able to teach the other kids how to play Ticket to Ride and King of Tokyo. In fact, she had Wil Wheaton sign our Gigazaur a few years ago.
Recently my wife and I have purchased some new games and played them amongst ourselves. Plan is to take them with us to Christmas and introduce the family to them.
First up is SKULL (aka Skull & Roses). This is a fun and tight little game. Very easy to pick up and explain to someone, lots of interesting gameplay. Can play up to 6 people.
Second is AZUL. This is a wonderful abstract game about laying tiles in pretty patterns and scoring points, but it is so much more interesting than that. Give that review a look and decide for yourself if it is for you.
Third is Cockroach Poker. A light bluffing game that has the added quirk of each game produces 1 loser and everyone else wins. Plus the artwork on it is what I would describe as "cute gross." We tried to play this with only 2 people and it just doesn't really work well. You need at least 3 to make the passing mechanic work properly.
Fourth is 12 Days. Admittedly, we did get this one because of Christmas, but also because it looked like fun when they played it on Tabletop (second game of that video). We haven't actually played it yet because it requires at least 3 people to make it work, I just didn't want to leave it out.
Played it a few times myself, it's great, but after a while you start paying more attention to the other player's windows, and advanced strategies really start to expect you to memorize too much, like some card games. Keeping it somewhat airy keeps it fun.Sagrada is a game where you roll dice and build a stained glass window. It's a great game that's really easy to teach to other people once you know the rules.
I personally really like it too, but I've found it really isn't for everyone. Some people really bounce off of it, hard, and consider it too luck-based, since they just don't quite grasp the way you have to interpret the cards.One of my friends got Mysterium and we have played it a few times. I was the ghost first time out and it was hard but fun. We won that game. Next game featured a new ghost and we lost that one right at the end because we had 2 people who needed to one-shot the last two rounds and we failed on the final round. I was the worst clairvoyant because I was stuck on the suspect round. I kept getting stuff that looked like performers when I was supposed to be looking at the uniforms and taking that to mean the Postman.
Very fun game and one I think we will be pulling out many times.
It's like trying to play Dixit with my kids.I personally really like it too, but I've found it really isn't for everyone. Some people really bounce off of it, hard, and consider it too luck-based, since they just don't quite grasp the way you have to interpret the cards.
Looks like it's available on consoles now.Sagrada is a game where you roll dice and build a stained glass window. It's a great game that's really easy to teach to other people once you know the rules.
The holodeck would be an amazing place to play board games. Just have it recreate the components and have them already set up when you go in and no clean up, no having to carefully load the box to get the lod perfectly on and not slanted
You gotta click through this at least once.
Why not a... holotable? The advantages of the holodeck, but at a fraction of the space and resources.Board games, I'd imagine, still exist because holodeck time is precious AF. A crew member on the Enterprise could expect, at best, 10 hours of usage a month if it was shared equally among the crew which let's face it, it probably wasn't.
It never made sense that power starved Voyager even used the holodecks in general seeing as they could barely use the replicators.
I would give anything to see Riker, Data, Geordi, Troi, Beverly and Picard playing Cards Against Humanity.The holodeck would be an amazing place to play board games. Just have it recreate the components and have them already set up when you go in and no clean up, no having to carefully load the box to get the lod perfectly on and not slanted
That's racist. I demand they be allowed to be against Klingons, Betazoids and others as well. Cards against the Federation, perhaps f.I would give anything to see Riker, Data, Geordi, Troi, Beverly and Picard playing Cards Against Humanity.
That's racist. I demand they be allowed to be against Klingons, Betazoids and others as well. Cards against the Federation, perhaps f.
Wasn't there some sort of attempt to explain that by claiming holodecks had their own separate power supply which couldn't be used for anything else because, um just because ok? No more questions!It never made sense that power starved Voyager even used the holodecks in general seeing as they could barely use the replicators.
Yeah, that was their handwave and it was dumb as hell.Wasn't there some sort of attempt to explain that by claiming holodecks had their own separate power supply which couldn't be used for anything else because, um just because ok? No more questions!
Although I would totally use the holodecks for Captain Proton.
And a lot less chance of it going all Jumanji on you.Why not a... holotable? The advantages of the holodeck, but at a fraction of the space and resources.
Fireball Island... Life-size version.Wasn't there some sort of attempt to explain that by claiming holodecks had their own separate power supply which couldn't be used for anything else because, um just because ok? No more questions!
Although I would totally use the holodecks for Captain Proton.
