Wii U Love Thread

^She's right. I didn't try putting in the name; I just went to register and saw that it still requested Nintendo Network code, but typing in the name is just as good.

Thanks, Dei.
If it makes you feel better, you were correct before Nintendo started doing Nintendo network IDs
Thanks to Bluefin Depot's presence in Splatfest, it's time for more Mario Maker!

I should probably get to making my own levels again, but I've been soaking in some of the crap from 100-Mario stuff (I think I find 2/16 decent levels each time). Levels don't have to ape Mario levels, but they still need to be designed with thought. I think some makers set it up to give you a ton of lives, not realizing the most you can gain is three.

NOT my level, but this is a good one. Simple, but really difficult. I never played Super Meat Boy, but I recognize similar design aspects in Dark Souls, for example, giving you breathers between some of the challenge spots. I couldn't beat it (at least not yet) but it definitely made me think I could if I kept at it.

Super Meat Bros.
I'm currently trying to design a timed maze level...

On graph paper so I don't lose track of where everything is going.
I'm trying to build a level a day. I really like today's so far. I'm having fun with my day 2 items.

More than tiered power ups I wish there was a mode that let you string levels and lives together.
I think if I had a Wii U, I'd want to make levels more akin to classic mario levels. I've watched a lot of videos on mario maker, and there's this huge focus on X-TREEMEE LEVEL MAKING, with 100 goombas being shoved down your throat. I dunno, I'd want to make something a bit more accessible.
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I'm trying to build a level a day. I really like today's so far. I'm having fun with my day 2 items.

More than tiered power ups I wish there was a mode that let you string levels and lives together.
Well, you can do that on a local level, each "World" of 4 is playable in a string starting with 3 lives.
I think if I had a Wii U, I'd want to make levels more akin to classic mario levels. I've watched a lot of videos on mario maker, and there's this huge focus on X-TREEMEE LEVEL MAKING, with 100 goombas being shoved down your throat. I dunno, I'd want to make something a bit more accessible.
Those are my preference overall as well, and I think later on those will become the levels that get attention. Right now, with the tools having been in people's hands for only a week, it's a lot of enemy spam and "don't move" levels where the level plays itself. So, the two opposite ends of the difficulty spectrum. If a level's hard, I want it to be designed that way, not just a mess. At the same time, an easy level should be more like, you could do it in one shot if you're careful, but if you rush you're going to screw up.

There's an outside bracket to this, and that's the levels that are more experiments in something different, like this weird Bowser in a ditch level, or one that worked like Metroid. They're not Mario, but they're trying something new and a lot of them are fun.

Really, more people need to check out the tips on level design and the idea booklet that comes with the game. There's no shame in stealing a good idea. One silly moment from one level I played has inspired an entire course out of me, the idea now expanded upon and exaggerated. Hopefully people will find it fun.
I think if I had a Wii U, I'd want to make levels more akin to classic mario levels. I've watched a lot of videos on mario maker, and there's this huge focus on X-TREEMEE LEVEL MAKING, with 100 goombas being shoved down your throat. I dunno, I'd want to make something a bit more accessible.
I mean, they exist, but Nintendo's search tool is crap/non-existent.

At the very least, if you get one of those XTREME!!!!!! levels you can clear it and get a new one.
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I'm trying to build a level a day. I really like today's so far. I'm having fun with my day 2 items.

More than tiered power ups I wish there was a mode that let you string levels and lives together.
You don't have to wait each day if you don't want to. Once it announces there will be a delivery tomorrow, just put down enough blocks and they'll deliver the new tools early.[DOUBLEPOST=1442682839,1442682537][/DOUBLEPOST]
I mean, they exist, but Nintendo's search tool is crap/non-existent.
Though I'm not sure how they'd do that. Can't really just type in "professional-style levels".
You don't have to wait each day if you don't want to. Once it announces there will be a delivery tomorrow, just put down enough blocks and they'll deliver the new tools early.
Yep that was the smartest last minute patch Nintendo has ever done.

Though I'm not sure how they'd do that. Can't really just type in "professional-style levels".

I mean yes, but it would be nice if people could tag their levels or SOMETHING
I mean yes, but it would be nice if people could tag their levels or SOMETHING
Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, that'd be good. Searching for a person's username would also be cool, instead of having to find one of their levels by luck or number first, and then checking out their stuff.
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Alright, this has taken me a good part of the day in testing and adjusting and such, but it's ready:

Button, Button
EDIT for fixed version: 2E7A-0000-0057-9A97
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If you guys could try this one and tell me if there's anything I should adjust? Especially time limit wise.

If you guys could try this one and tell me if there's anything I should adjust? Especially time limit wise.

The time limit never became an issue for me. Only big trouble spot I had was using the star against the thwomps; I couldn't get either star to last through them, so it came down to letting them chop off my big Mario form as the only means of reaching the door on the far end.

Are we able to edit them once they're online without losing the play totals/stars? Or are we just uploading them as "new" stages?
The time limit never became an issue for me. Only big trouble spot I had was using the star against the thwomps; I couldn't get either star to last through them, so it came down to letting them chop off my big Mario form as the only means of reaching the door on the far end.

Are we able to edit them once they're online without losing the play totals/stars? Or are we just uploading them as "new" stages?
I mean, you aren't supposed to use the star to get through the Thwomp. There's a better way. I might get rid of the power ups.

Yeah, I'm going to delete it and reupload, I'm trying to tweak the timer mostly. Do you remember how long it took you to beat?
I mean, you aren't supposed to use the star to get through the Thwomp. There's a better way. I might get rid of the power ups.

Yeah, I'm going to delete it and reupload, I'm trying to tweak the timer mostly. Do you remember how long it took you to beat?
Oh, I didn't see another way. Running on the tops of them got me killed :p. Though I don't see how else you'd get through the dry bones. If there's a puzzle aspect to either of those parts, it went over my head.

Attempts? I think four. As for how much time was left on the timer, I don't know. More than 10 seconds definitely. Again, I never worried about the time, it didn't seem to be an issue, and I think you're already at the lowest time. Perhaps if I'd had to find another way through the thwomps it would've taken me longer. Too bad there's no way to send demo versions between Friends on the Wii U.
Oh, I didn't see another way. Running on the tops of them got me killed [emoji14]. Though I don't see how else you'd get through the dry bones. If there's a puzzle aspect to either of those parts, it went over my head.

Attempts? I think four. As for how much time was left on the timer, I don't know. More than 10 seconds definitely. Again, I never worried about the time, it didn't seem to be an issue, and I think you're already at the lowest time. Perhaps if I'd had to find another way through the thwomps it would've taken me longer. Too bad there's no way to send demo versions between Friends on the Wii U.
I'd keep the star, but if you can't be big then you'd have to find the right way through the Thwomps. I feel the issue is that pipes can be dumb about dropping their items.
It can be weird when transit pipes are also item/enemy spitting pipes, but that's the case even in the official Mario games.

I deleted Button, Button even though it had two stars and reuploaded a version that removes a troublesome element later in the stage, plus some arrows because my wife thinks people might not notice the P switches.
