Funny (political, religious) pictures

I know. And my point remains.
Except your point is "What else would you expect from the follower of... a genocidal god," and the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are not merciless killers who want to crush democracy in favour of oppressive theocracy. Your point is that we can't expect better from people who follow a 'genocidal god', but, obviously we can and do, and most of the time, we get it.

So, your point is not... strong. It's more like: "What else would you expect from a callous political opportunist who doesn't shy away from using violence to gain and hold power?"
Except your point is "What else would you expect from the follower of... a genocidal god," and the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are not merciless killers who want to crush democracy in favour of oppressive theocracy. Your point is that we can't expect better from people who follow a 'genocidal god', but, obviously we can and do, and most of the time, we get it.

So, your point is not... strong. It's more like: "What else would you expect from a callous political opportunist who doesn't shy away from using violence to gain and hold power?"
His point was, "The God you follow has had His own bad PR days, too."



Staff member
How to give Charlie an aneurysm: hand him a copy of National Lampoon from 1976.

Edit: spoilered instead of album for easier zooming.

That reminds me, you don't see a lot of vegans howling for boycotts of most sports, even though leather is used in nearly all of the ones you see on TV.

No, they mainly screech about how horrible a person you are if you're not a vegan like them.
That reminds me, you don't see a lot of vegans howling for boycotts of most sports, even though leather is used in nearly all of the ones you see on TV.

No, they mainly screech about how horrible a person you are if you're not a vegan like them.
Vegan's love Hockey.