I've been enjoying the hell out of this season. for my money, its the best the shows been since matt smiths first, way back in 2010. the writers have finally gotten a good idea of how capaldis doctor behaves, and clara has been way
way better than in her previous seasons. I even like the dorky as hell sonic sunglasses, because it fits capaldis doctors attitude so well. he's the 'old rocker who hasn't moved on, and doesn't give a shit that its not cool anymore' colossal dork of a doctor.
If the twelfth doctor was a rock band, he'd be ELO.
The highlight of the series so far has been the zygon invasion/inversion two parter, not least because of that ending speech, because well,
good god damn. A two parter followup to the 50th anniversary hitting on political topics very close to the headlines, by the guy who wrote one of the more...controversial episodes in a long time (kill the moon), and slap bang in the middle of one of the strongest series in years? that was a hell of a thing to pull off.
not to mention the shades of tom baker i'm seeing in his performance.
The only episode I felt was a bit of a letdown was sleep no more, and that was more because the central conceit of the episode made following the story somewhat confusing. and it still had that immensely creepy ending.
And as for face the raven, I thought it was good! From what I could gather, the mark could only be moved the once. "it can be passed on, but not avoided altogether". I got the impression that mayor me's plan was to be the one who died in the end, but i'm not sure. transfer the mark from rigsy to herself, as a way of escaping immortality.