New Picture Thread

Been drinking shot of peppermint vodka with egg nog just about every day. No flush at all. Until tonight.

See how pale around my eyes look? That's my normal color. heh
It's bad this time. I even have it on my chest and hives down my back. I feel like I'm standing under a heat lamp, and I can feel my pulse throbbing in my ear canals.

one of these days, I should probably stop drinking. But that's just crazy talk.
You look like you've popped a niacin!

EDIT: For @WasabiPoptart and others ... "Niacin flush" is a frequent response to taking a large(ish) dose of niacin which has not been buffered and so enters the system all at once. It will dilate your capillaries causing a reaction that can range from an annoyance up to a feeling like a healthy dose of sunburn. It fades quickly, but it can catch you unprepared if you've forgotten about that niacin pill you took 20min ago.

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