The Duggars - who hid and tried to minimise their son's sexual abuse of his sisters and others, didn't send him to counseling at first but sent him to faith-based healing centers and all that jazz - want a reality show about them counseling abuse victims to help them cope.

...I literally cannot even.

This is probably literally the very worst idea I have ever, ever heard for a show. I'm at an absolute loss for words at beginning to describe how wrong and bad this would be, unless the show existed of abuse victims coming in and kicking them in the jewels for letting their son carry on.
Is he Jack Cox or is he Jack Sullivan? They weren't married at the time.
It's never been brought up in the show and as it was more of a throwaway joke than anything, I didn't really look it up.

Looking at wikis and such now, though, he always seems to be listed as Cox.
Think with your bank account instead of your heart or brain or soul and then it will make cents.
In America and all that, I guess. I can't even fathom watching it. Not even as a guilty pleasure or for the drama. The victims are so likely to be "helped" so much in the wrong direction all I want to do is punch whoever had the idea straight in the face.


Staff member

The Duggars - who hid and tried to minimise their son's sexual abuse of his sisters and others, didn't send him to counseling at first but sent him to faith-based healing centers and all that jazz - want a reality show about them counseling abuse victims to help them cope.

...I literally cannot even.

This is probably literally the very worst idea I have ever, ever heard for a show. I'm at an absolute loss for words at beginning to describe how wrong and bad this would be, unless the show existed of abuse victims coming in and kicking them in the jewels for letting their son carry on.
This hurts my soul. I was trying to figure out if this is true, and as awful as it seems, and I just keep finding worse things.

"But the abuse that apparently happened in the Duggar family wasn’t just about Josh Duggar—it was about an entire system of abuse. The Duggars followed the teachings of Bill Gothard, founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles. Gothard’s literature spans everything from homeschool curriculums to counseling resources—including a worksheet for counseling victims of sexual abuse. In it, victims are asked to examine whether they were to blame for what happened."

What the hell? NO. No, no, no. Not enough 'no' to know, how much NO I want to know. Dear God, no.
It's never been brought up in the show and as it was more of a throwaway joke than anything, I didn't really look it up.

Looking at wikis and such now, though, he always seems to be listed as Cox.
I honestly don't remember them ever mentioning it, that's why I asked. Considering Jordan didn't tell Dr. Cox Jack was his for a few episodes and given her personality (not to mention how Dr. Cox feels about his father), I wouldn't be surprised if both kids were Sullivans.

On the other hand, it's a good thing he's not Dr. As. ;)
New gateway has arrived... a week after I swapped out my old modem for a newer one. :p

But... this one is wi-fi ac, and has 8 channels, so it will top out (eventually) at 350Mbps. Upgrade on top of upgrade. :)


Staff member

Dude gets himself and his dog stuck in skate park hole. The rain made it too slick to climb out.

He turned to Twitter, who basically treated it like an adventure game and helped him combine his items in order to get out. It's pretty awesome.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't know who Ryan North was, but I guess he created Dinosaur Comics.
"Come to this hole in the next several days IF U WANT A SINCERE THANK YOU" made me chuckle.


Staff member
Most attention my research ever got was when I proposed a method for detecting spilled oil. This is an often overlooked part of cleanup. The public generally assumes you just know where it is. In reality, most oil is detected by the sophisticated method of, "Hey, there it is!" which is crap. Not to mention you need to know the thickness to properly apply countermeasures.
I think someone injected me with tumblr. While sleep deprived and bored at work, I've been seriously contemplating how a Pacific Rim / Avengers crossover would work or imagining how the team would react to various "movie nights" at the Avengers Tower.

I think I need to go home and drink Mitchner's small batch bourbon until I fall asleep.
I think someone injected me with tumblr. While sleep deprived and bored at work, I've been seriously contemplating how a Pacific Rim / Avengers crossover would work or imagining how the team would react to various "movie nights" at the Avengers Tower.

I think I need to go home and drink Mitchner's small batch bourbon until I fall asleep.
"Call it, Captain."

"All right, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you in that chopper, eyes on everything, call out movements and patterns. Stark, you got the perimeter, anything gets within ten miles of the coast, you turn it back or you turn it to ash. Thor, you gotta try to zap that portal. You've got the lightning, see if it works underwater, and if possible try not to kill off the local fish stocks. Natasha, you and me, we stay here in the command center and give expository dialogue. And Hulk... you fight the kaiju."

"What about us?"

"Oh right, you guys are Avengers too now. Okay, Falcon, you fly around and give expository dialogue in the air. Vision, you stay out of this fight because you treasure life, and you don't want to kill the kaiju. Rhodes, you fly with Stark, and make sure you guys have a really funny and heartwarming buddy dynamic. Wanda, you stay in the command center with us, until you figure out how to close the portal in a classic deus ex machina moment."
What's been really rough about this breakup is how everything reminds me of my ex. You know, we loved that song, we used to go to that place, we both watched that show.

And of course the reminder of the day that we broke up:

My credit card bill is approximately half of what it was the prior month.


Staff member
What's been really rough about this breakup is how everything reminds me of my ex. You know, we loved that song, we used to go to that place, we both watched that show.

And of course the reminder of the day that we broke up:

My credit card bill is approximately half of what it was the prior month.
I've been there. I feel you. So very.
Duggar blames his infidelity and porn addiction on Satan

Dude, even in the Bible "Satan made me do it" doesn't fly. It's Adam and Eve's fault for listening, not Satan's fault for trying to trick them - that's his whole schtick. Being a good Christian isn't about not being tempted, it's about not giving in. You failed. You. Man up, accept responsibility for your own actions and your own failure, and perhaps you can do something right. "I'm sorry I'm so weak" isn't what Jesus would've done.
I very rarely talk about my personal life, but Nate and I have been together for ten years today. :D

I don't know what else to say really, but I'm excited and we're celebrating by playing video games and eating Mac N' Cheese. It's a good night. :heart:

10 years is nuts. I only personally know three couples (from my generation of friends from high school) that have made it that long.

10 years is nuts. I only personally know three couples (from my generation of friends from high school) that have made it that long.
I believe that you are near my age Frank, I'm thinking that it might be where you are from.
We've, from my wife's and my graduating classes, had at least 5 couple celebrate being together for 25 years (dating/married total years) in just the last couple of months. We know one couple that have been dating/married for 32 years, graduated with me, and my wife and I are bumping around 29 years together in the next month or so. I'm not sure, but this is an educated guess, of exact numbers, but there are close to 20 other couples that are moving in on totals of 20 years together in the next year or two.