Yes, and I don't mind the score creeping up. A day one score of 98 despite half the fanbase not being able to play is ridiculous (all non-Steam buyers couldn't access the game until today or yesterday somewhere).
It's just...Bleg. Any new inconvenience or obnoxious thing introduced is a "problem" for a while, then just gets accepted and treated as not an issue, and the experience deteriorates further. Spore got horribly crushed for launch day issues. Diablo 3 or SimCity got seriously bad press over it and suffered for a while, before mostly recovering. GTA V, it isn't even seen as an issue anymore and anyone mentioning it "oh, it's just a bit of trouble on the first day". It's a rinse-and-repeat of Day one patch, Day one DLC, on-disc DLC, DRM, limited installs, always-online, licensing instead of buying... All issues that are now not considered worth mentioning anymore, but which have harmed the hobby and continue to plague gaming because developers and producers get the message 'nobody really cares'.