[TV] The What Animation Are You Watching Thread 2!: The Sequel!

It also brings a silver lining if you think about it, how someday Marceline may actually be able to quit being the vampire queen and pass and another shall rise, all sorts of ways can happen in this show.

so the vampire king was a lion before vampirizing? How does that work?
True, true, also while unlikely I'd like to see where the essence came from,
when Marceline lost her essence it released VK and the members of his court, when VK lost HIS it became a barely sentient formless cloud beast. Chances are what made the Vampire king was something like that, something I bet was released after the Great Mushroom war.
This is why I'm going to miss Gravity Falls so much. A great balance of freaky, touching and hilarious. Why, Alex Hirsch, why?!?? :cry:
*Sigh* Yeah that's a shame. It almost makes me WISH that Disney would meddle for a 3rd season. Almost, cos we all know what happened the LAST time they made a third season of a show without the creator.
Don't know about y'all, but in prep for the new Hey Arnold Movie I'm rewatching ALL of the original series and it still holds up. I am also going on the wiki and learning some WEIRD things about this show. Like how that one lady housemate in the Sunset Arms who had only one line was originally supposed to have an episode where she had a crush... on Arnold. They were really gonna try and tackle pedophilia...yeah I can see why Nick meddled there. I am pretty sure they could pull it off, they pulled off alcoholism, neglectful parents, and the fall of Saigon but...yeah that might've been a bit too much.
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AWESO-wait *quick search* Okay Gendy is directing it- AWESOME! And when he was making the movie he said they'd address Mako's passing in some way.
ALSO-anyone see "We are the Royals" this week? I hope it gets more, because this felt less like a mini-series and more like the pilotiest of pilot seasons.
Ok, I just learned about the existence of Moonbeam City. Wow, is Rob Lowe's character an Archer knockoff. The rest of the show has potential in the funny department, but fuck it's hard when he's basically 80's cop show Archer without the semi-competence and right down to the elaborate backstories when he goes undercover.
Yeah, that's pretty much why I couldn't get into the show.

On the topic, I'm a little sick of shows with completely morally bankrupt characters who never face true negative karma for their actions. Archer? ALL the time karma.
On my gradual "Hey Arnold" Marathon and during the Valentines ep I heard one of the best lines- EVER!

"Mrs. Slovak, what if we don't really care about anyone? What if we have never experienced love?"

"Then you'd be me."
I was thinking about Danny Phantom last night, which made me look for it on Amazon, and I can get the DVDs for $18. DONE! Will be marathoning this during Christmas break with my kids for sure.
Star Wars Rebels

Well...shit that was sad. Was a little thrown off by Clancy as Prisoner X NOT beinga bad guy, but that might just be me type-casting, a damn...DAMN strong episode.
And that was this season of South Park, all in all its better to watch as a whole story than in an episodic format, where they barely scraped by with. A lot of people laughed their asses off at the Trump episode, but I honestly thought it had like just one or two good lines, the Yaoi episode is only funny if you haven't heard a billion yaoi jokes on the internet like I have, but the Yelp episode was absolutely astounding. Also, are they REALLY keeping PC Principal? REALLY?! He's not funny, NOR likable, he's a one episode character that they kept and didn't make interesting. Yeah the arch SURROUNDING him was neat, but he himself is just boring. All in all I rate this season as a whole a C-, not great but nor horrible.

I wish I had a glass of wine while typing that, would make me feel like Gerald Broflowski.
On my Hey Arnold trek, still holds up...but there are some problems. For one, the show had a major habit of repeating itself story wise, sometimes in a self-referential humorous fashion, but other times in a "Hey, didn't they all ready do this?" sort of way. "Olga Get's Engaged" is basically the same plot as "Olga comes Home", in that its where Olga gets on Helga's nerves, she tries to get back at her in SOME way, but backs out in the last minute due to a change of heart. Plus it ends up being a character retread, having Helga go through an almost Aesop's amnesia from what she learned in "Olga come's Home". BUT-that's only one way of looking at it, another way is how there was no magical episode that healed Helga's problems with her family completely, that it makes sense for her to relapse into her jealous attitude as being in such a neglectful environment might ultimately force her to do so. Final negative it uses stock-footage to an ANNOYING degree sometimes, the "Mr. Huyn goes Country" had just WAY too much stock footage, especially at the end where it was a whole minute song with only THREE shots over and over. It was torturous.
Saw the first ep of Nickelodeon's Doug today...this show was weird. Not so much surreal weird but more the "Did they really think people talked like this?" I feel people forgive it on account of the voice acting being VERY iconic and full of soul, Billy West in particular putting a LOT of talent into Doug's voice...and yet Disney replaced him. WAY TO GO GUYS-almost as bad as making Connie skinny-WHAT PURPOSE DID THAT SERVE TO HER CHARACTER? Another weird thing-LOOK AT DOUG'S FAMILY CAR!

It looks like a fucking flying saucer! Is this show based in the near distant future? Where animals also evolved to be able to walk on two legs , and humans could be born with literally ANY color of the rainbow for a skin color?

Also in the first episode there's just...a cow eating hay for some reason. Its never explained, we don't know who owns the cow, it was confusing. And if my memory serves correct, this was NOT a very rural community, it was a straight up TOWN.

So yeah it was...interesting to say the least, not as good as say Hey Arnold or Rugrats but there's a definite charm to it that I think is probably why it retained so many fans.
You are missing the point of Doug so hard that you pricked your finger with the butt of the sewing needle.

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Yeah... to get true enjoyment of Doug, you need one of two things.

- To have been a youngish teenager/older kid during the 90's

- Really good drugs. Lots of them.
Its a mixed bag really, on the on hand a good chunk of animation in the 90s actually WAS amazing(even IF the writing could get too weird at times), and the era was even dubbed the Animation Renaissance. But then we have the negative side of it, in Early Image comics, Young Blood, Spawn, Pitt, Scabb, Goiter, a hodge podge of crap. Also a Fantastic Four cartoon SO bad that they made fun of it in the comics.

Also I'm warming up to Doug, still weird dialogue, but its definitely good. Though I do wonder why they keep letting Roger into their houses, was this a thing people DID in the early nineties, invite people who'll just antagonize you?
MORE DOUG TALK-season 3 had some pretty adult subject matter in it, Roger acting out because of his dad's divorce, and Doug initiating MASSIVE trauma to Patty by destroying her old house where she, her dad, and her DEAD mom lived. HOWEVER-I find it funny how they were comfortable with saying her mom died, but when they mentioned Roger's dad they said he "Lived in Bluffsberg" not just straight up saying that he was divorced from Roger's mother. Being robbed from this mortal coil, never to eat yogurt again-THAT is easy to talk about, but parents breaking up?! DANCE AROUND IT LIKE ALL HELL! Its a problem that persists even today, and I think shows are gonna dance around it for years to come.