By all accounts he's now on the main roster, so I can't wait for his bright future in a tag team with Cody Rhodes or wrestling Fandango on the pre-show
Thank God. That gimmick was freaking horrible.RIP Axlemania
Axelmania was great right until WWE Creative decided they needed to take more control over it. A prime example of them not getting the joke and not understanding why it was starting to get over.Thank God. That gimmick was freaking horrible.
If it wasn't exposed like it was, they wouldn't give a shit. Michael Hayes still works there and there's boatloads of incidents where he said massively racist shit. WWE is double standards, the company.I'm not a fan of racism or Hogan, but...Really? We're going to start losing people jobs and that sort of thing over pillow talk? It's pretty much the definition of private. Too bad if he's racist, but I've said my fair share of "wrong" things in the seclusion of my own home, either jokingly or drunk or stoned or whatever, or just shooting the shit with not-so-politically-correct friends. Even if you're a (fairly) public figure, I really don't like the idea that you have to be 100% PC and 100% mainstream in your thoughts 100% of the time. Blergh.
It's a lot easier to cut ties with the guy you are currently doing favors for and don't need around, even if he's basically the only reason you have your entire empire. Not saying Hulk deserves to have his accomplishments wiped (because he doesn't) but I can't really blame WWE for not wanting to keep him around if he's going to get caught saying that kind of stuff. They have a business to look after and considering some of ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE RACIST SHIT we're willing to put in the past and forgive them for (like the Iron Sheik), I'm willing to give them some leeway when they feel they need to be proactive about this stuff in the now.If it wasn't exposed like it was, they wouldn't give a shit. Michael Hayes still works there and there's boatloads of incidents where he said massively racist shit. WWE is double standards, the company.
^^^The WWE might just be taking this opportunity to wash their hands of him without seeming like they are kicking him while he's down.
IIRC, I think it was Gawker, another celebrity tabloid site like TMZ famous for it's love for controversy with famous people. I would not be surprised if they're getting back at him for taking them to court over his sex tape leak, the people over at Gawker sound like total douchebags. He also went off about his daughter's music career; about eight years ago, I think.
This is apparently what's got people's panties all twisted: him recounting a story about Booker T calling him the n-word. It this was a big deal, it would've been a big deal THREE YEARS AGO.
Though someone else has said that he was recorded by National Enquirer or someone where he's going on a long, racist tangent.
I mean, they're trying to scrub him from WWE history like they did with Benoit. It's gotta be something big to do that.
He can work the mic quite well, but they're going to do what they do to every Russian character - start strong, and then throw them into the comedy role. Rusev is already just a face turn away from becoming the new Santino. That fish joke is only the beginning.It's funny how when Lana and Rusev were an onscreen thing, I didn't think he could work without her. But there he is, being pretty entertaining on his own (sort of) and she seems to be the one languishing without him.
I really want them to form a group called The Equestrians.Ok Summerslam, try to top this moment. Seriously.
…of the Cataclysm?I really want them to form a group called The Equestrians.