You mean, like, some sort of table-top simulation?Why not a... holotable? The advantages of the holodeck, but at a fraction of the space and resources.
I do. I am in a terrible time zone for meeting up, though. Plus I have 3 kids, which makes finding time difficult too. I'm open to trying, though!Does anyone have Tabletop Simulator? I'd love to get together (after I'm done with school) and play like some Red Dragon Inn or (if they have it on there) here to Slay with some of y'all
It looks like there is an official Red Dragon Inn: Battle for Greyport DLC. I've never played it, myself. But I love board games, so finding a new one is a plus. Whomever hosts would need to buy it, of course.Does anyone have Tabletop Simulator? I'd love to get together (after I'm done with school) and play like some Red Dragon Inn or (if they have it on there) here to Slay with some of y'all
Yeah, Frosthaven should be coming out soon. Gloomhaven is great.Gloomhaven is $85 on Amazon right now.
Damn right I bit.
They’ve been discounting board games like crazy lately.
Here it isWingspan is a awesome game and plays great at 2-players. It's my wife's favorite. (Though I just noticed you were requesting game's in French and I do not know the availability of a French localized version, might be worth looking though.)
I really like Carcassonne, h but the base game can get a bit stale after a while.Thanks for the suggestions, all. I'm taking notes!
Tried out Pandemic : Rapid Response yesterday. In a word: FRANTIC. You need to roll dice to prepare shipments to cities (using dice), move the plane to said cities (spending dice, which are then unavailable for supplies) and move around said plane to be in the right place to prepare supplies, eliminate waste generated by preparing supplies (which also necessitates dice) or drop cargo (moving and dropping also needing dice), all with an hourglass counting down TWO minutes. And that’s not two minutes per player. Once a player’s done with their turn (can’t/won’t make any more moves) play passes to the next player, but the timer never stops. You get three time tokens to turn it over at the start, and every city you deliver to gets you another one. Still. Very fun, but not so good for your blood pressure, LOL.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we tried out Carcassonne (first time for both of us). What a delightful, chill game. I can see why it's a classic.
Good luck Ghost Stories is a tough one.Also acquired Ghost Stories after positive feedback, haven't tried it yet but looking forward to another co-op. That way maybe I can win a game for once.![]()
IIRC corners allowing you to attack two creatures is the only thing that gives the monks a chance to win. I've only played the solo mode since when I was explaining the game my wife went cross eyed and said it wasn't her type of game. But tonight we're going to be playing Vienna Connection which is a piping new game that I've been excited for months about.Yeah, I tried out a couple of turns of a solo game before plans stopped me, it seems mean as hell. Buddy of mine tried out Last Bastion, the medieval re-skin, lost in 5 minutes. I laughed, but I saw my future.
Yeah, it's really a good, fun game. I am utterly RUBBISH at it, though. Just cannot win to save my life, no idea why.I love Space Base. Simple to teach and play.
Oh, well I have been misinformed.Munchkin appeals to boardgame fans? I'm out of touch with the boardgaming community.
I think the randomness turns off most boardgame groups. Whether that is elitism or an expectation of a little more choice in gaming desired by that particular play group, couldn't say. I know our club most people wouldn't be interested in playing Munchkin.Oh, well I have been misinformed.
Munchkin is a fun game with a completely shit endgame. Making your character is fun the humor is good then you get to lvl 9 and you're just trying to be the guy to flip a weak monster after everybody blew their wad stopping the guy in front of you from winning which just brings the game to an unfun end. It also makes the game overstay its welcome. If it was like a 30 minute game I would have no regrets in recommending the game.Well, someone's also buying Monopoly, y'know...
In fairness, I've never played Munchkin. I don't think the humour would land with my wife, who comprises the entirety of my usual playgroup (she's not nearly as attuned to geek culture as I am, though she of course has her own nerdery), and our tastes tend to run more towards the medium-to-heavy Euro games.
But man, I have not heard good things from board game enthusiasts about it.
And yes, Muskrat John is fantastic.
This turned me against it once I started noticing every game every single game ending the exact same way as you described. It really takes the wind out of the sails of the game.Munchkin is a fun game with a completely shit endgame. Making your character is fun the humor is good then you get to lvl 9 and you're just trying to be the guy to flip a weak monster after everybody blew their wad stopping the guy in front of you from winning which just brings the game to an unfun end. It also makes the game overstay its welcome. If it was like a 30 minute game I would have no regrets in recommending the game.
