My dad bought into the vaccines-autism when of my baby brothers (now 4 y.o.) was tentatively diagnosed with autism and, looking for info and cures (ugh), found some bogus web pages. My attempts to bring him back to reality were thwarted by the kid's psychologist, who told him that she thought there was probably a relationship because, well, it's too much of a coincidence that autism appears at 2 years old or whenever, right after whatever vaccines. FUCK YOU you unprofessional, ignorant asshole

Also, together with this came the recommendation to try any solutions he found (because maybe it can be cured, according to them. Again, ASSHOLES). So he found some nasal sprays (which I think, and hope, are just water

) on one of those bogus webpages and has been using them since then.
With some effort on my part, he now holds a halfway position that vaccines may or may not be resonsible and that the sprays may or may not be useful, but of course half the times my brother shows some improvements he thinks the sprays must be doing something.
Needless to say, I HATE anti-vaxxers.
(Sorry for the rant... at least it was relatively on-topic)