Ok, I think I'm the only one who has Mortal Kombat X, so I'm going to weigh in on what's been talked about.
Firstly, I don't give a flying fuck if someone wants insta-fatalities for money. It makes no difference to me. I'll just continue doing them the regular way. It has zero influence on my gameplay at all. If people want to waste money with simplified fatalities, more power to them.
The Krypt is BY FAR the best iteration of the Krypt that they've ever done. People are honestly screwing themselves over by paying to unlock everything. But again, it's individual, so I don't give a crap if someone doesn't want to play it and just get the unlocks by paying. Though, I do have to say that I think this is probably speculation because there's no option to pay to unlock the Krypt by paying for it.
OK, that being said, the launch yesterday was pretty much a cluster fuck. Steams new method of doing micro patches for downloading games is horrible. I hate it and I wish they would do away with it, but it looks like it may be the shade of things to come, and it may be possible that it will improve over time. It did take until about 7PM yesterday to finally get the game up to snuff to play online. But, it's not the worst launch I've ever experienced, but it wasn't great. I had school work to do anyway, so it didn't bother me much.
I'm LOVING the story mode so far. I like the next generation characters, and I like how they're covering character back stories from the interim between the end of the last game and the 25 year gap to the current game. I love playing the following new characters in particular: Ferra and Torr, D'vorah, Cassie Cage, and Erron Black. Having three different variations for each character opens up so much possibility for mixing up all your favorite character.
Despite the rocky launch, I'd say it's overwhelmingly good.
On a completely personal note, I'm ecstatic that one of the new characters is gay.