
New job has me helping our stockers who are all seniors. I spent two hours today tossing two full carts of steel conduit on to their area.

Im down 10 lbs after a month of this place and lookin slimmer.


Staff member
Haven't tried it, but Runtastic Pro is free today.


Android (Download free version, go into settings and enter code "FREE-UBTP-XPTP")

Windows Phone (You never know, right?)
Road Bike Pro by the same devs is really nice. I wish they'd have a giveaway of that one. It's mostly the same app, but with just enough difference to be bike-oriented.
I got a FitBit and told MyFitnessPal that it is ok to take my calories away if I am being a lazy lump. Considering that I enjoy being a lazy lump, hopefully having a visual reminder that I need to stop eating if I want to hibernate will help. :p
No pics to update with, but I recently hit some new 1 rep maxes!
Bench Press: 295
High Bar Back Squat: 375
Deadlift: 455
Front Squat: 275
Lost 10lbs since I started my diet about 5 weeks ago. Excellent progress.

15 more to go. Gonna be slower though.


Staff member
Current routine, as of April:
MW: 1.5 hours karate
TuTh: 5K run
Fr: off
Sa: depends, usually something with kids, also 5K time permitting
Su: 5K or ~40mi bike ride

M-F AM: 60 sit-ups or crunches, 30 knuckle pushups or 50 flat hand push-ups
Some karate practice everyday.
Lunchtime walk at work ~1 mile.

I have been admittedly lax on the 5Ks. I'm around 20min, which is pretty far off my high school times. But for 38 and just getting back into it, I'll take it. Also, age seems to be cruel I have this layer of fat over my torso which won't go away, and the stomach muscles I've developed from ab workouts seem to have built over the top of it, making me feel a little like a gorilla.


Staff member
My students told me last week that I'm getting "guy muscles." I've been doing resistance band and kettle bell exercises for about 2 months. I can see and feel the difference in my arms and back.

Also, I wanted something like pizza or burgers for dinner, but I'm happily eating a spicy turmeric baked chicken breast and some carrots and peas. ^_^
So I rode an exercise bike for 30min at max resistance (I used to cycle everywhere, my legs have been used to it, they didn't hurt the next day so probably good).
The computer claims I burned 70 calories.
In order to lose a pound of fat (3500 calories), that means I would have to ride that bike for another 25 hours straight.
Biology! Y U so efficient?



Staff member
So I rode an exercise bike for 30min at max resistance (I used to cycle everywhere, my legs have been used to it, they didn't hurt the next day so probably good).
The computer claims I burned 70 calories.
In order to lose a pound of fat (3500 calories), that means I would have to ride that bike for another 25 hours straight.
Biology! Y U so efficient?

Exercise doesn't work for weight loss.

Well, it sorta does, but not enough for it to be the front line against your waistline, as evidenced by both your article and my semi-scientific data.
However, what exercise does do is strengthen the body and mind, contribute to a person's sense of purpose, and as a side-effect can contribute to a person's attractiveness. In moderation (seriously, you need to be careful), it is the good kind of stress. If you want to really burn calories, take up an engrossing hobby or plan your finances, anything to keep your brain nice and busy. Your brain burns 20% of your daily calories, and that's not counting what you add to it with activity. I have a reasonably good-sized book I need to finish by the 20th and I've been reading it while I do that biking. Not only am I finally going to finish it, I'm cross-training!

Now in about a week and a half, I'm finally going to go home after about 140 days away, so I can use all of these things. Therefore, I'll be riding that bike for at least 30min a day, unless my legs continue giving me absolutely no problems, in which case I might I might ride it twice a day until I leave. It's a bit like brushing your teeth a little extra every day for the week before you go to the dentist.


You know, writing the above post got me to thinking that one of the biggest benefits of exercise is that it conditions you (body and mind) how to react to stress. It conditions you to seek your stress relief via exercise rather than via stuffing things into your face.

I feel like that's something important enough to specifically call out here. It does sound rather unfair, though. "Having trouble getting motivated to exercise? No problem! You can fix that by exercising!"

I got into a funk last month (just from stress), and stopped working out, after a month and a half of working out daily. Today was the first time I've working out in more than 30 days. So far today, I feel awesome, but for the last month plus I felt like 100% pure crap most of the time. I was extra moody, had to up my dose of Zoloft (with the doctor's consent), had little to no sex drive, had almost zero self-confidence, and my daily average blood glucose went back up from 110 to 180. All from stress. So this past week I decided dedication to the company is great and all, but I was only going to work 50 hours, not the 60 - 72 I had been doing, I was going to come home and relax and have some fun this weekend, and get back into the habit of working out. Here's hoping that I don't completely lose my motivation again.


Staff member
Even a 20-30 minute walk is better than nothing, and it's a pleasant way to wind down the day. Good luck keeping up with your routine!
I have been doing Couch to 5k to do the 4th of July 5k in town with my husband and daughter. I just finished day 5 (running about every other day), and I still have to force myself to just suck it up and do it. Exercise is mentally exhausting.
I started up with food tracking again using My Fitness Pal. I have really let myself slide badly in both diet and exercise. I'm eating my emotions and feel so blah that I can't motivate myself to even go walk (depression and the fact that walking doesn't give me the adrenaline rush I crave from exercise). I've been feeling sorry for myself, but I realize a constant pity party isn't going to spurn me toward living healthier.
Diet-wise I need to cut back on the carbs and increase my protein. I also have to stop mindlessly eating at night. Calorie-wise I'm doing ok so far though.
Yesterday we went to the beach. I spent about 45 minutes boogie boarding. Holy crap that was a workout and a load of fun. My abs were so sore when I was done that I thought I was going to puke (I swallowed some salt water, too, so that didn't help my stomach any). Today I'm feeling it pretty much all over. I'd go back right now though if that particular beach wasn't so overcrowded.
I've been doing Couch to 5k, more for my own cardio health than to lose weight, even though I do need to do both. My Fitbit says it's working. :D

I had to move boxes upon boxes upon boxes over a period of about 10 days (move everything, rest a day, move it again, rest another day, move it up/down stairs, rest again). In that 10-day period, I lost just under 5 pounds.


Started today with a 5k, I was slow as heck, but I still worked my ass off to go the pace I managed, so we'll call it a win.