But yeah if your group/wife isn't down with the humor it's just not going to be a good time.
Crokinole is so good! Matches can get so heated lol.Hope to give it a shot. Been a long time since I've been excited for a new board game, always nice to hear of a new, innovative one.
Going up north to game with family/friends next month, bringing Crokinole, A Study in Emerald, Battle for Rokugan, Space Base, and Glory to Rome.
Yeah, I love it. I have a custom board with Middle Earth painted on it. It's pretty sweet.Crokinole is so good! Matches can get so heated lol.
Fun game.So anyone else heard of Dice Throne? Same friend that introduced me to Tiny Epic Dungeon brought this bad boy out at our game night. Best way I can describe it is.. battle yahtzee. I found it pretty pricey but honestly have had so much fun. Buddy has the expansion pack called Dice Throne Adventurers which turns it into a co-op dungeon crawler (insanely hard) with loot and card upgrades. Also recently released a joint set of heroes with Marvel that are extremely fun... my kids and I play regularly. Anyone else played and enjoyed?
Yup, battle Yahtzee is accurate. They just released Marvel versions too, and let the same artist that did the main characters do the marvel ones so you can mix and match.So anyone else heard of Dice Throne? Same friend that introduced me to Tiny Epic Dungeon brought this bad boy out at our game night. Best way I can describe it is.. battle yahtzee. I found it pretty pricey but honestly have had so much fun. Buddy has the expansion pack called Dice Throne Adventurers which turns it into a co-op dungeon crawler (insanely hard) with loot and card upgrades. Also recently released a joint set of heroes with Marvel that are extremely fun... my kids and I play regularly. Anyone else played and enjoyed?
Oh, THAT'S the game my friend id demoing for. Yeesh, I'm out of the boardgame loop.Yup, battle Yahtzee is accurate. They just released Marvel versions too, and let the same artist that did the main characters do the marvel ones so you can mix and match.
We've been enjoying this one too. So far with 4 games the traitor has only ever won a single game. However I think that a really good traitor could severely harm the ship, especially if he's able to become the captain or the Keeper of the Tome. There are many ways to take out the ship after all. One aspect that I'm not sure I like is that someone can become the traitor halfway through the game. I like this, but at the same time I don't because it can quickly put you on a losing team if you've been too good at getting the ship this far. At the same time, I do like the idea of suddenly realizing you have a darker call and now its up to you to undo the positive things you've done for the ship.Got a chance to play Unfathomable last night. Really fun and easy to learn hidden role game about taking a steamship to Boston that is being attacked by Deep Ones, Mother Hydra, and Father Dagon, It's up to your characters to get the ship to Boston in one piece, except one or more of you might be a Hybrid or Cultist looking to sink the ship for your family! Surprisingly fair for an asymmetrical game; our traitor almost got us despite some learning errors.
I’ve played it a couple times and I think that the game swings so wildly that you’re unable to really get ahead as the humans. Even if things are looking good it’ll be bad by the time it gets back to you.We've been enjoying this one too. So far with 4 games the traitor has only ever won a single game. However I think that a really good traitor could severely harm the ship, especially if he's able to become the captain or the Keeper of the Tome. There are many ways to take out the ship after all. One aspect that I'm not sure I like is that someone can become the traitor halfway through the game. I like this, but at the same time I don't because it can quickly put you on a losing team if you've been too good at getting the ship this far. At the same time, I do like the idea of suddenly realizing you have a darker call and now its up to you to undo the positive things you've done for the ship.
I got the Kickstarter on this one. Haven’t played it yet. It’s due for some time at the table though.Went to Gen Con this past weekend and got to play the western theme edition of Zombicide, the most important update imho is that the Abomination now sports a trendy bowler hat. Also got a bonus character pack as a gift for playing!
That's interesting that you don't like the Euro map, I have read it's one of the better ones.Depending on playstyle etc of course, but I'm not a huge fan of the Europe board for TTR. America, Germany, India are far more balanced boards. Europe is just built wonkily because of history and geography.
As for good coop - Paleo is really good, though also relatively hard and takes a while to set up. It's neat and very replayable though.
Thanks I have looked at Flashpoint but I will give it another look. I have heard desert is better than Island but I can't justify another similar game. I may swap them out someday.Hmm... for co-op for you and 8-10 year olds? Flash Point: Fire Rescue - You're a team of fire fighters, working together to get people out of a fire. Great theme, not too difficult to actually play. Forbidden Island also has Forbidden Desert, which is much the same thing but with some new stuff.