Where Do You Stand? (2016 Election)


Staff member
I'm for Bernie as well. I'm also watching Mississippi as he attempts to retain viability. I still don't quite get how African Americans favor Hillary considering their respective records - Bernie consistently for equality and Hillary when it suits her - but it is what it is.


I really think a lot of people are voting for Hillary as "Bill term 3"...I actually thought Bernie had a chance in Michigan because I know many Republicans who chose to vote democrat today just to vote against Hillary. Even given that, I think a MI win makes this an actual race now. Nobody was expecting Bernie to show better than Hillary in the south, but also NOBODY was projecting him to take Michigan. I'm super excited and happy right now.
I'm for Bernie as well. I'm also watching Mississippi as he attempts to retain viability. I still don't quite get how African Americans favor Hillary considering their respective records - Bernie consistently for equality and Hillary when it suits her - but it is what it is.
Superficially plausible hypotheses that come to mind but I have not fact-checked:
  • AfAms are heavily Protestant compared to the general pop, and Sanders is a non-Christian (a non-crypto Jesus-killer, to be precise).
  • AfAms may be disillusioned by the perceived (and/or real) lack of deliverables that Obama's presidency has given, compared to electoral pie-in-the-sky promises. As a result, they may be prefer a moderate candidate (Clinton), whom they may perceive as having more realistic (and thus achievable) goals.
  • AfAms may feel that minorities are more capable of understanding their plight. A white woman is inherently more minority-friendly than a white man (Jews are honorary whites in the U.S. whenever it's convenient for them to be).
  • AfAms have heard a lot more of Clinton than Sanders. An uninformed voter is more likely to know a long-term-high-viz politician (First Lady, Sec. of State, ...) than one-of-many mayor/rep/senators. Due to lower socioeconomic status, AfAms may be more uninformed as a population, thus pitting a known politician vs. a random dude.
With 78% of the votes in, Michigan is reporting 51% for Bernie and 47% for Hillary, with 2% Undecided. Bernie is ahead by 30,000 votes. At one point they were nearly tied (after most of Wayne County reported, which is very strongly for HRC) but the lead has grown steadily since then.


Staff member
So... like EVERY close election, everything is going to come down to Ohio and Florida AGAIN.
Sometimes I think things should be fair, and everybody should have their primary/caucus on the same day. Then I remember how much that would screw things up.

Then I go back to my original position of getting rid of the party primary/caucus system and implementing instant runoff.


Staff member
CNN does NOT want Bernie to win. In fact, most media outlets don't. Of course, they are all owned by a grand total of six companies, all whom have ties and reasons to want Hillary. So of course they report the super delegates as set in stone when they are not. I'm hoping Michigan is a wake-up call for the youth of the nation (we are! we are! [not Dave]) that if they use their voice they can be heard.


Staff member
CNN does NOT want Bernie to win. In fact, most media outlets don't. Of course, they are all owned by a grand total of six companies, all whom have ties and reasons to want Hillary. So of course they report the super delegates as set in stone when they are not. I'm hoping Michigan is a wake-up call for the youth of the nation (we are! we are! [not Dave]) that if they use their voice they can be heard.
A P.O.D. reference. Whoa. I wonder if anybody else caught it. I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been working for an alternative rock station in the mid 2000s.


Staff member
A P.O.D. reference. Whoa. I wonder if anybody else caught it. I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been working for an alternative rock station in the mid 2000s.
Well I just posted it 4 minutes ago, I doubt they had THAT much time to soak in the pop culture goodness.
A P.O.D. reference. Whoa. I wonder if anybody else caught it. I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been working for an alternative rock station in the mid 2000s.
I caught it. That song was played all over back in the day (as well as used in a Weird Al Polka).
How many sides of his ass can Drumpf talk out of at once? This morning he was hailing the beating of a non-protester "protester" at last night's rally, and tonight claiming he "didn't want anyone to get hurt" after tonight's was canceled due to "security concerns." And moments later denying all responsibility for violence at his events after months of egging them on.

The only thing missing are the uniforms and armbands.

This is what Cruz and Rubio pledge to support if he gets the nomination?

Y'all are Godwining your own party.
How many sides of his ass can Drumpf talk out of at once? This morning he was hailing the beating of a non-protester "protester" at last night's rally, and tonight claiming he "didn't want anyone to get hurt" after tonight's was canceled due to "security concerns." And moments later denying all responsibility for violence at his events after months of egging them on.

The only thing missing are the uniforms and armbands.

This is what Cruz and Rubio pledge to support if he gets the nomination?

Y'all are Godwining your own party.
Trump wasn't even in Chicago tonight. He also never received notification from the police.

A spokesman for the Chicago Police Department says the agency never recommended that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump cancel his campaign rally in the city.

CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi tells The Associated Press that the department never told the Trump campaign there was a security threat at the University of Illinois at Chicago venue. He said the department had sufficient manpower on the scene to handle any situation.

Guglielmi says the university's police department also did not recommend that Trump call off the event. He says the decision was made "independently" by the campaign.

Trump cancelled the rally in Chicago due to what organizers said were safety concerns after protesters packed into the arena where it was to take place.

Trump afterward told MSNBC in a telephone interview that he canceled the event because he didn't "want to see people hurt or worse." He said he thinks he "did the right thing."

Guglielmi says Trump never arrived at the Chicago venue.

Wolf just announced that having 67% of the votes means you have more than your opponent.

Aaaaand back to Pinky and the Brain for me.