I would post a picture of my Snuffles, but you'd probably be horrified: I plucked him bald when I was tiny. :(
In spite of that, he's still my most beloved possesion.
I finished a book project in November, wildly different from anything else I've written. I felt it was a mess, needed a lot of work, etc, but didn't know where to start, so against my usual policy, I shared the first draft with my wife this month.

She blasted through it in five days, couldn't put it down when she'd come home from work, and this morning I find the manuscript at my seat, a combination of "fuck you" written in parts where bad things happen and then hearts all over the last page. In her opinion, it just needs to be cleaned up grammatically, but otherwise change nothing on penalty of death.

So now I don't know what to think.